Your Strengths and Weaknesses with a Capricorn Sun and Virgo Moon

The combination of your Sun and Moon signs produces a somewhat reserved personality, but one that is well concealed by the pleasant and outstanding image that is shown to the world. You bluff the appearance of being sure of yourself and your purposes. Actually, you have a great deal of difficulty making decisions and your self-assurance is very thin indeed. You progress best in activities in which the rules of the game are well established and decisions play a minimal part in the evaluation of success. You are well-endowed mentally, possessing a logical, systematic, analytical, and discriminating mind. Your strong point is in analysis or analytical criticism, as you seek to build up a strictly rational foundation of thought. You control feelings and emotions with an iron grip. In all emotional matters, you’re careful and controlled. Much of the time you are content to be pretty much a loner. You are not an easy person to talk to or to live with because you are so aloof, reserved, and cautious. Academically you may be outstanding, especially when it comes to facts and realities. Perhaps not so when it comes to theories and hypotheses. A precocious knack for grasping facts may aim the focus of your life toward scholarly pursuits, and your real strength comes out when you are allowed to focus your capacity for concentration on a single objective.


Dedicated and honorable nature, fine, analytical mind, refined, articulate self-expression, practical and efficient organizing abilities, desire to live a useful, productive life, love of knowledge and ability to use it for the benefit of all.


Lack of confidence, over-serious approach to life, which does not allow for the frivolous and mysterious, insistence on black-and-white facts, which compels you to try to quantify the intangibles, tendency to be calculating and fault-finding with yourself as well as with those you love.



Were you born on a Virgo Full Moon? Or was it a Virgo Waning Gibbous? And what does it all mean?

あなたの月星座と月相が、あなたについて何を明らかにするかを知るために、 無料ビデオ・ムーン・リーディングはこちらから。


宇宙的な自己の秘密を発見し、ユニークな人生の道筋を明確にする。(英語) 徹底的な占星術と数秘術による出生チャート分析 人生の紆余曲折を自信と目的を持って乗り切るための深い洞察を提供する。
