11번째 집의 행성

The Eleventh House (House of Hopes and Wishes – also of Friends)

Sun in 11th House (Planet of vitality and individuality):

You are socially popular, able to attract and keep friends. You usually benefit through their faith and support. You have high goals in life, and an optimism that wins others to your cause.

좋은 지적입니다: idealistic and creative.

나쁜 지적입니다: a tendency to be domineering with others.

Moon in 11th House (Planet of emotions and instincts):

Your easy social charm attracts admirers. At some time in your life your goals shift and friendships are likely to change. You have a flair for entertaining in your .

좋은 지적입니다: emotionally intuitive in dealing with people.

나쁜 지적입니다: accessible to unreliable friends and scandal not of your making.

Mercury in 11th House (Planet of the mind):

You should have a large 숫자 of acquaintances, for you adapt yourself to a variety of different people. Your friendships tend to be based on an intellectual rapport. You are socially minded and usually become involved with groups, clubs, and societies.

좋은 지적입니다: clever at thinking of ways to achieve your goals.

나쁜 지적입니다: inclined to be impractical and/or cynical.

Venus in 11th House (Planet of love and pleasure):

You are sociable and fond of people and usually have lots of friends. You will likely benefit from your associations in both a social and a monetary way. You are drawn to marry a friend or someone you meet through a group or association.

좋은 지적입니다: a tactful, diplomatic touch with people.

나쁜 지적입니다: you are likely to confuse friendship with love.

Mars in 11th House (Planet of energy and assertiveness):

You actively involve yourself with friends and tend to be a leader in your circle. Your associations with others are likely to be based on mutual assistance or favors. You have definite goals and objectives in life that you energetically pursue.

좋은 지적입니다: willingness to help or be responsible toward others.

나쁜 지적입니다: you can be quarrelsome and argumentative.

Jupiter in 11th House (Planet of luck and expansion):

You are popular with others, and your associations bring you luck and happiness. You have high ideals and will likely gain your objectives. You know how to deal successfully with prominent and important people and will benefit from their influence.

좋은 지적입니다: cooperative and generous with friends.

나쁜 지적입니다: you rely on undependable or parasitical friends.

Saturn in 11th House (Planet of discipline and limitation):

You form a few true and lasting friendships rather than cultivate many superficial acquaintances. You have high aspirations, but must often cope with mundane delays and obstacles. The discipline you learn early in life brings freedom later on.

좋은 지적입니다: determination to reach objectives.

나쁜 지적입니다: victimized by unscrupulous or selfish motives on the part of others.

Uranus in 11th House (Planet of change and originality):

Your attachments and friendships often form suddenly. You are attracted to people with unusual interests and from different walks in life; you may be involved with the occult. Your ideals and ambitions are not run-of-the-mill, and you are often thought of as a unique personality.

좋은 지적입니다: lively and inventive attitude toward achieving goals.

나쁜 지적입니다: suffer estrangements from friends, and consequent emotional upsets.

Neptune in 11th House (Planet of spirituality and illusion):

You are drawn to artistic, sensitive people and are likely to form friendships because of goals you share in common. You are inclined to be an idealistic, compassionate person, concerned with giving help to others. You may join a humanitarian organization or a group with visionary aims.

좋은 지적입니다: intuitive to the needs of others.

나쁜 지적입니다: you suffer because of unreliable or treacherous friends.

Pluto in 11th House (Planet of transformation):

You are a strong, vital force in the lives of your friends, and involve yourself deeply with them. You are something of a reformer, and seek to bring about a change for the better in any situation. You feel intensely about your goals and may even have an obsessive personality.

좋은 지적입니다: strong loyalty to friends.

나쁜 지적입니다: vulnerable to separation or sorrow through death of friends.