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Sun in Cancer with Moon in Pisces Personality Traits:Of all the Cancer combinations, the Cancer Sun Pisces Moon combination is the most sensitive, compassionate, and understanding. You are instinctively repelled by unnecessary suffering, cruelty, or injustice. Genuinely concerned and always willing to give of yourself, you have a strong desire to reach out and help […]

蟹座の太陽と魚座の月:偉大な気取り屋 続きを読む "

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Sun in Cancer with Moon in Aquarius Personality Traits:In the Cancer Sun Aquarius Moon combination, Cancer’s depth and sensitivity are focused on exploring new frontiers. Ideally the combination of the concerned and devoted politician, humanitarian, or scientist, it can also produce the eccentric crank and fanatic.With a Cancer Sun Aquarius Moon, the offbeat and unusual

蟹座の太陽と水瓶座の月:狂信者 続きを読む "

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山羊座の月と蟹座の太陽:劣等コンプレックス 続きを読む "

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Sun in Cancer with Moon in Sagittarius Personality Traits:With a Cancer Sun Sagittarius Moon, you don’t have that typical Cancer doom-and-gloom approach to the world, as your Sagittarius Moon gives you great hope, optimism, and faith in future. No matter how many ups and downs you experience, you will never lose your cheerful and tolerant

射手座の月と蟹座の太陽:ロマンチックな 続きを読む "

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蠍座の月と蟹座の太陽 人格特徴:蟹座の太陽蠍座の月を持つ個人は、臆病な、内向的な、または1つはしばしばについて読んで不安蟹座ではありません。あなたは控えめであっても控えめに見えるかもしれませんが、それはあなたの本当の内側の抜け目のなさと粘り強さを見分けるのは難しいことではありません。

蟹座太陽と蠍座月:コブラ 続きを読む "

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天秤座の性格特性と月と蟹座の太陽:蟹座の太陽天秤座の月を持つ個人のために、天秤座の月と組み合わされたとき、癌の太陽の感情的な不安と敏感さが強化されます。過敏性と感情的な脆弱性は、静けさと内側の平和.Having 癌太陽天秤座の月の検索で主な障害となっています、

蟹座の太陽と天秤座の月:組織人 続きを読む "

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Sun in Cancer with Moon in Virgo Personality Traits:With a Cancer Sun Virgo Moon, Cancer’s emotional sensitivity is heightened by the intense mental perception of the Virgo Moon. From early childhood, you have had to contend with an almost painful awareness of the malice and hostility of the world. If your early environment reflected an

蟹座の太陽と乙女座の月:使用人 続きを読む "

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獅子座の月と蟹座の太陽 性格の特徴:蟹座の太陽獅子座の月を持つ個人は、才能の組み合わせを持っている、獅子座の月は、繊細で想像力豊かな癌を作成する勇気を与える。あなたは才能、設備、そして何よりも、あなたがやろうとしたことで秀でるための自信を持っている。

獅子座の月と蟹座の太陽:敗北主義者 続きを読む "

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蟹座の太陽と蟹座の月 性格の特徴:蟹座の太陽と蟹座の月にとって、自己防衛はほとんどすべてである。幼児期から人生の後半まで、あなたは避難所を求めている。あなたはおそらく世界があなたを取得するために出ていると思うので、あなたは防衛を準備し、要塞を構築し、で欠けを心配し、人生の多くを費やしている。

蟹座の月と蟹座の太陽:プロテクター 続きを読む "

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蟹座の太陽と双子座の月 性格:蟹座の太陽と双子座の月の組み合わせは、機知、洗練、知的敏捷性を示唆している。非常に鋭敏で自然な批評家、あなたは驚異的な記憶力とちょうど約何でも学ぶ能力を持っています。あなたの蟹座の性格は、直感的な敏感で感受性が強く、双子座の内面の性質は落ち着きがなく、様々なものを求めている、

蟹座の太陽と双子座の月:アンテナ 続きを読む "

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Cancer Sun with Taurus Moon: The Well-Stocked Cupboard

Sun in Cancer with Moon in Taurus Personality Traits:With a Cancer Sun Taurus Moon, your nature is innocent, charming, and gentle, but underlying your humble persona is the stability, determination, and inner strength of the bull. Your guise of fragility and timidity is really a camouflage for your inner shrewdness and confidence.As an individual with

Cancer Sun with Taurus Moon: The Well-Stocked Cupboard 続きを読む "

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Cancer Sun with Aries Moon: The Holier-Than-Thou

Sun in Cancer with Moon in Aries Personality Traits:With a Cancer Sun Aries Moon, it’s not easy for you to live up to that Superman or Wonder Woman self-image of yours! In your combination, the cautious, sensitive, and vacillating Cancer personality must compete with an Aries inner nature that is aggressive, self-assertive, and decisive. In

Cancer Sun with Aries Moon: The Holier-Than-Thou 続きを読む "

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Gemini Sun with Pisces Moon: The Split Personality

Sun in Gemini with Moon in Pisces Personality Traits:With a Gemini Sun Pisces Moon, you have a multifaceted and very complex personality. Gemini is analytical and objective; paradoxically, Pisces is sympathetic, impressionable, and very emotional. Perhaps you see yourself as cool, somewhat distant, and sophisticated, but there are times when you can feel overwhelmed with

Gemini Sun with Pisces Moon: The Split Personality 続きを読む "

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Gemini Sun with Aquarius Moon: The Inventor

Sun in Gemini with Moon in Aquarius Personality Traits:With a Gemini Sun Aquarius Moon, as a child, you probably tore toasters apart to find out why they went pop, or took apart telephone receivers to discover their inner workings. The spirit of inquiry and investigation manifested itself early in your life, and it was probably

Gemini Sun with Aquarius Moon: The Inventor 続きを読む "

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Gemini Sun with Capricorn Moon: The Politician

Sun in Gemini with Moon in Capricorn Personality Traits:With a Gemini Sun Capricorn Moon, you are tough, detached, and ruggedly ambitious, you are a pretty cool character. Gemini is exuberant, multifaceted, and communicative, but that Capricorn inner nature of yours is at all times serious, purposeful, and shrewd. Your magnetic charm can sway anyone to

Gemini Sun with Capricorn Moon: The Politician 続きを読む "

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