Venus in Capricorn in the Second House
山羊座の金星の配置は、あなたが実用性を求めていることを示している。 人間関係 そしてあなたの価値観。これはしばしば、明示的または暗黙的な目標に照らし合わせて、あなたの人間関係を測定する固有の必要性として現れます。山羊座の金星の場合、あなたの価値観は現実的で実用主義的な傾向があります。山羊座の金星に関連する行動や性格的特徴の多くは、人間関係やあなたの価値観の結果である結果において、達成感を得たり、成功を感じたりする必要性の結果です。
山羊座と金星が支配する天秤座の自然なスクエアと、同じく金星が支配する山羊座と牡牛座の自然なトラインの組み合わせに象徴されるように、山羊座における金星の配置は複雑である。山羊座は大地のカーディナル・サインである。山羊座の土星的な土の性質は、金星に関連する流れるような社会的エネルギーを象徴的に制限し、抑制する。また、金星が象徴する評価機能の遂行に必要な流動性を硬直化させる傾向もある。しかし、山羊座のエネルギーがもたらす安定性は、金星に関連する機能にとって有益である。山羊座は天秤座よりも牡牛座のエネルギーとの親和性が高いため、金星が象徴する価値形成と評価の機能は、あなたの精神と人格の中で、多くの人の場合よりも顕著になる傾向があります。 関係 関数はより難しく表現される。
山羊座に金星を持つあなたは、自分に自信がないと、恋愛で失敗することを恐れる。失敗から自分を守ろうとするあまり、慎重で安全なアプローチに傾く。山羊座の金星を持つあなたには、個人的な人間関係の感情的で無形の側面に対する感受性や理解がもともと欠けています。また、人間関係に感情的な深みを持たせようとして失敗するリスクを冒すことも厭わない。そのため、自分が慣れ親しんでいる現実的で客観的なレベルでのみ他人と接する傾向がある。 極端に言えば、親しい人間関係から完全に身を引いてしまう。こうして、あなたの人間関係や価値観全体が不毛でドライなものになっていく。
Venus in the 2nd House:
Venus in the 2nd House is generally a favorable placement for Venus, since Venus rules the 2nd House. When placed in the 2nd House, the evaluative and absorbing functions associated with Venus tend to be emphasized over its association with relationship. Physical security needs and comfort are the focus of the 2nd House and the evaluative functions symbolized by Venus tend to be employed in acquiring and enjoying what you need and value. Even your relationships tend to be oriented more toward practical concerns.
With Venus in the 2nd House, the psyche’s capacity to take in and evaluate impressions is particularly at home. You first determine what is good (or what is best) for your benefit and then you attract these things to you. This process of judging in order to acquire requires that you have a clear understanding of your own value system. Having Venus in the 2nd House, if you do not know for yourself what is valuable to you, then you will obtain what others (or what society) deems is for your own good. This basket of goods may or may not be what you really enjoy. However, if you know what you like and value, then, on obtaining it, there is no one more likely to truly enjoy what you have.
With Venus in the 2nd House, perhaps knowing subconsciously that there is no real security in the possession of material objects and wealth, you try to fill the void that you feel within by pursuing the acquisition and enjoyment of material and sensual pleasures. You are obsessed with what is attractive and pleasing and wanting to possess it. Unless you possess things, you do not feel satisfied; but even possession does not result in real satisfaction. You either fear the loss of your possession or you yearn for the next thing that has captivated you.
As an individual with Venus in the 2nd House, you are a slave to your senses and their perpetual yearnings. You are bent on acquiring more and more and you delude yourself that your acquisitions are necessary or that they are worthy and beautiful or that having is equivalent to enjoyment. You are simply led from one thing to another and you never discover or value that which is real and permanent.
Having Venus in the 2nd House, you are likely to be quite conscious of the degree to which you are materially secure. This is often an object of frequent evaluation and validation. How well off am I, today? What is my current net worth? This stock-taking, while generally taking place at the material level, can also be a spiritual or moral stock-taking if you have transformed your value system.
With Venus in the 2nd House, you are also likely to be judging whether a thing is valuable or likable with a mind to acquiring and possessing that thing. You may be asking the question, by how much will this thing add to the value of my possessions or to the enjoyment I receive from the things that I own? Lessons that you may need to learn in order to grow spiritually are that you can truly possess nothing and that you need to approach the world with equanimity because, ultimately, both pain and pleasure come from the same Source.
あなたの性格、動機、願望について、より深い洞察を得る。 徹底的な占星術と数秘術による出生チャート分析.
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自己認識が人生を変えるほどのインパクトを持つことを、「自己理解」を通じて発見しよう。 詳細な出生図分析.自分の本質をより深く理解し、人生を明晰に、目的を持って、自信を持って航海する方法を学ぶ。