





Frequently the nodes are activated when someone or something comes into our lives, whether this is a person, a new job, or a new environment. Nodes may also be activated when someone or something goes out of one’s life too. Read the descriptions below for an understanding of a Cancer North Node through the natal houses.


個性の第1ハウスにある北ノード蟹座のあなたは、人生へのアプローチにおいてより共感的になるよう引っ張られる。注意深く、優しさをもって人生に関わる。世界を通して自分のやり方を感じる。自分の感情を第一に。第1ハウスの蟹座は、自分の感覚を信頼し、他人からのルールの押しつけに屈しないよう求めます。あなたがすることすべてに個人的な配慮をすること。自分の身の回りにあるものすべてを、まるで自分の赤ちゃんのように扱うこと。自分がいかに繊細であるかを自覚する。自分がいかに繊細であるかを、動き方、振る舞い、物腰、身だしなみで人に示す。自分の心を袖にすることを恐れない。強くなる必要があると他人に説得させないこと。傷つきやすく、かつ自己防衛的であること。適度な自己防衛と無防備さを学ぶ。自分が安全だと感じるときだけ、心を開く権利を確保する。自分にとって安全な感情的環境を作る。泣くことを学ぶ。自分を育てる側面に触れる。第1ハウスの北ノード蟹座は、感情的な親密さを保つのに十分安全だと感じられる状況に身を置き、自分の感情をすべて感じることを学ぶようあなたに求めるでしょう。強く、責任感があり、守ってくれるパートナーと結ばれると、警戒心を解くのに十分な安心感を得られます。パートナーに、感情的にコントロールされた人間になってもらう。 関係.人間関係の責任と、自分を大切にする必要性とのバランスをとることを学ぶ。比較的家庭的な生活を送ることに抵抗がないことを学ぶ。仕事中毒のパートナーの世話をするために踏み込む。よりソフトなアプローチを身につける。あなたのソフトな資質が他の人々に明らかになるようにする。また、1ハウスの北ノード蟹座は、気遣いのできる人としてのあなたの個性をより強調します。自分が何を必要としているかを人に知らせることを学びます。人間関係の権威であることにあまりこだわらなくなる。心が折れそうなときでも、硬い態度でいることがなくなる。


With a North Node Cancer in the 2nd house, you are reminded to develop priorities centered on caring, nurturing, and kindness. Allowing your priorities to change with your mood. Letting go of hard attitudes toward sex. Releasing the need to take control of other people’s money or property. Letting go of rigidity in intimate 人間関係. Cultivating a softer attitude toward yourself and being kinder to your body. Releasing the need to be an authority on other people’s business. Developing more softness in your body. Being less calculating in intimate relationships. Valuing your feelings. Cancer in the 2nd house will ask you to use feelings to gauge your value system. Not letting other people’s priorities affect you. Realizing that you value closeness and intimacy. No longer needing to set up so many rules in sex. Letting your body become more receptive. Resisting the urge to turn tough in times of crisis. North Node Cancer in the 2nd house will push you to retain your core values of empathy and sensitivity and become more sensitive to your own survival needs. Emotional closeness is a priority. Making your feeling life a priority. Learning to value emotions. No longer viewing intimate relationships as a means to an end. Learning to trust that what you have to give emotionally is valuable.


With a North Node Cancer in the 3rd house of communication, you are reminded to communicate with sensitivity and become more receptive in conversation. Becoming more receptive to the ideas and feedback of the people in your immediate environment. Developing empathy in your communications. Learning to communicate your needs. Learning to communicate your feelings. Becoming gentler in the way you converse with others. Feeling out the subtleties of conversation. Becoming less concerned with being an authority on the big picture. Spending more time with your private thoughts. Becoming more sensitive to your immediate perceptions. Teaching others with care and kindness. Speaking to people from a gentle place. Cancer in the 3rd house will ask you to become less concerned with the recognizable structures of accepted thought, concepts, and ideas. Letting go of an adherence to disciplined learning. Letting go of an adherence to strict doctrine. Easing up on harsh beliefs and philosophies. Talking about your feelings, your fears, your insecurities, and your needs while maintaining a sense of personal security. Opening up to the right people. North Node Cancer in the 3rd house will push you to become less concerned with rigid meanings and more concerned with truly felt, immediate experiences. Learning through your emotions. Easing up on academic discipline. No longer viewing education as a means to an end. No longer “going to school to get a job.” Nurturing people by feeding their minds.


With a North Node Cancer in the 4th house, you are learning to become less driven, and less concerned with your outer public identity. No longer living for your career. Letting your guard down at home. Less caught up in your reputation. Spending more time with your family. Nourishing the private you. Getting in touch with your private emotions. Less concern with worldly power. No longer needing to be seen as being in control. Cancer in the 4th house will push you to admit that you have feelings and emotional needs. Resolving your emotions concerning family members. Getting to know your family at an intimate level. Developing fondness for your roots and heritage. Creating a nest. Showing your family that you care. Sharing your memories – the joyful and the painful. Realizing that outer achievement probably won’t bring emotional fulfillment. Letting the world take care of itself. Spending more time taking care of the people close to you. Letting your knowledge of the cold, hard outer world make the sanctity of your inner circle that much sweeter. North Node Cancer in the 4th house will ask you to let go of the need for an established career and the recognition and status that go along with it. Accepting your inner shyness.






With a North Node Cancer in the 7th house, you are pulled to becoming emotionally supportive of your partner. Developing a gentler, kinder approach to partnerships. Releasing an overly dutiful approach to life. Becoming less of a father figure in your relationships. Becoming an emotional equal to your partner. Releasing the need to take control of situations and relationships. Cancer in the 7th house will ask you to create a structured environment where you and your partner feel comfortable sharing your feelings. Releasing the need to structure your significant relationships. Releasing the need to impose your rules on your partner. Taking the time to find out how the significant people in your life really feel. Taking time out from your responsibilities to hug, cuddle and caress your partner. Making time for emotional intimacy in relationships. Letting your partner know you care. Showing your partner how you feel. Understanding that your upstanding reputation has little to do with your personal relationships. Learning to let down your guard with your partner. North Node Cancer in the 7th house will push you to finding a partner who is sensitive to the subtle changes in your feelings – even when you aren’t. Finding a sensitive, nurturing partner. Learning to respect your partner’s feelings instead of demanding they toughen up. Accepting that your partner has emotional needs. Learning to meet your partner’s emotional needs. Becoming less authoritarian in relationships.

北ノード 蟹座 8ハウス/南ノード 山羊座 2ハウス

With a North Node Cancer in the 8th house, you are urged to continue upholding your personal values while becoming more sympathetic to those of other people. Developing a gentler, kinder approach to other people’s emotional traumas. Admitting that you need emotional intimacy in sex. Finding a partner who makes you feel safe enough to reveal your deepest emotions. Becoming less concerned with useful things. Becoming more concerned with the intimate sharing of deep emotion. Learning to respect other people’s priorities as much as you respect your own. Cancer in the 8th house will ask you to retain your personal integrity yet allowing yourself to dive into emotional complexity. Learning that snuggling can be as good as sex. Controlling lusty body needs as you get to know your partner at a more intimate level. Allowing emotional intimacy to open the way to valuing your body beyond the physical state. Letting go of too many dull and uninspiring priorities. Showing how you feel in intimate situations. Moving past the fear of losing control during deeply shared moments. North Node Cancer in the 8th house will push you to learn to value the experiences that can only be shared in intimacy with another person.


With a North Node Cancer in the 9th house of expansion you are becoming more sensitive to other worldviews, and respecting other people’s sentimental attachments to their beliefs. Developing a kinder, gentler lifestyle. Softening up rigid thought processes. Expanding your mind by embracing a philosophy of caring and empathy. Treating people of foreign cultures and with different beliefs as if they were family. Finding a “family” among people who have different beliefs and customs than you do. Finding a family-like bond among people who share your philosophy of life and lifestyle. Letting go of a repressive mindset. No longer needing to speak like an authority. No longer trying to control the conversation. Cancer in the 9th house will ask you to open your mind to emotional knowledge and understanding and become more sensitive to world events and the bigger picture. Embracing a belief system that feels right. Becoming more comfortable feeling out the truth. Embracing a lifestyle, religion or belief system that honors the feminine and maternal. North Node Cancer in the 9th house will urge you to find meaning in personal emotional expression. Broadening your mind by nurturing another creature. Nurturing others through higher education. Letting go of the unimaginative small mind. Letting go of cold, calculating thoughts. No longer planning your next move in the conversation. Learning to be receptive to foreign viewpoints.


With a North Node Cancer in the 10th house of structures and traditions, you are asked to maintain inner integrity while letting your vulnerability peek through. Releasing the need to be so hard on your family. Releasing your unconscious need for control. Letting your family live their own lives. No longer duty-bound to your family, ancestry, personal history, or roots. Moving into a more sensitive outward public expression. Becoming known as someone who is caring, empathetic, and kind. Becoming known for your mothering skills. Cancer in the 10th house urges you to show other people how it’s done – how you can express caring and sensitivity in public but still have integrity and earn respect. Choosing a career that lets you experience your emotional identity. Releasing the innate conservatism that prevents you from intimately interacting with the rest of the world. Legitimizing your emotions. Coming to a point in your life where displaying your emotions in public is acceptable and respectable. Letting empathy and kindness be your ambitions. Making the climb to put your most vulnerable self up for public scrutiny. North Node Cancer in the 10th house will ask you to learn how to protect your emotional life while simultaneously exposing it and making it public. Choosing a career that combines sustainability with achievement. Choosing a career that respects the past. Choosing a career that allows your protective instincts to shine through. Becoming a leader in preservation and protection. Choosing a career in which being a sensitive and caring person is respected rather than frowned upon. Releasing the need to be an authority on your personal roots. Finding a sense of family among people who have similar parental conflicts and issues.


With a North Node Cancer in the 11th house of friendships, groups, and society you are retaining your personal artistic integrity while developing intimate relationships within groups and organizations. Showing acquaintances and relative strangers that you care. Learning to bring empathy and sensitivity to group situations. Releasing the need for structured self-expression. Opening up more in group situations. Learning to share your creativity in a gentle and nurturing way. Learning to nurture the groups you belong to as they develop and grow. Easing up on your rules and regulations concerning your own children, or your inner child. Learning how to share your creativity with others in a way that feels non-threatening and inclusive. Cancer in the 11th house will ensure you are choosing which groups and organizations you belong to based on whether or not they “feel” right. Forming a “clan” or “tribe” with the people who share your interests. Experiencing intimacy, fondness, and close ties by sharing your interests within a group. Easing up a bit on your personal creative discipline. Learning not to be so strict with your inner child. North Node Cancer in the 11th house will push you to use your understanding of restrained self-expression to find the right time to make yourself vulnerable in a group.



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