Your Strengths and Weaknesses with a Taurus Sun and Taurus Moon

The combination of your Sun sign and your Moon sign amplifies the determination and purposeful nature of this sign of the Bull. Your concentration and staying power are second to none. Concentration is the base of your renowned tendency toward stubbornness, in that when you apply your mind to a subject, nothing is likely to distract your attention. Accordingly, you can focus with equal tenacity on your work, your domestic life, and your leisure activities. You are never one to jump to conclusions, but once you have made up your mind, you are never likely to modify your views. You are highly conventional, and you have great regard for the establishment and the status quo. Change is something you prefer to avoid because you are slow to adjust and dislike being required to do so. You make a good friend because you are honest and loyal. You enjoy good friends, good food, good music, and in general, the “good life.” You are materialistic, but with a special knack for saving and reinvesting. You are always a hard worker, and you don’t mind starting at the bottom and slowly working your way to the top. You can achieve success because the work you do is done well and you are totally dependable. Patient and calm, your “tongue in cheek” diplomacy is designed to humor opponents until, in the end, you have your own way. You respect authority simply because you expect someday to have it.


Kind, calm, supportive approach, logical mind, endurance, realism and practical skills, ability to call a spade a spade, and to bring a sense of order, stability, certainty and security to your world.


Lack of contact with your own anger which can erupt directly or indirectly as passionate hatred, possessiveness, lack of imagination, rigidity and stubbornness, intolerance of those with whom you disagree.




あなたの月星座と月相が、あなたについて何を明らかにするかを知るために、 無料ビデオ・ムーン・リーディングはこちらから。


宇宙的な自己の秘密を発見し、ユニークな人生の道筋を明確にする。(英語) 徹底的な占星術と数秘術による出生チャート分析 人生の紆余曲折を自信と目的を持って乗り切るための深い洞察を提供する。
