• すべて
  • 水瓶座
  • 牡羊座
  • 記事
  • 占星術
  • 山羊座
  • 出生図におけるカイロン
  • ジェミニ
  • ヒーリング
  • レオ
  • 天秤座
  • ライフスタイル
  • マニフェステーションと豊かさ
  • 出生図における中天
  • 出生図における北ノードと南ノード
  • 数秘術
  • 魚座
  • 惑星
  • ハウスの惑星
  • 惑星のサイン
  • 人間関係
  • 射手座
  • 蠍座
  • 性占星術
  • 住宅の看板
  • 太陽と月の組み合わせ
  • トーラス
  • トランジット
  • 乙女座


Explore the blend of Taurus’s grounded creativity and the 5th house’s joy in Sun in Taurus in the 5th House. Unravel the impact on romance and fun.

第5ハウスの牡牛座の太陽:創造的な安定とロマンチックな表現 続きを読む "

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sun in taurus in the 4th house


Uncover the essence of a Sun in Taurus in the 4th House, shaping a life marked by a quest for stability and comfort in family and home.

第4ハウスの牡牛座の太陽:快適さを求める家庭と家族生活 続きを読む "

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mercury in sagittarius in the 4th house


Explore the impact of Mercury in Sagittarius in the 4th house on family conversations, domestic philosophies, and adventurous home planning.

第4ハウスの射手座水星:オープンホームトークと哲学的ルーツ 続きを読む "

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mercury in gemini in the 1st house


Explore the impact of Mercury in Gemini in the 1st House on communication prowess and animated personality traits—where intellect meets charm.

第1ハウス双子座水星:機転の利く自分と賢いコミュニケーション 続きを読む "

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sun in capricorn in the 8th house


Explore the impact of a Capricorn Sun in the 8th house on discipline in finances and personal transformation for a deeper understanding.

第8ハウスの山羊座の太陽:財務規律と深い変革 続きを読む "

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mercury in taurus in the 12th house


Explore the meaning of Mercury in Taurus in the 12th house, delineating the blend of private thought and grounded spirituality in communication.

第12ハウスの牡牛座水星:隠された思考と内なる実用性 続きを読む "

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第11ハウスの牡牛座水星:実用的なグループ・コミュニケーションと友情 続きを読む "

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第2ハウスの射手座水星:拡張的な財務思考と楽観的な心 続きを読む "

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mercury in sagittarius in the 1st house

Mercury in Sagittarius in the 1st House: Adventurous Self and Open Communication

Explore the traits of Mercury in Sagittarius in the 1st house, highlighting optimistic communication and a broad-minded approach to self-expression.

Mercury in Sagittarius in the 1st House: Adventurous Self and Open Communication 続きを読む "

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mercury in taurus in the 10th house

Mercury in Taurus in the 10th House: Stable Career Speech and Public Image

Explore the impact of Mercury in Taurus in the 10th House on career communication, steady leadership, and practical public reputation management.

Mercury in Taurus in the 10th House: Stable Career Speech and Public Image 続きを読む "

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sun in capricorn in the 7th house


Explore the influence of the sun in Capricorn in the 7th house on partnerships, highlighting responsibility and structured relationship dynamics.

第7ハウスの山羊座の太陽:献身的なパートナーシップと人間関係 続きを読む "

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