Venus in Leo in the 1st House

Venus in Leo in the First House

Venus in Leo in 1st House
Venus in Leo in 1st House

獅子座の金星の配置は、あなたが人間関係の中で評価される必要性を持っていることを示しており、この必要性は、あなたの価値観を形成する方法にも反映されている。この欲求は時に、人間関係の中で優位に立ちたい(あるいは権威を認められたい)という欲求として表れます。 関係.獅子座の金星では、評価されたい、注目されたいという欲求が、創造性と調和する価値観を採用することで現れ、その結果、ドラマチックになり、自分自身に注目を集めることができます。獅子座の金星に関連する行動や性格的特徴の多くは、創造性を重んじ、人間関係において尊敬され、評価されていると感じたいという欲求の結果です。

獅子座における金星の配置は、獅子座と金星が支配する牡牛座の自然なスクエアと、獅子座と同じく金星が支配する天秤座の自然なセクスタイルの組み合わせに象徴されるように、特にアンビバレントである。獅子座は火の固定サインである。金星は獅子座の火によって象徴的に活力を与えられていますが、この火のエネルギーは、金星にまつわる生来の受動的な性質にとっては不快なものでもあります。について 人間関係 獅子座の金星を持つあなたは、他者、特にパートナーに "見せびらかす "ことを楽しむでしょう。その一方で、獅子座特有の自己中心的な性格が、人間関係の共有を難しくすることもあります。金星は一般的に、獅子座の安定した固定的な性質を心地よく受け入れています。しかし、獅子座の火のエネルギーが、この固定性を積極的な頑固さに転化させると、その結果は良いものにはなりにくい。



獅子座に金星を持つあなたは、自分自身に自信が持てず、気づかれないことや評価されないことを恐れる傾向がある。そのため、他人に好かれようと頑張りすぎてしまう。その結果、支配的な関係が生まれるかもしれません。自分の安心感を高めるために相手を支配し、相手に自分を認めさせるか、不安と自尊心の欠如の中で、自分を支配する相手を引き寄せるかもしれません。金星が獅子座にあるあなたは、自分が評価され、優れていると認められる関係を築こうと必死になるあまり、"自分のレベルより下 "の相手を選んでしまうかもしれません。

Venus in the 1st House:

With Venus in the 1st House, it is likely that your modes of evaluation and relationship are at once inwardly focused and externally projected. Generally, you are very much aware of your likes and dislikes. If you are more self-aware, you will also be conscious of why you like and dislike and even of the processes that you use to evaluate people and things. Having Venus in the 1st House, you will also be aware of the relationships in your life and the effect that these have on your own sense of self.  Relationships may not be as important to you in themselves as reference points for your own feeling or sense of self.

With Venus in the 1st House, relationships are an important ingredient in how you define yourself and the quality of your relationships can affect your self-esteem and your self-perception. Similarly, what you like and dislike and the things that you possess as a result of your likes and dislikes can have a self-defining role to play.

As an individual with Venus in the 1st House, because your tastes and your relationships are so important to your psyche, they are likely to be reflected in how you project your personality. Because people and relationships are important to you, you often appear to others to be a “people person.” Because you define yourself so strongly by what you accept and reject, you may appear to others to be an individual of taste. Often this may be reflected in your cultivation of a beautiful or handsome appearance. With Venus in the 1st House, the relationship between the reality of self and its appearance in the world plays a central role in your psyche and this dynamic is key to interpreting the symbolic meaning of Venus in the 1st House.


Having Venus in the 1st House, if you have not found your own internal value system you will have no concept of your own identity. You only gain validity for your sense of self-hood from the reactions of others around you. Therefore, relationships occupy an overly critical place in your life. With Venus in the 1st House, appearances, meaning your own appearance in particular, are everything. The appearance that you project, the taste that you portray and who you are seen with determine your self-worth. Your opinion of yourself is determined only by what others think of you. If you are criticized, or worse – ridiculed – you are shattered and humiliated. You have nothing firm of your own to grab onto.


With Venus in the 1st House, the self is the ultimate reference point for you. For you, judgment and taste are self-defining. You are known to yourself and others by the decisions you make and by your likes and dislikes. It may be very difficult for you to develop an objective point of view.

Having Venus in the 1st House, the self may also become an object of evaluation, as well as the subjective evaluator. There is a danger that you may be overly self-critical and may have problems liking yourself. In fact, whether you like yourself, to what extent, why and how may be an important issue for you to resolve.

あなたの性格、動機、願望について、より深い洞察を得る。 徹底的な占星術と数秘術による出生チャート分析.


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自己認識が人生を変えるほどのインパクトを持つことを、「自己理解」を通じて発見しよう。 詳細な出生図分析.自分の本質をより深く理解し、人生を明晰に、目的を持って、自信を持って航海する方法を学ぶ。