Taurus Man

Taurus is the second zodiac sign of the astrological calendar. It is considered to be an earth sign. There are peculiar and prominent qualities in a Taurus man. He is determined, patient, loving and reliable and considered to be one of the finest romantic partners for any woman. He values fidelity and loyalty and so, is very considerate and faithful towards his nearest and dearest whether it is in love, business or friendship. He is very devoted and committed to the bond with his other half and never cheats on his her. This man will constantly show his love for his soul mate and treat her as a princess and will do whatever it takes to preserve today’s happiness.

He will do everything to make his intimate friends happy and cheerful. He loves the company of his friends, however is happier when he meets them in his home. He is one of the most loyal friends. But when it comes to changing certain plans, like last-minute change today’s venue to meet, he is the first one to get annoyed. He might be a little boring at times and stringent many times. A Taurus male has a negative quality of jealousy. He may get possessive even if his partner praises another man. This can lead to strains in the love 관계.

A 황소자리 male is a well-organized worker. He will make sure everything that is assigned to him today is completed today. He will never use shortcuts to get things done. He is a born hard-worker and this quality is appreciated by his seniors. Any person born under this astrology sign does not like interference in his work. Thus, he is not all that great working in a team. He can also go to any extent to get his work done today. This means he can use negative ways to get his work completed. Overall, Taurus man is a loving, caring person but, also jealous and possessive.

Taurus men are faithful friends indeed. They see to it that they fulfill the promises they make to the people they value, and will most often go out of their way if they know that it will make their friends happy. He is a joy to be around just as much as he finds joy being around his circle. But you will also find that he is a home body by nature. The Taurus man, just like the ever reliable bull he symbolizes, is a very committed and loyal partner. Cheating is not in his DNA, and he will pamper his woman like a queen just as he likes to enjoy the finer things in life himself. On the whole, Taurus men are loving, reliable, patient, and determined – all the things a woman might want in a man. He wears loyalty like a badge, be it in friendship, family, business, or love.

He won’t sweep you off your feet and ride away with you into a crimson sunset. It’s not that he’s afraid to do this; it’s just that the idea would never occur to him. If his maiden fair were locked up in a tower, he’d be far more likely to call at the front gate to negotiate for her release. That’s the sensible thing to do.

Above all, this man is sensible, down-to-earth, and practical about love. In his approach to women he is deliberate, looking over the field before he decides. You won’t find him trying to win the prize every other man is after. He wants a woman who will satisfy him for the long haul, not a glittering chromium-plated model that’s all too soon ready for the junk heap. He prizes security and stability. This is not to say he will turn down an invitation to a weekend frolic with a beautiful blonde. The world is populated with millions of sexy, sensual, casual-seeming Taurus men who certainly enjoy making love. But scratch the surface and you’ll uncover a man who doesn’t want a relationship unless he thinks it’s going to last. When it comes to his emotional life he can afford to be patient.

He is very sensitive to a rebuff, but is so good at concealing this that most women never suspect it. He may appear too stolid to be really sensitive, but his tough-looking hide is only tissue thin. It isn’t always apparent at first meeting, but, in his own way, Taurus is supremely romantic. He puts the woman he cherishes on a pedestal, though he certainly doesn’t treat her like a statue. Unlike some men who have an idealized vision that they try to superimpose on a woman, Taurus loves the real you.

This man isn’t able to say “I love you” as readily as the more verbal types such as Gemini or Libra, but he will show his devotion by being unexpectedly generous. Of course, his gifts won’t be frivolous because he never loses sight of the value he gets for money spent. He’s the kind of man who will buy you a single high-priced piece of jewelry rather than a dozen gaudy trinkets.

Beneath a Taurus male’s reserve is a passionate, highly physical nature. For him, romance and sensuality are practically interchangeable. Like his female counterpart, he is simple and direct about his sexual pleasures. He sees no need for variations on the theme, but on the other hand, he has all the stamina a woman could ask for. His immense physical vitality more than makes up for any lack of variety.

Here is a sensual, strong-willed, sensible man you can depend on. He’s loyal, affectionate, kind, and faithful, with a fine understated sense of humor. A lot of women who are looking for Mr Right need look no farther than a Taurus male.