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  • 太陽と月の組み合わせ
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  • トランジット
  • 乙女座


The combination of your Sun sign and your Moon sign produces in you a truly explosive personality, dynamic, hard-hitting, powerful, and magnetic. Every idea put forth in the reading of your Sun sign is intensified by the Aries Moon. Independence and self-confidence may be so intensified that they become a stumbling block in personal relationships, […]

牡羊座太陽と牡羊座月によるあなたの長所と短所 続きを読む "

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牡羊座太陽と牡牛座月によるあなたの長所と短所 続きを読む "

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牡羊座太陽と双子座月によるあなたの長所と短所 続きを読む "

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太陽星座と月星座の組み合わせは、牡羊座の断固とした積極性と、蟹座の感受性、同情心、直感力を融合させます。この組み合わせは、一般的にあなたがさまざまな努力で成功することを可能にするユニークな性質を生み出す。多くの行動的な牡羊座タイプとは異なり、あなたは他の仲間を "感じ取る "ことができる。

牡羊座太陽と蟹座月によるあなたの長所と短所 続きを読む "

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牡羊座太陽と獅子座月によるあなたの長所と短所 続きを読む "

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太陽星座と月星座の組み合わせは、あなたが感情的に非常に冷静であることを示している。牡羊座にありがちな衝動的な性格のかなりの部分が、細かい批判的な性格に置き換えられているようだ。あなたは現実的な事柄に心を向けることができそうで、たいていのことに関して "ノーナンセンス "な態度をとる。

牡羊座太陽と乙女座月によるあなたの長所と短所 続きを読む "

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The combination of your Sun and Moon signs produces contradictions in your makeup because these signs are precisely opposite one another, a full 180 degrees apart. Aries is naturally independent, the Libra Moon is sometimes very dependent. This is a difficult position presenting a problem between the emotional and mental nature. You are ambitious and

牡羊座太陽と天秤座月によるあなたの長所と短所 続きを読む "

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Your Strengths and Weaknesses with an Aries Sun and Scorpio Moon

The combination of your Sun sign and your Moon sign produces an individual who combines assertiveness with a strong drive to control, improve, and revolutionize. This is a somewhat difficult position because of the intensity of your feelings, and the only thing that you may be satisfied with, is you. You are a very competent

Your Strengths and Weaknesses with an Aries Sun and Scorpio Moon 続きを読む "

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Your Strengths and Weaknesses with an Aries Sun and Sagittarius Moon

The combination of your Sun and Moon sign poduces independence of thought, action, and speech. This is a position of dynamic ideals and popular appeal. You believe in the truth with an almost absolute devotion. This belief is perhaps not in the truths of scientific investigation, but more likely in the proper philosophies of life

Your Strengths and Weaknesses with an Aries Sun and Sagittarius Moon 続きを読む "

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Your Strengths and Weaknesses with an Aries Sun and Capricorn Moon

The combination of your Sun sign and your Moon sign blend the attributes of the Ram (Aries) and the Goat (Capricorn), equipping you well for the task of battering and climbing. This position gives natural talents for managing and directing as the driving force of Aries is tempered with the persistence and deliberate judgment of

Your Strengths and Weaknesses with an Aries Sun and Capricorn Moon 続きを読む "

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牡羊座太陽と水瓶座月によるあなたの長所と短所 続きを読む "

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Your Strengths and Weaknesses with an Aries Sun and Pisces Moon

The combination of your Sun and Moon signs produces a somewhat introverted, self-analyzing, soul-searcher, not at all the typical Aries. Though you may have great potential in many directions, you seem to always harbor doubts and underestimate yourself. Making everyday decisions can, at times, be a trying experience for you. Strangely, however, you have a

Your Strengths and Weaknesses with an Aries Sun and Pisces Moon 続きを読む "

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Your Strengths and Weaknesses with a Taurus Sun and Aries Moon

The combination of your Sun sign and your Moon sign shows you to be a strong individual with an even stronger and more determined drive to achieve your ends. You can be very dedicated in your efforts to further important personal ambitions. The congenial, peaceable, and placid attributes of the bull (Taurus) are sure to

Your Strengths and Weaknesses with a Taurus Sun and Aries Moon 続きを読む "

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Your Strengths and Weaknesses with a Taurus Sun and Taurus Moon

The combination of your Sun sign and your Moon sign amplifies the determination and purposeful nature of this sign of the Bull. Your concentration and staying power are second to none. Concentration is the base of your renowned tendency toward stubbornness, in that when you apply your mind to a subject, nothing is likely to

Your Strengths and Weaknesses with a Taurus Sun and Taurus Moon 続きを読む "

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Your Strengths and Weaknesses with a Taurus Sun and Gemini Moon

The combination of your Sun sign and your Moon sign gives an affinity for sociability, and a definite air of simple pleasantness marks your personality. The contrasting elements of slowness of Taurus and speed of Gemini generally produces a Taurus person more apt to make errors of judgment. The natural trait of stubbornness may still

Your Strengths and Weaknesses with a Taurus Sun and Gemini Moon 続きを読む "

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