Cancer Moon in the 1st House

Moon in Cancer in the First House

Moon in Cancer in 1st House
Moon in Cancer in 1st House

The Moon is in its natural home in Cancer, for this is the sign that the Moon rules. Here the best qualities of the Moon – devotion, patience, sensitivity—are brought out. The romantic, intuitive sign of Cancer and the sensuous, receptive Moon are in harmony with each other. If you have your Moon in Cancer you have strong emotions and perceive the world around you through your feelings rather than your intellect. However, because you do not openly show your feelings, it is sometimes difficult for others to figure out where they stand with you. In general, with your Moon in Cancer, you are more receptive than active. You store away impressions, reactions, and information until the time comes when you can use them. Moon in Cancer individuals often excel in an artistic or literary way. Imaginative and creative, you work best when you set your own pace and are not subject to the tyranny of time clocks.

With a Moon in Cancer, any impression that sinks into your mind makes an indelible mark. You have an extremely retentive memory. Moon in Cancer individuals are often found in professions where memory plays an important role: historians, teachers, actors, writers.

Having your Moon in Cancer, at heart, you are refined, delicate, and gentle. You may appear to be aggressive and forceful, especially if your Sun or Mars is in a fire sign (牡羊座, Leo, Sagittarius), but underneath you are vulnerable and easily hurt. With your Moon in Cancer, you tend to let your feelings fester, and indeed, touchiness, moodiness, and a kind of quiet self-pity always lie near the surface. Though you are subject to greater mood swings than other Moon signs, your ups and downs don’t last long. If you are left alone for a while, the dark clouds will soon blow away. One of the most striking characteristics of Cancer is the continual ebb and flow of emotions, which combined with the waxing and waning influence of the Moon produces quick shifts in temperament and at times makes you emotionally exhausted.

As an individual with your Moon in Cancer, you are at your best in a deep and committed love 関係. Unfortunately, you often have to go through an unhappy love affair before you find the contentment and security you seek. Even though you are motivated strongly by your feelings, in a curious way you are also afraid of them. With your Moon in Cancer, it is your nature to mistrust love, to feel you are somehow unworthy of someone else’s devotion. You will hold on too long to a relationship that’s destructive because deep in your psyche you don’t believe you’ll ever find another love. You also believe that to be alone is a fate worse than death. Very often early in life a Moon in Cancer individual must go through an emotional trial. But when at last you find love that feeds your soul and you feel secure, your personality blossoms.

Having your Moon in Cancer, you have a tendency to hold on possessively to a loved one, and a knack for subtly instilling guilt in someone you love, usually to test the person’s depth of feeling. However, among your most endearing traits are intense loyalty and dedication.

The sign position of the Moon describes how we habitually respond to other people and to the circumstances of our lives, as well as how we experience our emotions and seek emotional fulfillment. Its house position corresponds to the area of life in which we operate most unconsciously, according to past patterns and instinctive responses.

Moon in the 1st House:

The 1st House squares the 4th House, which is ruled by the Moon and is its natural placement. Thus, there are some challenges inherent Moon in the 1st House placement. These challenges may result in a weakened self-identity. However, the Moon in the 1st House also suggests the presence of compensating positive elements that play a role in the development of your selfhood and personality.

The chief problematic areas with Moon in the 1st House have to do with the Moon’s association with behavioral conditioning, influences of the family (especially the mother), and a paradigm characterized by reflectivity, reaction and dependency. These constructs tend to obstruct the development of a fully individualized self. With your Moon in the 1st House, you may find yourself working to extract yourself from these influences in order to claim your own selfhood.

On the positive side, having your Moon in the 1st House, the Moon brings to the forefront qualities of sensitivity, caring, openness and being in touch with your emotions. These qualities are then incorporated into who you feel that you are. Particularly if you are male, this may enable you to attain more of a balance between the Yin and Yang energies in your consciousness. Having the Moon in the 1st House may also predispose you to be open to psychic, subconscious or extra-conscious experiences.


Having your Moon in the 1st House, if you are inwardly insecure, deep down you will feel that your persona is not your own. Being nothing more than a reflection of other people’s will, you feel a lack of inner substance and you are plagued with a feeling of vulnerability. The emotional sensitivity that you are likely to have with Moon in the 1st House only amplifies this feeling of vulnerability. Your resulting behavior is reactive, overly sensitive and over-protective.

Focus of Emotional Development

As an individual with your Moon in the 1st House, you feel your emotions quite personally and they play a major role in the formation and expression of your personality and sense of self. Unless you have suppressed your emotions to avoid the challenges they present, you are always aware of your emotional state and “working on your emotions” is likely to be a primary method for you to further develop your personality and selfhood.

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