Uranus in the Signs

Uranus in Aries

Uranus in the active sign of 牡羊座 favors an original and inventive mind. You need to be in charge and, given the chance, you will run other people’s lives. You can be brusque and blunt because you feel that you know better than others. What you want is to see things clearly and not be a victim of confused or disorganized thinking. You immediately try to put your own ideas into action and have little patience with tried-and-true methods. You believe that people who play it safe are usually sorry. Often you have an inimitable style of dressing, a look all your own. You tend to change jobs or residences often and are fond of traveling.

Uranus in Taurus

Uranus is very strong in トーラス and its influence promotes willpower and determination. Uranus in Taurus helps you to produce results through patient and concerted effort. You have a need to build, to be constructive, and to achieve. You tend to be blessed with financial luck, particularly with possessions that gain in value. Often you have a mania for owning new and different objects, and Uranus sometimes brings a sudden find into your life. A taste for bright colors and vivid patterns is evident in the way you dress and decorate. Uranus in Taurus usually indicates a happy and prosperous marriage.

Uranus in Gemini

In Gemini, Uranus shows its power through ideas. You are intellectual and imaginative. You possess a magnetic mind that draws people to you, and you have the ability to sway others to your point of view. Your energy is forceful in mental pursuits. You are attracted to offbeat ideas and fascinated by psychic phenomena and unexplained events. Uranus in Gemini produces a strong urge to express yourself in writing and speaking and to create something striking and startling. Even in ordinary communication, such as phone calls and letters, you are original and captivating and your amusing way with words is evident. You enjoy traveling, easily pick up foreign languages, and have an aptitude for music.

Uranus in Cancer

In Cancer, the power of Uranus is expressed through heightened sensitivity to other people. You have a highly developed imagination and a subconscious that borders on psychic awareness. Your intuitions can be trusted. Valuable insights come to you through sudden and unexpected feelings that arrive in a flash. You receive opportunities through the intervention of other people, often in chance encounters. Uranus in Cancer also promotes success through home-oriented activities, such as gourmet cooking, collecting antiques, and interior decorating. Many of you have a reputation for being eccentric and unpredictable and for having an artistic temperament.

Uranus in Leo

Uranus exerts a formidable influence in the expansive sign of Leo. As a native of this position, you have a forceful personality and express yourself through leadership. You have a desire to be a hero or heroine. Your creative mind constantly spins new ideas, but you are not content merely to see your concepts carried out. You must be on display as well; you want the credit and the attention. Uranus in this position often brings sudden opportunity through romantic 人間関係. Uranus also takes you far afield in your search for new and different pleasures. You tend to have luck in gambling, especially on sporting events. At times you give an impression of being too defiant and independent.

Uranus in Virgo

In Virgo, Uranus shows its power in the ability to analyze and use facts. Uranus in Virgo bestows a marvelous combination of intuition and common sense. You have a great need to improve the world. You seek complete autonomy when carrying out your ideas, and rebel against routine and the restrictions of others. Your independence is sometimes so marked as to be considered eccentric by others. Uranus brings you luck through sudden changes in work situations, often a reshuffling of staff or a complete relocation to a new place. Uranus-Virgos are known for unusual ideas about health and food. You are the first one to know all about the latest reducing or rejuvenating diet.

Uranus in Libra

In the harmonious sign of Libra, Uranus expresses its power through partnerships. As a native of this position, you are drawn to unusual relationships and are often thought of as unconventional in your choice of friends or lovers. Uranus brings you luck through your relationships and also many opportunities through persons of foreign birth. In this Uranus position, love affairs and marriages tend to begin quickly and to have abrupt endings. Libra is an artistic sign, and Uranus bestows style and imagination. You are known for your unusual or exotic taste in art and decoration. You possess an appealing charm in the way you present yourself or dress. Uranus confers an ability to make a memorable first impression.

Uranus in Scorpio

Uranus is strong in the intense sign of Scorpio. You have a dominating quality that wells up from deep within you. You possess a magnetic sexuality that is sometimes known as star quality. You are blessed with a penetrating mind. You are able to bring concentration and willpower to bear, and thus can move mountains through sheer effort. Uranus brings you luck through intuitive flashes of knowledge about people or situations in which you are involved. Unusual financial turns and reverses can be expected during your lifetime. Often you benefit through a partner’s money or by an inheritance. At times you may be thought of as stubborn, secretive, and shrewd.

Uranus in Sagittarius

In the freedom-loving sign of Sagittarius, Uranus exhibits itself as pioneering and adventurous. You are very independent and rebel against anything overly organized and structured. At times you are restless and quite reckless. You are proud and courageous and often have an unconventional point of view. Though you don’t necessarily seek it, Uranus promotes financial luck through investments and speculation. Often while traveling, unexpected events or new people bring opportunity into your life. Uranus in this position also endows you with prophetic vision and insight, and you can often tell when something important is about to happen.

Uranus in Capricorn

Uranus’s energy is channeled into constructive effort in the disciplined sign of Capricorn. You have a strong inner will to succeed. You need to be in authority and have difficulty accepting the rule of other people. Uranus in this position signals unexpected shifts in career or working conditions. You have an ability to spot future trends and to move in a more lucrative direction. Uranus gives you confidence to break through old established ideas. You are thoughtful, forceful, and able to organize people. You can also be tyrannical and domineering; there is always a fighting spirit to your personality. However, Uranus lightens Capricorn’s seriousness and gives you a lively satirical wit.

Uranus in Aquarius

Aquarius is the sign Uranus rules, and the Aquarian qualities of inventiveness and originality are strongly emphasized. You have a touch of genius plus the ability to make your impact on a wide group of people. Others are drawn to your unique mind, for you are an advanced thinker. You are a curious blend: You believe in freedom of thought and expression but are convinced that you alone are right. Uranus causes unexpected turnabouts in your life. You may work for years toward a goal, then success will come through something you did not give a second thought to. Friends and associates bring you luck in career. As a Uranus-Aquarian you are noted for your wry sense of humor.

Uranus in Pisces

Uranus’s power becomes subtle and emotional in the sensitive sign of Pisces. You have a unique talent for understanding and expressing human feelings, which often shows up in creative work. Uranus brings you luck through your sharp psychological insights and your ability to uncover what is secret and unknown. You are blessed with psychic awareness; many of you are serious students of philosophy, religion, astrology, and the occult. In career and business affairs, your intuitions tell you when to act and alert you to when others are most receptive to your ideas. Uranus in this position, however, does not indicate a strong will. At times you must withdraw from the world and recharge your psychic batteries.