Aquarius in the Houses

The house where Aquarius falls in your 出生図 brings deeper insights into those areas of life in which you exhibit innovative and inventive qualities. This is where you are naturally drawn to be more rebellious and unpredictable.

Aquarius in the 1st House

If you have Aquarius in or on the cusp of the first ハウス, you are seen as rebellious and unique. You help others see how things need to be changed and can show them what a different future can look like. More than anyone else, you want to be seen as different; you may have an unconventional look and dress uniquely. Others will be drawn to you to help solve problems and create innovative solutions.

Aquarius in the 2nd House

If you have Aquarius in or on the cusp of the second house, you are quite detached from the material world, and you may have an unstable financial and work life. However, your innovative mind may find unusual ways to make money. Your self-esteem and self-worth are more related to your ideas than creating wealth from them, and your reward would simply be the accomplishment of solving a complex problem. Your talent for identifying goals and connecting dots can be used to help others realize their dreams.

Aquarius in the 3rd House

If you have Aquarius in or on the cusp of the third house, you love learning and are very open to new ideas and ways to express yourself. You are forward thinking and would make a great teacher of any new ideas. Be aware, however, that your mind moves so fast that you are likely to be impatient with others and can speak without any awareness of the emotional impact it may have.

Aquarius in the 4th House

If you have Aquarius in or on the cusp of the fourth house, you may have had an unstable home life in your younger years and probably don’t have very strong emotional ties to creating a family and stable home yourself. You may move a lot or even become a digital nomad in some way. If you do have a family of your own, you are fascinating and exciting to those you love, but be aware that if your children have an emotional need for stability, they may find your approach tough.

Aquarius in the 5th House

If you have Aquarius in or on the cusp of the fifth house, you often have unusual hobbies and pastimes because you like to do things in a radically different way from everyone else. You take your experimental approach into your love affairs, preferring to base those affairs on friendship. If you have children, you are an unconventional parent who will encourage your children to be independent and go their own way, even to the point of encouraging them to be rebellious.

Aquarius in the 6th House

If you have Aquarius in or on the cusp of the sixth house, you need to work in a team environment where there is variety and somewhere that’s forward thinking and innovative. You would fit into the worlds of technology and science, especially if there is an element of inventiveness. You are happiest when your work is for the greater good of humanity.


Aquarius in or on the cusp of the seventh house indicates that you are attracted to a partner or significant other who has common causes at heart and wants to be a part of something bigger, such as creating answers to the world’s big problems. It’s an uncomfortable placement for one-on-one 人間関係, as you want independence and for the other person to be an individual, but the more fixed quality of this energy may also lead you to want things your way. Learning give-and-take and true partnership is crucial here.

Aquarius in the 8th House

If you have Aquarius in or on the cusp of the eighth house, you love to explore the world of the hidden, the metaphysical, and the psychological, and you investigate the connections that show why and how things work. You are drawn to figuring out answers to the deepest of mysteries in your search for truth. In more mundane matters, you like unconventional approaches to joint financial dealings, perhaps making unusual investments.

Aquarius in the 9th House

If you have Aquarius in or on the cusp of the ninth house, you are a rebel against the belief systems that have been imposed on you as you reject any dogma that isn’t from you. You are open to many beliefs and can see the threads and connections that join them all together. You enjoy being around people who challenge long-held beliefs. You apply the same ethos to travel and exploration of other cultures.


If you have Aquarius in or on the cusp of the tenth house, you are drawn to make a public contribution to humanitarian and/or social causes and are able to use your innovative ideas to come up with new ways to help others. You are unlikely to enjoy when others try to have authority over you and how you do things due to your need for personal freedom; therefore, you may be drawn to entrepreneurship so that you can work within a group or organization without working for them. You do not, however, like being the public face of such groups.

Aquarius in the 11th House

If you have Aquarius in or on the cusp of the eleventh house, the natural house of Aquarius, you are likely to have large groups of eccentric and unusual friends. This is the realm of the alternative-lifestyle groups and the rebels of society, those who don’t fit into the conventions that society imposes on people. You are likely to be quite tech savvy and could be involved in groups that connect through the internet rather than in person.

Aquarius in the 12th House

As Aquarius is all about originality and inventiveness, if you have Aquarius in or on the cusp of the twelfth house, the house of the collective unconscious and connection to the muse and mystery, you are connected to the unconscious in your own unique way. Your ability to make connections others don’t see helps you get in touch with the spiritual side of your humanitarian nature in a way that others are unable to do.