Your Strengths and Weaknesses with a Cancer Sun and Taurus Moon

The combination of your Sun and your Moon sign produces a very accommodating and gracious personality. Though you have a core of determination and purpose, you come across as a very charming, sensitive, and adaptable individual. You aren’t one to take yourself too seriously, and you are always honest and considerate. Thus, it is to be expected that you have little difficulty being very popular and well-liked by most people. You seem able to handle people in a frank and straightforward manner, but always in a tactful and acceptable way. There is a modesty and unassuming way about you, and you’re likewise impressed with others who display this trait, perhaps a little put off by those who don’t. So you may share your inner feeling with few. Not necessarily being over secretive and isolated, but merely selective and careful in your 人間関係. Sincerity and loyalty are two traits that you seem to possess and likewise, you require these traits of those closest to you. You know what you want and you can be very objective by nature. In many ways, you are introspective and seem to know yourself very well. You are impressionable, but have a good sense of balance and perspective, a well-organized and controlled person. There is a strong material side to your nature and money may seem attracted to you naturally. You know how to accumulate wealth and make wise investments. Some born under this combination even become miserly, though the appreciation and enjoyment of the finer things in life usually will forestall this tendency.


Powers of dedication and perseverance, shrewd perception, artistic imagination, practical idealism, belief in the worth of every individual, capacity to listen to others’ needs.


Fussy, overprotective concern for your nearest and dearest, tendency to be lazy and stubborn, subjective prejudices, your expectations about how others should look after you.




あなたの月星座と月相が、あなたについて何を明らかにするかを知るために、 無料ビデオ・ムーン・リーディングはこちらから。


宇宙的な自己の秘密を発見し、ユニークな人生の道筋を明確にする。(英語) 徹底的な占星術と数秘術による出生チャート分析 人生の紆余曲折を自信と目的を持って乗り切るための深い洞察を提供する。
