The combination of your Sun sign and your Moon sign produces a very romantic personality. You may make a career of love affairs and no matter how dull the rest of your life may be, matters of the heart will never be routine or boring for you. While you are refined, devoted, and discreet, a wild love affair is well within your capacity. Your ideals are your guiding stars, and you stick with them no matter what. You go after an ideal with the greatest of enthusiasm and dedication. You seem to have a tendency toward extreme excesses in much that you do. There’s a streak of pride in your nature that restricts you from ever stepping below your natural position or station in life. In certain ways this combination can result in a passive nature as far as ambitions are concerned. In your career or professional life you seem held in low gear by a force working like the law of inertia. Both Libra and Leo are signs of pleasantry, love of luxury, and sociability. These traits lessen motivation and to increase complacency. You like and enjoy people, and when someone crosses you or takes advantage of you, you’re a little bewildered.
가장 큰 강점
뛰어난 친절, 장난기, 온화함, 일상적인 상황에서 극적인 것과 희극적인 것을 볼 수 있는 순발력, 고귀함과 윤리적 양심, 공공 서비스에 대한 예술적 감각, 관대한 정신력.
가장 큰 약점
Vanity, reliance on others’ admiration and good opinion, luxury-loving self-indulgence and laziness, a stubborn refusal to recognize your own limitations, a tendency to make poor judgments when flattery will get you everywhere.
당신의 달은 독특한 달의 위상을 나타냅니다
당신이 태어난 달의 위상에 따라 당신의 달 표지판, revealing more about your inner nature than you could possibly imagine. You may be pulled toward certain personality traits or ways of thinking. And knowing about those predispositions can help you take advantage of them — or avoid them.
사자자리 보름달에 태어났나요? 아니면 사자자리 쇠기러기자리였나요? 이 모든 것이 무엇을 의미할까요?
달의 별자리와 달의 위상이 나에 대해 무엇을 알려주는지 알아보세요, 여기에서 무료 맞춤 동영상 달 낭독을 받아보세요.
우주적 자아의 비밀을 발견하고 나만의 인생 경로를 명확히 알아보세요. An 심층 점성술 및 수비학 출생 차트 분석 는 자신감과 목적을 가지고 인생의 우여곡절을 헤쳐나가는 데 도움이 되는 심오한 인사이트를 제공합니다.