물고기자리 태양과 염소자리 달이 있는 당신의 강점과 약점

The combination of your Sun sign and your Moon sign produces a pleasant, sweet-tempered outlook most of the time. There is a blending of emotional sensitivity and intuitive perception of Pisces, with the conservatism, deep ambition and prudence of Capricorn. The Pisces personality is naturally shy and sensitive, and Capricorn is a natural introvert. Yet when combined, Capricorn tends to provide a degree of confidence, drive, and strength of purpose, without being overly materialistic and shallow. Though you have your feet planted solidly on the ground, your sensitivity and capacity for sympathy enable you to avoid materialism. You want to get somewhere in life, but without appearing pushy or too determined. Subtlety is your style and method. Success comes from combining your inner intuitive perceptiveness with outward practicality, responsibility and integrity. You are practical, realistic, objective and persevering. Organization is a specialty, perhaps even your fetish. There is a serious note in your nature making you keenly aware of duties and responsibilities. Financial affairs may play an important role in your life and progress can depend on sound handling of financial affairs and avoiding the insecurities of indebtedness. The personal qualities of prudence and caution increase self-restraint and encourage control of the restless and emotional tendencies of your nature. Your desires for prominence, and social and business distinction prove to be a powerful incentive in your field of activity. You can achieve these goals after you have clearly visualized what you desire to achieve, as your success depends on concentrated effort. A good manager, you can easily see the big picture and prefer dealing with the whole rather than the detail of the parts. You have a tendency to underrate yourself and worry much too much.

가장 큰 강점

Genuine kindness, sensitivity to and understanding of human needs, pragmatic and resourceful imagination, shrewd perception, quiet adaptability, abiding integrity, deep sense of duty.

가장 큰 약점

Lack of confidence, timidity, proneness to pessimism and worry, tendency to be secretive and defensive, a somewhat moralistic and judgmental approach to human relations.

당신의 달은 독특한 달의 위상을 나타냅니다

The Moon Phase you were born under further refines your Moon Sign, revealing more about your inner nature than you could possibly imagine. You may be pulled toward certain personality traits or ways of thinking. And knowing about those predispositions can help you take advantage of them — or avoid them.

염소자리 보름달에 태어났나요? 아니면 염소자리 쇠기러기자리였나요? 이 모든 것이 무엇을 의미할까요?

달의 별자리와 달의 위상이 나에 대해 무엇을 알려주는지 알아보세요, 여기에서 무료 맞춤 동영상 달 낭독을 받아보세요.


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