
When you are on your true life path you feel the most at peace and fulfilled. Straying from your path leads to living no longer in alignment with your purpose.

But how can you tell if you’re living in alignment with your soul’s purpose, and what are the signs that you’re not?

Having this knowledge and awareness can help you live a much happier and fulfilling life.

What does it mean to be in alignment?

Living in alignment with your purpose or higher self means that you’re vibrating at a frequency that matches that of your soul’s intention and path.

Every thought, feeling, and action you take is coming from your true authentic self and not from your limited ego-self or societal influences.

When living in alignment with your purpose, everything has a feeling of ease and flow, you may feel as though things “fall into place”.

You feel free to be who you are and your authentic self shines through you in everything you do.

Living in alignment is therefore, obviously, the way that we’d want to live. Unfortunately though, it can be hard to filter out all the noise from society and discover your true authentic self.

For this reason, many of us aren’t in alignment with our true selves. But that’s okay, because with self-awareness and inner work you can work to get in alignment with who you truly are. Taking a deep dive into your birth chart is one way of getting in tune with your authentic self.


Look out for the following signs to see if you are not in alignment with your purpose:

1. Something Just Feels “Off”

Sometimes this may feel like a “gut feeling” or an intuitive sense. When you’re not living in alignment with who you’re supposed to be, something will definitely feel “off”

When we’re not living in alignment with the person we really are then something may just feel “off”. It may be challenging to pinpoint exactly what is causing you to feel this way, but you just know something just doesn’t feel right.

A small example of this could be when you’re at an event or out somewhere and things just feel a bit uncomfortable. You know that it’s not social anxiety but instead, you just don’t feel quite right being there.

Intuitively, you just know that the energy doesn’t feel aligned with who you are and you would feel better in a different environment. This kind of experience would be a clear indication that this isn’t aligning with your vibration and doesn’t match the individual you are.

Now, that’s one small example… We all attend events that we don’t feel are right for us from time to time, right?

But what if you are going through your entire life with that feeling of something being off… what if every situation felt like that uncomfortable event?

That would be a sure sign that you’re not living in alignment with your purpose and path. If you get this feeling regularly then it may be a time to reevaluate your circumstances and make some changes.

It might be the things you’re doing or even the people you’re interacting with. Dig deep and make a conscious effort to evaluate how you’re spending your time and who you’re spending your time with.

2. You Don’t Feel Excited by Accomplishments

It makes sense to feel excited or proud when you reach a big milestone or accomplish a challenging goal, but when this goal is not in alignment with your true life’s purpose and path you can actually feel the opposite – unfulfilled, disappointed, and depressed.

For example, maybe you get accepted into law school but instead of feeling excited and proud of yourself you just feel a sense of dread. This would be a sign that law isn’t in alignment with you true ライフパス and purpose.

I actually experienced this myself after chasing a career in hospitality. Even when I had achieved high goals and the admiration of my seniors with doors opening to promotion, I realized the entire environment wasn’t truly aligned with my life path.

I had to truly look at myself and my life and make some changes to start doing something that felt more aligned with my authentic self.

It can be scary to reevaluate your life path, especially if you’ve spent a lot of energy to get where you are today. But I promise you that you will feel so much happier and more fulfilled once you start living in alignment with your purpose.

So if you are feeling a lack of excitement over things you “should” be excited about, perhaps it’s a time to reevaluate your life and see if you’re going in a direction you truly feel aligned with.

3. You’re Constantly Seeking External Approval

When you’re living in alignment with your true purpose, you don’t care what other people think.

Sure, what you’re doing may not always be the traditional or conventional idea of “success”, but it sets your soul on fire and makes you feel fulfilled!

If you feel like you’re constantly seeking the approval of others, most likely you’re not fulfilling your true life path.  The truth is, though, the only way we can start living in alignment with your purpose is when you silence the wants and needs of everyone else and start following your own heart.

4. You Feel Guilty

Feelings of guilt regarding your life’s direction are a clear sign that you’re not living in alignment with your true values.

Somewhere in your day-to-day activities, your actions are going against what you believe in and what you’re aligned with.

We may all go against our values from time to time. For example, maybe we’re environmentally conscious but we leave the house without our reusable water bottle and end up purchasing a plastic one because we’re thirsty.

None of us are perfect, and that’s not what we’re getting at here.

However, if you feel like your actions are in constant conflict with what you truly believe in (sometimes called cognitive dissonance) then this may be an area of your life you need to reevaluate.

Ask yourself: What do you truly value in life? Tune into what your beliefs and values are so you can identify the areas in which you’re not in alignment.

Once you bring your awareness to these areas, make a conscious decision to alter any behaviors that are in conflict with your beliefs so that you can start living in alignment with your values.

5. You Struggle to Manifest

For the Law of Attraction to work it’s essential that you are clear about your goals and that you get rid of any negative thoughts that might prevent you from reaching them.

One great way to get clarity (and to remove any obstacles) is to look to 数秘術 for guidance.

Get your very own Free Personalized Numerology Video Report to better understand what you want to manifest.

This incredible video is an intimate, spiritual journey, allowing you to see yourself in ways you’ve never ever seen yourself before.

The 100% Free Personalized Video reveals your Life Path, Expression, and Soul Urge Numbers to show you:

  • あなたが無視しているかもしれない深い欲望(そしてそれを最終的に手に入れる方法)

  • 闘争をやめ、楽に、楽に生き始める方法

  • 秘密の才能と隠れた強み(そしてそれを活用する方法)

  • あなたの性格と、他者とのユニークな関わり方についての強力な洞察

  • あなたを待っているこれからの挑戦と未踏のチャンス

Think of this as a movie in which you are the star.

You are definitely going to want to watch it.

Now that you know the signs, you should be able to make a more conscious choice in your life’s direction which is aligned with the best version of yourself, your true life’s purpose and path.

With this awareness and knowledge, you can identify when you’re straying too far from your path and if it’s time to reevaluate your direction.

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