Leo Sun in the 12th House

Sun in Leo in the Twelfth House

Sun in Leo in 12th House
Sun in Leo in 12th House

Having your Sun in Leo, your loyalty is beyond question. You are devoted to yourself. All individuals with their Sun in Leo possess a kingdom. The kingdom may be big or small, it may be your home or a lover or a piece of creative work or your whole career. But whatever it is, you are unquestioningly ruler of this kingdom. Whatever you do, you do with a flair for the dramatic – everything about you is theatrical.

Your Sun in Leo confers a great flair for drama and an instinct for getting attention. Because your nature is flamboyant and expansive, you despise the humdrum, the ordinary, and the dull. When real life does not supply all the excitement you need, you try to create your own.

With your Sun in Leo you are generous, kind, and openhearted, you find it hard to believe ill of others. If injured, you strike back quickly, but you also forgive easily and never hold a grudge. Marvelously affectionate and cheerful, you have genuine joie de vivre. The Sun is your ruler, and you always bring some sunshine into the lives of others. Obviously, this is one of your most endearing traits. In many ways you are like the Sun itself – life-enhancing, radiating energy and magnetism, burning with steady fixity.

As an individual with your Sun in Leo, no one could ask for a better friend. If approached in the right way (flattery is the right way), you will do almost anything, but you expect praise and appreciation and admiration in return. Pride is your Achilles’ heel. Your ego demands not respect but adoration, not compliments but flattery, and when you receive lavish praise you never stop to wonder if it is insincere. Despite your self-centeredness, you need others to give to if only to get back their appreciation. However, because you’re too proud to ask for appreciation, you often suffer silently from a wounded ego. Your hidden secret is you need to be needed.

With your Sun in Leo, among your most striking characteristics is a refusal to be hampered by petty rules. Day-to-day routine quickly leads to boredom and makes you desperately unhappy. Your unhappiness doesn’t last long, because you simply won’t put up with it. You have an unshakable belief in your luck and quickly bounce back from despondency. It is difficult (though not impossible) to dislike a Leo. True, you can be bombastic and overbearing at times. True, you love to give advice and tell people how to run their lives. But your great warmth and sunny disposition is very hard to resist. The world would be much less fun without Leos.

The Inner You with your Sun in Leo

Your Sun in Leo gives you larger-than-life emotions; whether you’re experiencing joy, despair, excitement, or love, it might as well be playing on a giant movie screen. You feel you have an important role to play in life and you’re going to find it. You need to be involved in the world; in fact, you tend to think of any plan or project that you’re part of as an extension of who you are. You believe in taking action. Your immediate reaction to any problem is to do something about it rather than sit around pondering it. You have a deep-seated need to prove your worth – not to others but to yourself. You’ll tackle any job just so you can say, “I wasn’t afraid to try!”

The sign position of the Sun indicates how we seek to express ourselves, develop ourselves, fulfill ourselves, and assert our will and power to shape our environment. The house position indicates the area of life in which we choose to focus the energy of our Sun sign and fulfill the purpose which it represents.

Sun in the 12th House

Traditionally, the Sun in the 12th House is not a strong placement for the Sun.  Rather than expressing and affirming the self, the focus of the 12th House is the dissolution of the self or the turning of the self away from the external towards its own interiority. Thus, you may find it difficult to function in the world and to assert your selfhood. In the 12th House, the self’s natural state is non-assertion. With your Sun in the 12th House, in order to manifest a strong presence in the world you must either overcome this centripetal tendency or you must compartmentalize yourself, creating  an artificial self which deals with the world, and an inner self which watches the  activities of the outer self and lives inwardly. Often, your activities may take place from behind the scenes, from a hidden or private place. Sometimes, you choose to withdraw into yourself and not deal with establishing a strong presence externally. You may also seek shelter, either emotionally and psychologically or manifestly by entering some reclusive institution.


As an individual with your Sun in the 12th House, you become insecure when you subconsciously know that your ego-self is not real and, therefore, cannot really take part in the activities of the world. Having no real self, you cannot really assert yourself. This may lead to two reactions. First, you may become self-renouncing. You may be overly timid and shy, with no self-confidence or self-esteem. You may withdraw from the world rather than face it and reveal your secret – that you are not real. You may also try to destroy the “illusion” of yourself through drugs, alcohol or self-destructive behavior.  Alternatively, you may try to protect yourself from discovering your essential non-existence by projecting a false self that operates constantly in illusion. This persona has no concept of truth and seeks to keep everything hidden and behind the scenes. You are, in essence, your own puppet.

Focus of Your Self-identity

With your Sun in the 12th House, self-identity is problematic for you. You may lack an identity-focus or you may focus your identity through one of the traits associated with the 12th House. You may see yourself as someone who is alone and withdrawn from society. You may see yourself as someone who is compassionate and caring. You may identify with some larger institution within which you can become lost. Or, you may identify yourself as a spiritual being. You may find it difficult to identify yourself with anything corporeal or be attached to corporeality. Instead, you may seek your identity as a transcendent being, destined to be absorbed in the One Essence of Being.

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