


失恋後の癒し:すべての月星座のための別れの回復のヒント 続きを読む "

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新月、新たな始まり:乙女座の新月のエネルギーが各月星座に与える影響 続きを読む "

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Gemini Moon, Ground Your Ideas in Reality with the Virgo New Moon

On September 2, 2024, the New Moon in Virgo brings a wave of energy focused on organization, meticulous planning, and practical renewal. For individuals with a Gemini Moon, this New Moon is particularly significant as it occurs in a sign that shares Mercury as its ruling planet, creating a powerful connection between your emotions and

Gemini Moon, Ground Your Ideas in Reality with the Virgo New Moon 続きを読む "

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深い変容の予感:冥王星逆行があなたの月星座に与える影響 続きを読む "

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Pluto Retrograde in Capricorn: Gemini Moon’s Guide to Emotional Transformation

On September 1, 2024, Pluto embarks on its retrograde journey, re-entering the disciplined and ambitious sign of Capricorn. This transit is particularly significant for individuals with a Gemini Moon, as it promises to trigger deep introspection and transformation in areas related to shared resources, intimate relationships, psychological depths, and personal power. Pluto, the planet associated

Pluto Retrograde in Capricorn: Gemini Moon’s Guide to Emotional Transformation 続きを読む "

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September 2024 Forecast: How the Month’s Transits Will Shape Influence Your Life By Moon Sign

September 2024 is set to be a powerful month in astrology, with a series of significant transits that will impact each of the 12 zodiac Moon signs in unique ways. From Pluto retrograding into Capricorn to a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Pisces, these transits will bring transformation, introspection, and new beginnings. Below is a

September 2024 Forecast: How the Month’s Transits Will Shape Influence Your Life By Moon Sign 続きを読む "

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Your Strengths and Weaknesses with an Aries Sun and Gemini Moon

The combination of your Sun and Moon signs produces one of the most verbally active pairs in the Zodiac. You’re likely to dominate any conversation as your mind works fast and releases the information it has processed just as fast. You have to learn to keep things to yourself at least until you’ve made up

Your Strengths and Weaknesses with an Aries Sun and Gemini Moon 続きを読む "

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Your Strengths and Weaknesses with a Taurus Sun and Gemini Moon

The combination of your Sun sign and your Moon sign gives an affinity for sociability, and a definite air of simple pleasantness marks your personality. The contrasting elements of slowness of Taurus and speed of Gemini generally produces a Taurus person more apt to make errors of judgment. The natural trait of stubbornness may still

Your Strengths and Weaknesses with a Taurus Sun and Gemini Moon 続きを読む "

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Your Strengths and Weaknesses with a Gemini Sun and Gemini Moon

The combination of your Sun sign and your Moon produces what can be described as very high-voltage electricity. Not steady smooth electricity, but rather static charges bouncing from one place to another, constantly active. This energy can be channeled, but not for long. No matter how hard you try, you’re not apt to burn a

Your Strengths and Weaknesses with a Gemini Sun and Gemini Moon 続きを読む "

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Your Strengths and Weaknesses with a Cancer Sun and Gemini Moon

The combination of your Sun sign and your Moon sign produces a highly sensitive and intuitive personality. Flexibility and adaptability are your strengths and sometimes your weakness, as well. You are tuned in to your world and always eager to please. You are essentially a warm and feeling person, and little escapes your impressionable mind.

Your Strengths and Weaknesses with a Cancer Sun and Gemini Moon 続きを読む "

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Your Strengths and Weaknesses with a Leo Sun and Gemini Moon

The combination of your Sun and Moon signs suggests that you are a person possessed with both action and ideas. This combination blends the vitality, personal warmth, generosity, and authoritativeness of Leo, with the intelligence, cleverness, flexibility, and adaptability of Gemini. Your personality is perpetually searching for ways to impress others via these actions or

Your Strengths and Weaknesses with a Leo Sun and Gemini Moon 続きを読む "

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Your Strengths and Weaknesses with a Virgo Sun and Gemini Moon

The combination of your Sun and Moon signs makes mind power your greatest strength. Quick, brilliant reasoning is the hallmark of this configuration. You are rational, capable of figuring things out analytically, and of grasping details and intricacies. Because you are so inclined to live by reason, the emotional side of your nature is not

Your Strengths and Weaknesses with a Virgo Sun and Gemini Moon 続きを読む "

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Your Strengths and Weaknesses with a Libra Sun and Gemini Moon

The combination of your Sun sign and your Moon sign produces a very airy and magnetic personality, voluble, expressive, and talkative, with an ability to hold an audience. Dramatics are your specialty and you know how to get your point across with flair. This combination blends the emotional balance, courtesy and friendliness of Libra with

Your Strengths and Weaknesses with a Libra Sun and Gemini Moon 続きを読む "

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Your Strengths and Weaknesses with a Scorpio Sun and Gemini Moon

The combination of your Sun sign and your Moon sign produces a highly versatile and clever personality. You have a flair for people that makes you very popular. You have a keen, if sometimes sarcastic, sense of humor. Sometimes you can sound a bit cynical in expression or be too clever. Your mental capabilities are

Your Strengths and Weaknesses with a Scorpio Sun and Gemini Moon 続きを読む "

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射手座太陽と双子座月によるあなたの長所と短所 続きを読む "

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