Venus in Virgo in the 9th House

Venus in Virgo in the Ninth House

Venus in Virgo in 9th House
Venus in Virgo in 9th House

The placement of Venus in Virgo indicates a need to be discriminating in your 人間関係. A propensity to examine your values is also indicated. This often manifests as a need for perfection, either in your relationship(s) or in what you find yourself attracted to. Much of the behavior and many of the personality characteristics associated with Venus in Virgo are a result of this need to feel that everything is perfect or that everything is under control.

The Venus in Virgo placement is generally a comfortable one for the Venus-associated functions. This is symbolized by the natural trine between Virgo and Venus-ruled Taurus. However, the natural semi-sextile between Virgo and Libra, which is also ruled by Venus, indicates some opportunity for tension in the placement. Virgo is the Mutable Earth sign. The Venusian energy is symbolically constrained or channeled by the structured energy associated with Virgo’s earth element expression. Positively, the changeable earth element forms successive filters for the Venusian functions to operate through. Having Venus in Virgo, this filtering promotes the discriminating faculty so important in values formation and judgment. Thus, the value-forming and appreciating functions symbolized by Venus tend to be more pronounced in your psyche and personality than is the case for most people.

Venus also symbolizes the anima in the psyche. Thus, if you are female with Venus in Virgo, you are likely to model your femininity to incorporate characteristics typically associated with Virgo. If you are male, you are likely to be attracted to someone who projects or embodies Virgo-associated traits.


With Venus in Virgo, if you are insecure in your own selfhood, you require everything and everyone around you to exhibit the perfection that you know you are lacking in yourself.  If you would only see perfection reflected around you, you may be able to forget your own inadequacies. However, having Venus in Virgo, no one and nothing measures up to your high standards of perfection, and therefore a perpetual state of dissatisfaction exists for you. This is accompanied by a constant anxiety over the disappointments that an imperfect world will inevitably provide. Thus, you go through life, worrying, fretting and criticizing and never enjoying or appreciating anything.

Venus in the 9th House:

Venus in the 9th House suggests that you engage yourself in your experiences and your relationships in a somewhat detached manner but that you are, nevertheless, involved through searching and expanding the realm of your experience. With Venus in the 9th House, you may be driven to use your faculties of perception to understand your experiences and your relationships. You understand through judging and by reflecting on your experience using the mirror of your values. Thus, there is often tension in your relationships and in your perceptions and attitudes that is marked by a pull to understand and experience coupled with a push away so that you can observe and judge.

Having Venus in the 9th House, you may, therefore, have a tendency to like and enjoy those activities where this combination of involvement and detachment is present. Such activities include the pursuit of academic studies, tourism, and spectator sports. The danger, in terms of your relationships, is that you may become an academician, a tourist or a spectator with respect to your relationship(s).


As an individual with Venus in the 9th House, if you are inwardly insecure, you will avoid any true understanding of your values or your relationships so that you do not risk questioning your ego-based point of view. Without questioning and searching your interior, you are free to experience “anything you like” in the name of widening your horizons. You may justify indiscriminate indulgence with the sophistry that you “understand the world” and have become free of the restrictions that bind more narrow-minded people. Similarly, having Venus in the 9th House, you may prove overly adventurous in your relationships, justifying a lack of fidelity with your need to “understand” and “experience life.” Alternatively, you may blindly go through life, claiming that you “just don’t understand” either people or events.


With Venus in the 9th House, you tend to look at the larger picture when making judgments and to take the broader context into consideration. You usually want to understand a thing or person before passing judgment, but once you think you have such an understanding, you may be very opinionated. You may like things that further your understanding or widen your experience of the world. You may be especially fond of or attracted to academics, travel and sports.

あなたの性格、動機、願望について、より深い洞察を得る。 徹底的な占星術と数秘術による出生チャート分析.


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