Moon in Aquarius in the Second House
水瓶座の月は、表現するための素晴らしい才能を持っている。バイタリティにあふれ、ウィットに富んだ会話ができ、楽しい伴侶となる。あなたの親しみやすさは、あらゆるタイプの人を魅了する - 実際、あなたは人指向で社交的、そして外向的で、他人の問題に興味がある。しかし、水瓶座の月では、月の水のサイン(月-蟹座、月-蠍座、月-魚座)とは異なり、自分の人生を変えるほど感情的になることはありません。あなたの中に流れるバランスがある。 人間関係.
水瓶座の月を持つあなたは、コミットメントと自立の絶妙なバランスを求め、多くの水瓶座の月が満足のいかない恋愛を経験する。結婚しても(多くの場合、晩年になってから)、その相手は 関係 すぐに、夫と妻であるのと同じように、友人と伴侶になる。あなたにとって、人間関係で最も重要な接着剤はコミュニケーションである。一般的に、男性の水瓶座の月は、女性の水瓶座の月よりも感情的にいくらか楽である。
Moon in the 2nd House:
Generally, having the Moon in the 2nd House is a conducive placement for the Moon, if your emotional attachment to your possessions and resources does not become excessive. If you are emotionally healthy, you are likely to enjoy a sense of security and well-being. This, in turn, may provide you with the emotional stability and grounding that can allow you to better acquire, manage and enjoy your resources and possessions.
Having your Moon in the 2nd House, assuming emotional stability, you are likely to have a “down-to- earth” attitude toward material resources. Your attitude toward the material dimensions of life is likely to have been conditioned by your family background and up- bringing. Therefore, your attitude toward possessions and material security is likely to be that which most people in society share.
With your Moon in the 2nd House, you also place too much emotional weight on your possessions, resources and material condition. You may be emotionally attached to your possessions. You may also have a very emotional response when your material security is threatened (or unexpectedly enhanced). The Moon in the 2nd House placement also suggests that you may place a great deal of value on your emotional life, as well as on family, domestic life and/or your heritage.
As an individual with your Moon in the 2nd House, if you are inwardly insecure, you will be extremely attached to your possessions, fearing their loss and feeling that you could not live without them. With your Moon in the 2nd House, your emotional state is effectively determined by what you feel you have. You derive your sense of security from retaining what you have. This leaves you vulnerable for riding an emotional roller-coaster if your material fortunes are threatened or unstable. Your responses and behavior are totally conditioned to react to your material circumstances.
With your Moon in the 2nd House, what you value is likely to play a major role in your emotional development. If you value material objects solely, then your emotional development will focus on your reaction to your material circumstances and, secondarily, on how others affect those circumstances. If you view your emotional capacity as a resource, you are likely to place a lot of energy into developing that resource.
As an individual with your Moon in the 2nd House, the value that you place on your emotions is likely to result in you cultivating your emotional health. If your values are more abstract, or if you are searching for what you value in life, your emotions may play a role in enabling that search. As your search for ultimate value progresses, you grow in emotional complexity and richness and you become more aware of what is of real value in the world.
あなたの性格、動機、願望について、より深い洞察を得る。 徹底的な占星術と数秘術による出生チャート分析.
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自己認識が人生を変えるほどのインパクトを持つことを、「自己理解」を通じて発見しよう。 詳細な出生図分析.自分の本質をより深く理解し、人生を明晰に、目的を持って、自信を持って航海する方法を学ぶ。