Venus in Pisces in the Eleventh House
The placement of Venus in Pisces indicates a need for universality in your 人間関係 and your value system. However, this ideal of universality is a difficult concept to actualize and, in practice, it is often manifested as ambiguity or confusion. Thus, you often feel a need for flexibility and the removal of boundaries or definition in your relationships or with respect to values. Much of the behavior and many of the personality characteristics associated with Venus in Pisces are a result of your need to return to a feeling of oneness or undifferentiatedness.
The Venus in Pisces placement is generally conducive, although there are some inherent tensions present in the placement. This is symbolized by the natural sextile between Pisces and Venus-ruled Taurus, combined with the natural quincunx between Pisces and Libra, which is also ruled by Venus. Pisces is the Mutable Water sign. Pisces’ watery nature is compatible with the softness and passivity associated with Venus. The Venusian energy symbolically diffuses to the maximum extent through the Piscean medium of changeable water. If your character is sufficiently imbued with substance, it is the positive qualities associated with Venus that are allowed to envelope you and those around you. If there is nothing to support the Venusian energy, however, then it is diluted and loses itself in an ocean of chaos.
Venus also symbolizes the anima in the psyche. Thus, if you are female with Venus in Pisces, you are likely to model your femininity in order to incorporate characteristics typically associated with Pisces. If you are male, you are likely to be attracted to someone who projects or embodies Pisces-associated traits.
As an individual with Venus in Pisces, if you are insecure, you try to bolster your ego and validate your selfhood through your relationships. Your ego feels as if it will be overwhelmed by the universal energy to which it is constantly being exposed. Desperately, you seek the approval and acceptance of others, to be included in their sphere of 関係 and, thus, given some identity. Therefore, with Venus in Pisces, you give yourself indiscriminately in relationships of whatever depth or permanence. Making yourself so vulnerable, you are often being hurt by others and constantly at risk of harm. To protect yourself from your own vulnerability, you may adopt a variety of negative defense mechanisms. Frightened at losing all sense of self, you may become consumed with ensuring that your own needs are met within a relationship in order to assure yourself that your selfhood still exists.
第11ハウスの金星の場合、あなたは一般的に、集団の基準や、集団と自分の関係にどう影響するかという観点から物事を判断します。"これは自分にとって良いことなのか/喜ばしいことなのか "ではなく、"これは社会にとって良いことなのか/喜ばしいことなのか"、あるいは "これは自分のグループにとって良いことなのか/喜ばしいことなのか "と問うかもしれません。あなたの評価機能は、単に個人的なものだけでなく、より広い枠組みを持つ傾向があります。第11ハウスに金星を持つあなたは、自分が属するグループの影響を受けて判断する傾向があるかもしれません。また、集団活動や人道的な活動、社会のためになるプロジェクトに惹かれることもあり、そうしたものを高く評価する傾向があります。あなたは個人的な価値観よりも集団や社会的な価値観を重視し、全体の善を中心とした価値観を持つ可能性が高いでしょう。
あなたの性格、動機、願望について、より深い洞察を得る。 徹底的な占星術と数秘術による出生チャート分析.
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自己認識が人生を変えるほどのインパクトを持つことを、「自己理解」を通じて発見しよう。 詳細な出生図分析.自分の本質をより深く理解し、人生を明晰に、目的を持って、自信を持って航海する方法を学ぶ。