
The combination of your Sun sign and your Moon sign produces a personality that blends the 牡羊座 drive for success with the warmth, nobility, and balance of Leo. People respond to you naturally because of you are an interesting, active, adventurous, and exciting person. You pursue your ideals with great energy, excitement, a sense of adventure, and boundless enthusiasm. You love people and they respond to you in a very positive way to your magnetic personality. Self-image is all important to you, and you have a natural faith in yourself and probably a total confidence in your abilities. You respect yourself to a high degree and see yourself as a natural-born leader. You need to achieve to reinforce this wonderful sense of worth, and to maintain a rightful position of leadership and popularity. Success may come because you can come up with good ideas, but more often it is because those above you and those below you both like you a lot and are willing to listen and follow you. You don’t hesitate to tell people that you “need” them, because in your open and honest way, you’re confident that they will respond to you and back your cause. You have a warm heart and an affectionate nature, because of a harmonious blending of individuality and personality, thinking and feeling are very much in tune. You have a talent for clear vision or for visualizing your goal or objective, concentrating on these goals and objectives, and attaining them.


Creative imagination, the ability to communicate your ideas to a wide variety of people and situations so that you easily muster support around exciting causes, ability to inspire others with your inner faith in yourself which makes you a potentially heroic figure in whatever sphere of life you work.


A tendency to insist childishly on only seeing things your way, to go for the biggest and best before finishing and tidying up the debris from your last project, and a propensity to let your ego needs for affirmation and applause blind your true self-perception.


宇宙的な自己の秘密を発見し、ユニークな人生の道筋を明確にする。(英語) 徹底的な占星術と数秘術による出生チャート分析 人生の紆余曲折を自信と目的を持って乗り切るための深い洞察を提供する。
