Pisces Sun with Pisces Moon and Sagittarius Rising

Sun in Pisces with Moon in Pisces and Sagittarius Rising Personality Traits:

Pisces Sun Pisces Moon Sagittarius Rising
Pisces Sun Pisces Moon Sagittarius Rising

Having a Pisces Sun Pisces Moon, are you going this way or that? Or rather, are you really going your way, or that of someone else who happened to be passing by, and was rather interesting, nice, mysterious, etc.? Do you silently commune with your inner muse, or drown your sorrows in self-absorbed introspection?

With a Pisces Sun Pisces Moon, you are the most impressionable, receptive, and romantic of all Sun – Moon combinations, and as a result, you are very hard to pin down. You are also rather introverted and preoccupied with your inner world, which is very real to you although it does not always bear much resemblance to actuality. You are, in fact, quite a shy person, although you yearn to be truly understood, and normally respond warmly in happy social situations. Emotional sensitivity, compassion, and the gift of piercing insight are among your greatest strengths, but you need to be careful as they can just as easily work against you.

Basically, your feelings have a sort of universal quality about them which can at- tract all and sundry to your open door. You can literally feel as much personal pain about the plight of famine-beleaguered farmers in China as you do about the stray cat or snoring wino in the street. Befriending and helping those in need is instinctive in you, and you can be enthusiastically, and selflessly devoted to other people’s projects, needs, and concerns. You may express your altruism by working in the healing or caring professions, or on a more casual basis with your friends, family, and community.

In the right mood, you can create an atmosphere of warmth and conviviality, putting the stamp of unfussy enjoyment on everything you do. But you can be gullible and easily deceived too as if there is something in you that is asking to be enchanted and whisked off into a romantic realm where princesses live in beautiful castles happily ever after. You sense somewhere within you the boundlessness and unity of all life, and, like a fish in the deep blue sea, you naturally want to swim around in it. You need to dream, to commune, to move, to go with the flow of your feelings.

Your shyness often makes you withdraw a bit from life in order to avoid demands from the outside world that you ‘explain yourself’ – something anathema to your very being. For who are you? You are many things and many people, but you are not easily defined. You do not relish a high profile or heavy burdens, but if you do carry public responsibilities you will serve with heart, mind and soul.

Some Pisces Sun Pisces Moon individuals deal with their vulnerability by cutting themselves off completely from their feelings. If this applies to you, you will know how easy it is for you to disguise your fears with a joke or a penetrating insight. But some types go even further than that and become ‘cold fish’, actually polarizing into precise, analytical reason as a defense tactic.

With a Pisces Sun Pisces Moon, you may be one of those unclassifiable characters whose distinction shines through a whole personality rather than being reflected in a list of worldly attainments. Your essence could be happy as a poet, actor, novelist, soldier, postman, baker, ironmonger, bookseller, socialist, saint or sinner (to name but a few). You may find that something magical happens inside when you are on stage, as you love the experience of communicating your feelings to others.

Keywords For A Pisces Sun Pisces Moon:

Easy-going; emotionally receptive; unworldly; loving; shy; impressionable; perceptive; intuitive; idealistic; love of fantasy; generous; self-sacrificing; compassionate; romantic.

궁수자리 상승

궁수자리 상승궁은 독립과 자유를 선호합니다. 낡은 생각이나 어려운 연인, 지루한 일에 억눌리는 것을 참지 못합니다. 당신은 진보적이고 미래에 대한 낙관주의로 가득 차 있습니다. 또한 정신적으로 안절부절 못하며 새로운 도전을 받아들일 준비가 되어 있고, 생활에 열중하고 싶어합니다.

궁수자리 상승궁이 상승하면 때때로 조급함이 오해를 받기도 합니다. 다른 사람에 대한 민감함과 자유에 대한 욕구는 같은 성격의 일부입니다. 당신은 다른 사람에게 자유를 부여하고 다른 사람을 제한하거나 제한하려고 하지 않습니다.

궁수자리 상승궁은 기본적으로 인도주의자이며, 불의에 대해 깊은 관심을 갖는 이상주의자입니다. 개인적인 차원에서는 다른 사람에게 정직하고 관대하며 이기심이나 무분별한 잔인함에 직면하면 쉽게 상처를 받습니다.

As an individual with Sagittarius Rising, it’s true that you can expect too much of your fellow man. You have a knack for making friends, for you are very open to new people and new ideas. You enjoy a spirited discussion, an exchange of opinion. (Sagittarius Rising individuals have a reputation for frankness: other people always know where they stand with you.) You are interested in research, blessed with imagination, foresight, and clear thinking.

궁수자리 상승궁이 상승하면 여행하고, 새로운 장소를 보고, 다른 사람들이 어떻게 사는지 배우기를 좋아합니다. 일반적으로 많은 책을 읽고, 뉴스를 보고, 정기 간행물을 구독하고, 컴퓨터에서 최신 정보를 확인하고, 친구들과 시사에 대해 이야기하는 경향이 있습니다.

Having Sagittarius Rising, you prefer the simple life, with not too many trappings or obligations. You like money, but your real appreciation is for the independence it affords. You fear that if you take success too seriously, life will become boring. One of your problems is that you don’t measure the consequences of what you do. You are impulsive, sometimes reckless. To take action is the main thing, to do something about a problem. You don’t always stop to consider where all the activity may lead.

궁수자리 상승궁이 상승하는 분에게 결혼은 인생에서 가장 중요한 것이 아닙니다. 궁수자리 상승궁은 잘못된 사람과 (적어도 한 번은) 결혼하는 경향이 있으며, 불행한 연애 상황에 빠지게 되어 스스로를 구출해야 하는 상황에 처하게 됩니다. 여행은 인생의 주요 테마이며 외국에서 행운이 당신을 둘러싸고 있습니다.

궁수자리 상승궁이 있는 사람은 유쾌하고 쾌활한 얼굴, 넓은 이마, 밝고 유머러스한 눈, 친절한 미소를 지니고 있는 경향이 있습니다. 팔과 손을 휘젓는 제스처를 자주 취하며 강하고 활동적인 몸을 가지고 있습니다.

궁수자리를 지배하는 목성 행성은 여러분의 출생 차트에서 매우 두드러집니다. 목성의 영향은 행운, 행복, 관대함, 넓은 시야, 성실함, 친절한 사회적 매너를 부여합니다. 또한 불안, 방종, 자만, 조급함, 낭비, 도박을 부추기기도 합니다.

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