
The combination of your Sun sign and your Moon sign produces in you a truly explosive personality, dynamic, hard-hitting, powerful, and magnetic. Every idea put forth in the reading of your Sun sign is intensified by the Aries Moon. Independence and self-confidence may be so intensified that they become a stumbling block in personal 人間関係, if they are not somewhat tamed. You are an individualist first, last, and always. You are extremely impatient with people, sometimes to the extent of being intolerant. People may view you as hardboiled because of a tendency for you to be too matter-of-fact. You do express yourself readily and forcefully, with considerable dramatic effect. It’s painfully difficult for you to listen to and understand the woes of others. Yet you can be demanding of the attention of those around you on those rare occasions when you disclose your personal problems. You are not an intellectual person, and you may not have even taken the time to get a good education. In fact, well-educated and intellectually pretentious folks are among those you find the most boring and uninteresting. You are not impressed with abstract thoughts and ideas, only actions and accomplishments. This is not to say you don’t use your mind. Your mind is always active: reading, talking, discussing. When it comes to getting things done and done rapidly, your talents can fill the bill. This position provides exceptional leadership traits, but a need to develop qualities of tact and consideration for the feeling of others can impede progress.

Your Greatest Strengths:

Honesty and courage (nothing is impossible for you), incisive intellect that cuts through non-essentials, optimism and youthful spirit. Your vitality and assertive enthusiasm can inspire others to see how simple it is to believe in themselves. You have that initiating sort of personality for which lesser mortals yearn.

Your Greatest Weaknesses:

Blunt approach to life, lack of sensitivity to the spoken or unspoken needs of those around you, a tendency towards overt selfishness and bossiness, a hasty approach to work and a dislike of attending to details or finishing what you started, a one-track mind that can miss important nuances and invite antagonism rather than cooperation.

