Aries Sun with Sagittarius Moon and Aries Rising

Sun in Aries with Moon in Sagittarius and Aries Rising Personality Traits:

Aries Sun Sagittarius Moon Aries Rising
Aries Sun Sagittarius Moon Aries Rising

を持っている。 牡羊座 Sun Sagittarius Moon, the Aries side of your personality is energetic, impulsive, and restless. Your Sagittarian inner nature is idealistic, freedom-loving, and drawn to the spiritual and philosophical. Like a child just beginning to understand its environment, you approach everything with naïve curiosity and total earnestness.

Others admire your zest for life and find it hard to resist your sparkling charm.

Having an Aries Sun Sagittarius Moon, you’re intensely curious, you are always on the lookout for something around the next corner or underneath some rock—something you might have missed. Unfortunately, your enthusiasms are usually short-lived, and you seldom delve very deeply into things. Even if you do become intensely involved in a project, it’s not too long before something new catches your interest and you’re often and running again. Concentration is not your forte.

If you have an Aries Sun Sagittarius Moon, you’re probably very ambitious, you set high goals for yourself; but those lofty dreams of yours will remain just that, if you don’t become more realistic. Although you may feel you have a life mission, you can spend the greater part of your life trying to discover just what it is; you drift from one scenario to the next, never really fixing your sights on any one thing.

Some Aries Sun Sagittarius Moon individuals are in danger of becoming lifelong hippies.

An Aries Sun Sagittarius Moon who has found his or her mission, however, can be a model of unwavering dedication.

With an Aries Sun Sagittarius Moon, courage, personal magnetism, and high intelligence combine to make you a brilliant leader when it comes to the management and execution of original ideas. (Thomas Jefferson and Charles de Gaulle are outstanding natives of this combination.) Professionally you would also make an excellent teacher, for your enthusiasm and cheerfulness are inspiring to others. Even the dullest subject can become fascinating when you explain it.

Honest to a fault, with an Aries Sun Sagittarius Moon you never repress your emotions, preferring to deal openly and straight from the heart. Malice and hypocrisy are almost unknown to you, but you do have a tendency to be a little tactless, speaking your mind quite bluntly and sometimes without taking others’ feelings into consideration.

Because you are so loyal, trustworthy, and generous, you expect that everyone else is the same. Unfortunately, that naiveté and good nature often get you into trouble, as it is quite easy for a less scrupulous people to take advantage of you.

Having an Aries Sun Sagittarius Moon, in 人間関係, you are open, sincere, and giving. It is important that you find a partner who can share your enthusiasm and allow you your independence. As in everything else, you search for variety in love, and this may be way you have a love-them-and-leave-them reputation. It may take a while for you to settle down, but once you do you are a model of loyalty and devotion.

Keywords For An Aries Sun Sagittarius Moon:

Visionary; highly-strung; explorer; impatient; emphatic; talkative; confident; intense moral certainty; exuberant; optimistic; big-hearted; fun-loving; prone  to exaggeration; outspoken; competitive; friendly; an adventurer.











宇宙的な自己の秘密を発見し、ユニークな人生の道筋を明確にする。(英語) 徹底的な占星術と数秘術による出生チャート分析 人生の紆余曲折を自信と目的を持って乗り切るための深い洞察を提供する。
