Venus in Scorpio in the Third House
The placement of Venus in Scorpio indicates you have a need for intimacy and power in your 人間関係. Your judgments and value system are also likely to be influenced by your need for power and, also, by a need for truth and authenticity that is associated with Scorpio. You are likely to have a strong emotional attachment to these needs. With Venus in Scorpio, the need for power in relationships often manifests as a controlling attitude, but if you sensitively deal with your need for intimacy, there can be an incredible sharing of energy within a relationship(s). Much of the behavior and many of the personality characteristics associated with Venus in Scorpio are a result of your need to feel an intimate and authentic connection with another.
Venus’ placement in Scorpio is complex and possesses some inherent tensions. However, there is also a potential affinity between the functions symbolized by Venus and the Scorpio energy. The inherent tension is symbolized by the natural opposition between Scorpio and Venus-ruled Taurus and the natural semi-sextile between Scorpio and Libra, which is also ruled by Venus. Scorpio is the Fixed Water sign. Venus’s vibration is sympathetic to the water element associated with Scorpio. However, the fixed quality of Scorpio tends to inhibit the 関係 function symbolized by Venus in its natural tendency to open outward toward the other. Scorpio is also associated with a strong drive for intimacy and if you can open the door of intimacy within yourself, fulfilling relationship(s) may result. Venus in Scorpio tends to accentuate the relationship function symbolized by Venus, although the intensity of perception associated with Scorpio tends to strengthen Venus’s evaluative function.
Venus also symbolizes the anima in the psyche. Thus, if you are female with Venus in Scorpio, you are likely to model your femininity in order to incorporate characteristics typically associated with Scorpio. If you are male, you are likely to be attracted to someone who projects or embodies Scorpio-associated traits.
Having Venus in Scorpio, as someone who is insecure and who is obsessed with the notions of power and control, you perceive others as threats who need to be manipulated and contained. This attitude, based on fear and survival, extends even to your closest associates and intimates. With Venus in Scorpio, your perception of the cosmos and its energy is that they are to be feared and never trusted. “Do unto others before they do unto you” becomes your motto. Never trusting, you never allow yourself to be intimate. Therefore, you never enter into a real relationship and your judgment is always tainted by suspicion.
第3ハウスの金星を持つあなたは、物事を第一印象で即座に判断する傾向があります。つまり、物事や状況を、それが表面的にどのように見えるかによって評価しやすいのです。そのため、すぐに感じ取ったことだけにとらわれず、これまでのこと、これから起こるかもしれないこと、あるいは明白でないことを考慮するのは難しいかもしれません。金星が第3ハウスにあるあなたの自然な考え方 あなたの身近な環境に対する知覚と評価のひとつである。 これは、あなたの官能的な体験の豊かさを高めることを意味しますが、同時に、あなたが非常に判断力が鈍り、批判的になることを意味するかもしれません。
あなたの性格、動機、願望について、より深い洞察を得る。 徹底的な占星術と数秘術による出生チャート分析.
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自己認識が人生を変えるほどのインパクトを持つことを、「自己理解」を通じて発見しよう。 詳細な出生図分析.自分の本質をより深く理解し、人生を明晰に、目的を持って、自信を持って航海する方法を学ぶ。