Mars in Libra in the 8th House

Mars in Libra in the Eighth House

Mars in Libra in 8th House
Mars in Libra in 8th House

The placement of Mars in Libra indicates that you are likely to have desires that spring from a need for social interaction and that your actions are likely to be influenced by your need for social 関係 and harmony. This often manifests in a certain grace, balance and harmony in your actions because you are motivated to please others and you are careful not to cause social disharmony through your actions. Much of the behavior and many of the personality characteristics associated with Mars in Libra are a result of your desire for and involvement with preserving social harmony.

The placement of Mars in Libra is often problematic. This is symbolized by the natural opposition between Libra and Mars-ruled 牡羊座. Libra is the Cardinal Air sign. Libra’s association with the qualities of balance and harmony generally lead you to be concerned about how your actions may upset others. This hampers the assertiveness that is a function symbolized by Mars and an essential component of the Mars energy. With Mars in Libra, you may often find that you must suppress your own desires and act in an environment of concern for others or even have to act through others. Thus, developing the Mars-symbolized functions to their full potential may be challenging.

Mars also symbolizes the animus in the psyche. Thus, if you are male with Mars in Libra, you are likely to model your masculinity in order to incorporate characteristics typically associated with Libra. This may present some problems, in that Libra is associated with a softer, more passive energy than is typically associated with the masculine.  If you are female, you are likely to be attracted to someone who projects or embodies Libra-associated traits.


With Mars in Libra, when you are insecure in your selfhood, you are unsure of the role of self in your relation to others. This being the case, you are generally reluctant to be assertive in a relationship, for to be assertive, you must be aware of and confident of your own position. Having Mars in Libra, the result is that your actions are likely to be dominated by others’ desires. It is difficult for you to take independent action and you always seem to be dependent on another for direction. If called upon to take your own action or express your own desires, you cannot and look for someone else to act or to tell you what to do.


第8ハウスの火星は一般的に良い位置にある。しかしこの見方は、火星が欲望やセクシュアリティと結びついていることに大きく影響されているようだ。第8ハウスは伝統的にセクシュアリティのハウスであり、火星の配置は "本領を発揮する "男性的なセクシュアリティを示唆しています。この考え方に従えば、あなたは一般的に、自分のセクシュアリティを親密に表現できることを示唆している。

Another dynamic that is suggested by Mars in the 8th House is the enhancement of your ability to act through the power that comes from intensity and focus. This is a power that generally comes from within you and allows you to act with force and confidence. It is your intimate involvement with your actions and with the thing or situation acted upon that is the source of this power in action.  Having Mars in the 8th House, you, generally, are not afraid to act. You know, often intuitively, both the appropriate form and the ultimate consequence of your actions. Your actions may, therefore, appear to others to be strong, powerful and fearless. This often inspires trust and respect. The outcome of this is often that you are placed in a position where you can lead or manage others.  With Mars in the 8th House, the intimacy that you wish to experience through your actions is often viewed by you in terms of control. If you can control through your actions, then you can enforce an intimate relationship with the object of control. This desire for control sometimes becomes an obsession. It may extend to all of your actions, from a desire to have power over others, to a desire to maintain control over your own actions, to a will to dominate your sexual partner.  As an individual with Mars in the 8th House, sometimes this desire for control can have an inhibiting effect on your active function. You become retentive and may have difficulty acting. You may wish only to act in secret so as to protect your “power.” The polarity of this is the urge to liberate the power of action that resides within you.


8ハウスに火星を持つあなたは、内面的に不安を抱えているため、親密さを切望するようになるが、手に入れられるものはない。実際には、あなたのエゴは常に親密さを経験する邪魔をするが、あなたはエゴを捨てようとしない。それどころか、パートナーであれ、仲間であれ、自分が置かれている状況であれ、あなたは "他者 "の支配者になろうと決意しているのです。第8ハウスの火星は、あなたの目にはコントロールを失うことを意味するため、手放すことができません。そのため、あなたの行動はすべて、支配権を確保し、維持することに執着する。そうすることで、あなたは他者を自分に結びつけようとする。



火星が第8ハウスにある場合、あなたの欲望は一般的に親密さや支配を求めることに結びついている。 これは性的な親密さや権力への欲求として現れるかもしれない。第8ハウスの火星を持つ人によっては、この権力欲がオカルトを通して表現されることもある。親密さへの欲求は、生と死との究極の親密さの体験に集中する人もいるでしょう。 あなたの欲望はプライベートなものであり、プライベートなままである可能性が高い。親密すぎて、たとえ親しい人とでも、あるいは親しい人にしか分かち合えないと考えるかもしれない。

あなたの性格、動機、願望について、より深い洞察を得る。 徹底的な占星術と数秘術による出生チャート分析.


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