Gemini Sun with Taurus Moon and Taurus Rising

Sun in Gemini with Moon in Taurus and Taurus Rising Personality Traits:

Gemini Sun Taurus Moon Taurus Rising
Gemini Sun Taurus Moon Taurus Rising

For the Gemini Sun Taurus Moon individual, your Taurus Moon stabilizes Gemini flightiness. No matter how far out you may seem at times, you never lose your underlying emotional stability and direction. Your Gemini personality may get you into situations you’d rather forget, but your Taurus inner nature keeps you bouncing back, fresh and ready to take on new challenges.

Ideally, this is the combination of one who can bring original and innovative ideas into reality. Unfortunately, many Gemini Sun Taurus Moon individuals have trouble learning from their past mistakes. Because both signs of the Gemini Sun Taurus Moon combination are spring signs, you may have a hard time relinquishing childhood behavior patterns. You may always retain your youth—both in looks and manner—making it particularly difficult for you to shake off all your ties to childhood.

Your Taurus Moon gives you a strong need for security, but your adventurous Gemini nature often undermines this quest. Even when you feel you have finally found your anchor—in a home, a spouse, or a job—it’s not long before you are longing for something new. You never seem to be fully satisfied. Curiosity and the need for change often force you to abandon what you have worked hard to establish. Try to be less impulsive. If you succumb to that constant craving for variety and adventure, your life may be eventful, but in the end you’ll have little to look back upon. Also, learn to respect your own achievements, even if they seem to come quickly and easily.

With a Gemini Sun Taurus Moon, personality is one of your strong points. You can work your way into the affections of the coldest person, and your quick wit and buoyant spirits cheer and inspire everyone you meet. Your combination also suggests upward mobility and sophistication—no matter what your background, you have probably risen above it. An innate sense of pride and dignity set you apart from the crowd.

That analytical Gemini mind of yours is complemented by a kind and compassionate emotional nature. The Gemini Sun Taurus Moon individual is often everyone’s amateur psychologist, offering advice which is usually practical worldly-wise.


Stay socially active. Variety and excitement are vital to you. Withdrawal or isolation can be very dangerous to your psychological health—you need people around to share your thoughts and feelings.












牡牛座ライジングの場合 人間関係 あなたは嫉妬深く独占欲が強い傾向があるが、それを隠すのがうまい。あなたの弱点のひとつは虚栄心で、自分を嘲笑する人を許すことはめったにない。ライバル関係に対処しなければならないのは、あなたにとって辛いことだ。自分の才能にふさわしくない賞のふりをしようとするかもしれない。



宇宙的な自己の秘密を発見し、ユニークな人生の道筋を明確にする。(英語) 徹底的な占星術と数秘術による出生チャート分析 人生の紆余曲折を自信と目的を持って乗り切るための深い洞察を提供する。
