Aquarius Sun with Libra Moon and Taurus Rising

Sun in Aquarius with Moon in Libra and Taurus Rising Personality Traits:With an Aquarius Sun Libra Moon, are you the charming, easy-going member of the gang who can suddenly get rebellious if your ‘rights’ and your sympathetic nature are abused or taken advantage of? Are you the broad-minded idealist who is constantly inviting disappointment when […]

Aquarius Sun with Libra Moon and Taurus Rising 続きを読む "


Aquarius Sun with Libra Moon and Aries Rising

Sun in Aquarius with Moon in Libra and Aries Rising Personality Traits:With an Aquarius Sun Libra Moon, are you the charming, easy-going member of the gang who can suddenly get rebellious if your ‘rights’ and your sympathetic nature are abused or taken advantage of? Are you the broad-minded idealist who is constantly inviting disappointment when

Aquarius Sun with Libra Moon and Aries Rising 続きを読む "


Aquarius Sun with Virgo Moon and Pisces Rising

Sun in Aquarius with Moon in Virgo and Pisces Rising Personality Traits:With an Aquarius Sun Virgo Moon, you are a purist in heart and mind, a streamlined self-styled individual whose special eccentricities express themselves paradoxically in a worthy, utilitarian worldview. Efficiency and happiness are nearly synonymous for you, and you are perhaps happiest when others

Aquarius Sun with Virgo Moon and Pisces Rising 続きを読む "


Aquarius Sun with Virgo Moon and Aquarius Rising

Sun in Aquarius with Moon in Virgo and Aquarius Rising Personality Traits:With an Aquarius Sun Virgo Moon, you are a purist in heart and mind, a streamlined self-styled individual whose special eccentricities express themselves paradoxically in a worthy, utilitarian worldview. Efficiency and happiness are nearly synonymous for you, and you are perhaps happiest when others

Aquarius Sun with Virgo Moon and Aquarius Rising 続きを読む "


Aquarius Sun with Virgo Moon and Capricorn Rising

Sun in Aquarius with Moon in Virgo and Capricorn Rising Personality Traits:With an Aquarius Sun Virgo Moon, you are a purist in heart and mind, a streamlined self-styled individual whose special eccentricities express themselves paradoxically in a worthy, utilitarian worldview. Efficiency and happiness are nearly synonymous for you, and you are perhaps happiest when others

Aquarius Sun with Virgo Moon and Capricorn Rising 続きを読む "


Aquarius Sun with Virgo Moon and Sagittarius Rising

Sun in Aquarius with Moon in Virgo and Sagittarius Rising Personality Traits:With an Aquarius Sun Virgo Moon, you are a purist in heart and mind, a streamlined self-styled individual whose special eccentricities express themselves paradoxically in a worthy, utilitarian worldview. Efficiency and happiness are nearly synonymous for you, and you are perhaps happiest when others

Aquarius Sun with Virgo Moon and Sagittarius Rising 続きを読む "


Aquarius Sun with Virgo Moon and Scorpio Rising

Sun in Aquarius with Moon in Virgo and Scorpio Rising Personality Traits:With an Aquarius Sun Virgo Moon, you are a purist in heart and mind, a streamlined self-styled individual whose special eccentricities express themselves paradoxically in a worthy, utilitarian worldview. Efficiency and happiness are nearly synonymous for you, and you are perhaps happiest when others

Aquarius Sun with Virgo Moon and Scorpio Rising 続きを読む "



Sun in Aquarius with Moon in Virgo and Libra Rising Personality Traits:With an Aquarius Sun Virgo Moon, you are a purist in heart and mind, a streamlined self-styled individual whose special eccentricities express themselves paradoxically in a worthy, utilitarian worldview. Efficiency and happiness are nearly synonymous for you, and you are perhaps happiest when others

水瓶座の太陽と乙女座の月、天秤座のライジング 続きを読む "



Sun in Aquarius with Moon in Virgo and Virgo Rising Personality Traits:With an Aquarius Sun Virgo Moon, you are a purist in heart and mind, a streamlined self-styled individual whose special eccentricities express themselves paradoxically in a worthy, utilitarian worldview. Efficiency and happiness are nearly synonymous for you, and you are perhaps happiest when others

乙女座の月と乙女座の上昇を持つ水瓶座の太陽 続きを読む "



水瓶座の太陽 乙女座の月と獅子座の上昇 性格の特徴:水瓶座の太陽 乙女座の月で、あなたは心と心の純粋主義者であり、その特別な奇抜さが価値ある、実用的な世界観の中で逆説的に自分自身を表現する合理化された自己スタイルの個人である。あなたにとって効率と幸福はほぼ同義語であり、おそらく他の人

水瓶座の太陽と乙女座の月、獅子座のライジング 続きを読む "



水瓶座の太陽 乙女座の月と蟹座の上昇 性格の特徴:水瓶座の太陽 乙女座の月で、あなたは心と心の純粋主義者であり、その特別な奇抜さは、立派な、実用的な世界観の中で逆説的に自分自身を表現合理化された自己スタイルの個人である。あなたにとって効率と幸福はほぼ同義語であり、おそらく他の人

水瓶座の太陽と乙女座の月、蟹座のライジング 続きを読む "



水瓶座の太陽 乙女座の月と双子座の上昇 性格の特徴:水瓶座の太陽 乙女座の月で、あなたは心と心の純粋主義者であり、その特別な奇抜さは、立派な、実用的な世界観の中で逆説的に自分自身を表現合理化された自己スタイルの個人である。あなたにとって効率と幸福はほぼ同義語であり、おそらく他の人

水瓶座の太陽と乙女座の月、双子座のライジング 続きを読む "



水瓶座の太陽 乙女座の月 牡牛座の上昇 性格の特徴:水瓶座の太陽 乙女座の月で、あなたは心と心の純粋主義者であり、その特別な奇抜さは、立派な、実用的な世界観の中で逆説的に自分自身を表現合理化された自己スタイルの個人である。あなたにとって効率と幸福はほぼ同義語であり、おそらく他の人

水瓶座の太陽と乙女座の月、牡牛座の上昇 続きを読む "



水瓶座の太陽 乙女座の月 牡羊座の上昇 性格の特徴:水瓶座の太陽 乙女座の月で、あなたは心と心の純粋主義者であり、その特別な奇抜さは、立派な、実用的な世界観の中で逆説的に自分自身を表現合理化された自己スタイルの個人である。あなたにとって効率と幸福はほぼ同義語であり、おそらく他の人

水瓶座の太陽と乙女座の月、牡羊座の上昇 続きを読む "



水瓶座の太陽 獅子座の月 魚座の上昇 人格特性:水瓶座の太陽 獅子座の月で、あなたは民主主義者か専制君主か?個人主義者または社会的存在?平等主義者か俗物か?おそらく、あなた自身の暖かく素晴らしい方法で、これらのすべてです。あなたは誇り高く、堂々としていて、大らかな気質を持っている。

水瓶座の太陽と獅子座の月、魚座の上昇 続きを読む "
