Planets in the 1st House

The First House (House of Self)

Sun in 1st House (Planet of vitality and individuality): 

You have a strong will and sense of self, and you like lots of attention. You are an independent person with leadership ability.

Good points: healthy constitution, generous, confident, dignified.

Bad points: authoritative, egotistical, dictatorial.

Moon in 1st House (Planet of emotions and instincts):

You are imaginative in the way you express yourself and intuitive about other people. ホーム and family mean a great deal to you, and you remember your childhood with nostalgia. You want to be appreciated and admired, and would like to be famous.

Good points: receptive, romantic, curious.

Bad points: oversensitive, moody, a tendency to dissipate energies.

Mercury in 1st House (Planet of the mind):

You are mentally alert, inquisitive, and humorous, and you need intellectual challenge. You like to travel and enjoy talking to people. You may be known as an idea person and are probably a good mimic.

Good points: adaptable, active, good at writing and speaking.

Bad points: restless, indecisive, think too much about yourself.

Venus in 1st House (Planet of love and pleasure):

You are affectionate, flirtatious, and usually quite good-looking. You have charming social manners and like to have companionship. Your appearance is important to you and you tend to spend too much money on yourself.

Good points: sympathetic, artistic, a cheerful personality.

Bad points: lazy, narcissistic, too fond of pleasure and luxury.

Mars in 1st House (Planet of energy and assertiveness): 

You are impulsive and independent, and dislike taking advice from others. You approach new projects with energy and confidence, and are capable of hard work. You have strong sex desires and are passionate in lovemaking.

Good points: strong body, self-assertive, courageous.

Bad points: inconsiderate, pushy, domineering, accident-prone.

Jupiter in 1st House (Planet of luck and expansion):

You have a buoyant, cheerful disposition, and are a success socially. You inspire confidence, are optimistic, and tend to be generous with your time and energy. You are blessed with luck, and things usually turn out for the best in life.

Good points: jovial, broad-minded, expansive, kind.

Bad points: self-indulgent, gullible, with a marked tendency to gain weight. You are sometimes faithless in love.

Saturn in 1st House (Planet of discipline and limitation):

You are persistent, have organizing ability, and are capable of self-discipline. You are patient and a bit shy, feel nervous underneath (which you keep under tight self-control), and you want your talents and work to be recognized.

Good points: industrious, good powers of endurance, a keen sense of responsibility.

Bad points: stubborn and set in ways, afraid of new beginnings, secretive.

Uranus in 1st House (Planet of change and originality):

You have an inventive mind and may take up unusual interests or hobbies. Your life is often marked by sudden and unexpected beginnings. You have a high-strung personality and an independent way of looking at things. You can be strong willed about getting your own way.

Good points: original, creative, intuitive.

Bad points: inconsiderate, stubborn, eccentric.

Neptune in 1st House (Planet of spirituality and illusion):

You are imaginative and impressionable and can use this in artistic work. You tend to be absentminded because you like to daydream. You are fond of luxury and are sometimes lazy. A lot of your time is spent on or near the sea.

Good points: visionary, idealistic, sensitive to other people.

Bad points: procrastinating, changeable, weak-willed, never satisfied.

Pluto in 1st House (Planet of transformation):

You have an intense and magnetic personality, and you seek adventure. You learned to be self-sufficient when you were young and are inclined to be a loner.

Good points: great strength, relentless in pursuing a goal, potential for self-transformation.

Bad points: inscrutable, vindictive, ruthless.