Mercury in Taurus in the 2nd House

Mercury in Taurus in the Second House

Mercury in Taurus in 2nd House
Mercury in Taurus in 2nd House

The placement of Mercury in Taurus indicates you have a need for security in the mental environment. Very often, this sense of mental security derives from a knowledge of physical security. Much of the behavior and many of the personality characteristics associated with Mercury in Taurus are a result of this need to have a mental perception of safety and security. Therefore, it is often the case that the functions associated with Mercury are focused in their application on acquiring and retaining the elements of physical and material security. This diligent application tends to concentrate those functions and develop tenaciousness.

Taurus is the Fixed Earth sign. Both the fixity and the earthiness of Taurus’ nature symbolically slow and entrap the quick and airy nature associated with Mercury. This is not entirely without benefit, as this forces these functions to concentrate, thus allowing them to fulfill their purpose. The benefit of the practical and concrete nature thus conferred is symbolized by the natural trine existing between Taurus and Mercury-ruled Virgo. Still, the fixed earth influence on Mercury can result in tension or a lack of optimization with respect to the Mercury-symbolized functions, as their natural proclivities are held back considerably.


Having Mercury in Taurus, if you are insecure, your lack of mental quickness and ready mental grasp can easily cause you to lose your intellectual self-confidence. You are likely to compensate for this feeling of inferiority by taking satisfaction in your possessions.  Your mind is thoroughly attached to its activity of thinking about gain and loss.  This attachment keeps you from thinking about the real value of life, which is not in intellectual achievement. Of course, if you also lack possessions, you are likely to feel particularly insecure and those functions symbolized by Mercury will be constantly engaged in thinking about your physical and material welfare.

Mercury in the 2nd House:

With Mercury in the 2nd House, the Earth influence associated with the 2nd House suggests that your mental energy is practical and grounded. It is likely that your mental energy will be turned toward matters associated with physical survival and providing for comfort and financial security. More abstractly, you may turn your attention to forming values. However, having Mercury in the 2nd House, if you do not consciously reconsider your value system, then it is likely that you will not deviate from the value system to which you have been conditioned – one that is dominated by material values and self-interest.

As an individual with Mercury in the 2nd House, much of your mental energy is likely to be occupied with material acquisitions and securing a safe and comfortable environment for yourself and those who depend upon you. You may always be thinking of how to provide for your and your family’s material security. Because of this focus, with Mercury in the 2nd House, you may be more likely to have a cautious and practical mental attitude. You are likely to view intellect as valuable when it is useful in pursuing your goals. You may have some antipathy toward those “intellectuals” who are concerned with less practical matters.


Having Mercury in the 2nd House, you may become inwardly insecure when you see your mental abilities as what must bring you success at acquiring material possessions and living in material affluence. That part of your self-worth that you attach to your mental and communicating proficiencies is, then, vulnerable to you achieving material “success” in life. With Mercury in the 2nd House, you may conceive that the sole value of your intellect is in playing the game of material acquisition. You dismiss thinking for its own sake as something frivolous.  If you are not successful materially, then you may disparage your intellect and turn away from it. This not only lowers your self-esteem, it also practically guarantees your failure in the material world. As an individual with Mercury in the 2nd House, you may compensate by redefining your concept of material success by valuing those things that are not rewards for a keen intellect.  You may also fear the burden of pursuing material success, due to your inner insecurities. This, also, may prompt you to reject your intellect and to appear dull and uncommunicative to others.

Intellect’s Focus

With Mercury in the 2nd House, you tend to be intellectually focused on improving your or others’ material comfort and security. This may take the form of seeking practical solutions to problems of material scarcity, using your intellect in financial matters to acquire wealth, thinking about wealth and welfare or simply applying your intellect to gaining material possessions and security. You may be concerned with the meaning of value, with determining what is really valuable, or with the science of ethics or economics.

성격, 동기, 욕구에 대한 더 깊은 인사이트를 발견하세요. 심층 점성술 및 수비학 출생 차트 분석.

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