
If your Midheaven is in Leo, you need to be a leader, to be seen, and to shine in your authenticity.


Creating Success

Leo Midheaven individuals achieve successful outcomes when they allow themselves to become fully involved in creating results that are important to them. This process includes listening to other people’s responses. When they are not receiving the feedback they desire, it is important to be willing to change their presentation slightly, perhaps by approaching from a different angle. The information they gain as others respond to their “script” is an invaluable resource that can help the Leo Midheaven more directly reach their goals.

A comedian onstage knows the value of creating results! By listening for which jokes get the longest, loudest laughs, then tailoring subsequent performances to what delighted the audience best, he or she moves toward success. Just so, when Leo Midheaven people are willing to take center stage and match their presentation to the needs of their chosen audience, they will create the results they want and experience the joy of being in charge of their own destiny.

It can be scary at first, since the childhood conditioning of the Leo Midheaven prompted them to equate personal safety with “going with the flow” instead of pursuing what they wanted. In the adult life of the Leo Midheaven, this childhood strategy does not serve them well. But as they fully involve themselves in creating the results they want, they will engender the commitment they need to use others’ feedback to fine tune their method and successfully reach their goal.

Happiness enters into every area of the Leo Midheaven’s life where they replace detachment with a dramatic, inspiring display of emotions to let others know how they feel and what they want.

Their Achilles Heel

Leo Midheaven people fear losing the safety of their emotionally detached and objective outlook on life. This stance is a survival tool they developed in childhood that no longer serves them in adult life. This impersonal approach to the emotions can lead to the dry disappointment of not being able to experience the joys of an intimate 関係.

The objective, knowledgeable stance of the Leo Midheaven can negatively impact others. When they base their decisions exclusively on detached, intellectual ideals and unemotional appraisals, they may create tremendous emotional upheaval and drama around them without ever understanding the cause. This behavior thwarts the fulfillment of an intimate relationship, because when others get close to them, they feel unsafe and withdraw. Approaching others from an aloof, superior base leads to unhappiness.


Happiness enters into every area of the Leo Midheaven’s life where detachment gives way to the dramatic, inspiring display of genuine and positive emotions! When they no longer allow their intellect to dictate to their feelings, they are free to express their emotions clearly and compellingly. At last they can experience the joy and excitement of projecting their love in a way that communicates “love” to others!

In intimate 人間関係 and every human interchange, the Leo Midheaven makes clear what they want, they open the door for others to follow suit; then all involved can work out a fair solution. As Leo Midheaven individuals allow their emotions to find their own generous expression and approach others warmly with their heart instead of their head, people become more open and receptive to them.

When Leo Midheaven people directly communicate loyalty, trust, passion, and warm acceptance, they inspire the same in others. And by releasing the need to be forever detached and knowledgeable, the Leo Midheaven gains access to the entire range of their emotions. This new, compelling level of self-expression imparts their knowledge to others as a natural byproduct. It also gives them an objective perspective in their lives, as it introduces them to the joys of free, spontaneous self-expression.

Their ‘Home Base’

The early environmental conditioning was in many ways very cool and detached. Their parents were so burdened by tasks and responsibilities that it was difficult for them to see Leo Midheaven as an individual in their own right. They weren’t recognized and appreciated for their specialness. Thus in the adult life of the Leo Midheaven their habit is to withdraw from the spotlight, to go along with what others want, rather than bring their own individual gifts into play.

The survival tools of the Leo Midheaven included the ability to go with the flow and to consider the whole picture, rather than just their personal preferences. In some ways, they were never fully able to experience being a child.

For the Leo Midheaven, there is also a tendency to put others on a pedestal, to yield to others’ light rather than stepping forward to display their own. Yet in this life, it is precisely through displaying their individual gifts and feelings that happiness is their natural reward.

Good Career Choices

Leo Midheaven people are happiest in a profession that allows them to express their creative talents! They are gifted in fields involving children, the entertainment industry, and creative endeavors of all sorts. Being onstage is certainly an area where they can shine. They need to feel like a “star” in their own world.

In their profession, Leo Midheaven individuals are at their best when there’s plenty of room for them to draw upon their qualities of strength, leadership, determination, and enthusiasm. To achieve the greatest happiness in their career, they must feel that their innate creativity can continue to grow and be expressed. Self-contentment is theirs when they allow the world to see them as a person of power, creativity, forthright expression, and emotional generosity.

出生図の叡智を通して、あなたの真の人生の道を発見してください。あなたが成就するために生まれてきた目的をより深く洞察し、明晰さ、自信、そして意味を持ってあなたの旅をナビゲートします。 詳細な出生図分析.
