Libra Man

If a man is born with the sign of Libra this categorically puts him under the ‘scales’ – a symbol that represents his sun sign. Libras are characteristically ruled by the planet Venus which is considered to be the God of love and romance. An obvious conclusion therefore would be the assumption that most Libras tend to be amorously inclined and naturally flirty. They like tending and nurturing a loved one, but they also must receive a similar amount of love as they bestow. When you have a Libran in your life, ensure you give them as much attention as you can, for then you will see a side of them you thought never existed. Though the scales generally take the Librans on one side today another tomorrow, there is no moral area for them as far as honesty is concerned. A deliberate omission is construed as a lie and if you attempt to refute that on technicality, Lord save you.

Libras are calm and composed at most times. They are jovial people who love all the good things in life today, in fact if you try to mess with a Libra man you will see that it takes a lot more than crass talk to make him spew venom. A Libra male can be regarded as a brilliant example of an ideal friend. If you need somebody to hold back your hair while you bring up last night’s liquid refreshment, this man will be the one. If you need a broad shoulder to cry on, find a Libra man and it’s sorted. This sign will go to whatever lengths necessary to make their loved ones feel unique and this is as good as it gets. You can talk him into doing anything for you, since a Libra man hails from a sign that generally lets the heart rule than the mind, it is almost certain that you can mold the Libra male to think and behave the way you do. No, they aren’t robots but then again, if they are shown today’s path, despite the obstacles, they will tread it once they are convinced of it.

Ask a Libra man to take a decision and he would rather let a coin decide. You can’t ask him to take a life or love altering decision because his mind, or today’s circumstances, will make it difficult for him to take a strong hold and stick with it. He will sway from one decision to the other without being able to come to a logical conclusion and will try and hide his disappointment with himself. But by the virtue of his ‘scales’, there isn’t much he will be able to do about this problem in his life. Though a Libra man or woman may not put themselves first when others are in line, they will definitely buy something that others won’t be able to afford or want to spend on. They are capable of purchasing the most ludicrous objects just to satisfy their heart and then not look at it again, ever in their life. Though not harmful, this habit may end up hurting their pockets a little.

Libra men are the shining examples of what perfect friends look like. There’s nothing they won’t do for you, be it holding your hair back as you spew the alcohol you drunk last night into a toilet, or simply being the listening ear or shoulder for you to cry on. If it will make their friend special, they will do it. It won’t get any better than that. Librans are ruled by the planet Venus, which was named after the same Greek goddess of love and romance. At this, they are born hopeless romantics and flirting is second nature to them. They nurture, tend to, and indulge their loved one. But their fair nature causes them to expect to receive as much as they give.

Libra man is almost too popular with women because he has the rare ability to relate to them on what might be called a feminine level. He has great personal charm and elegance and a refined esthetic sense. He gets so much attention from the opposite sex that he’s a little spoiled. If a woman doesn’t catch his interest quickly, he moves to a more promising conquest. Practice has made him a suave lover. Roger Moore and Marcello Mastroianni are typical examples of the Libra male.

The Libra man spends an enormous amount of time and energy cultivating 관계. (Remember, Libra is the zodiacal sign of Partnerships.) He may claim that what he wants is a stable, long-term love affair, but if so he wants it to be the perfect love affair. He is an incorrigible idealist, always looking for the perfect mate, someone to appreciate and understand (even idolize) him. He also has an inclination toward indecisiveness and tries to strike a balance between what he knows is impossible for him to have and what he has.

Libra male will go a long way out of his way to steer clear of upsetting influences. A woman will find it hard to pick a fight with him, for he never wants to give even the appearance of being unreasonable. In real life it takes only one to make a quarrel, and he’ll do anything to avoid being the one. He’d rather call the whole thing off. Rarely does this happen, however. He is the diplomat of the zodiac, the one who is able to strike a perfect balance between what he wants and what you want.

Lovemaking is his favorite recreation. He enjoys it and is good at it. But he likes to be told how good he is, and told as often as possible. The Libran man is very responsive to admiration and flattery, and can be a most imaginative lover. His intimate, intuitive knowledge of female anatomy and his active erotic imagination are a very attractive combination. If you want love to be a sensuous experience that transcends the merely physical, Libra man is what you are looking for. If you’re looking for a caveman, however, look elsewhere.