Venus in Gemini in the 6th House

Venus in Gemini in the Sixth House

Venus in Gemini in 6th House
Venus in Gemini in 6th House

双子座の金星の配置は、あなたが柔軟性と自由を必要としていることを示している。 人間関係 また、自分の価値観の形成の仕方においても。これは時に、コミットメントに対するアンビバレントな態度として現れる。この配置はまた、金星によって象徴される機能への、本質的に精神的なアプローチを象徴しています。双子座の金星に関連する行動や性格的特徴の多くは、人間関係や価値観の運用における束縛からの自由を求めるあなたの欲求と、あなたが人生のこれらの領域に関与する精神的エネルギーの結果です。

双子座に金星がある場合、双子座は「変幻自在の空気」のサインであり、金星のエネルギーは双子座の変わりやすい空気環境の中で象徴的に軽く自由になる。しかし、これは安定した人間関係や価値観の構築に資するものではないかもしれない。双子座の金星の配置に固有の基本的な調和は、双子座と金星が支配する天秤座の間の自然なトラインによって象徴され、緊張は双子座の自由に動く空気と、同じく金星が支配する牡牛座に関連付けられている安定した永続的な資質との間の対立によって象徴される。双子座の金星は 関係 金星に象徴される機能は、あなたの精神や性格において、普通の人よりも顕著に現れる傾向がある。




Venus in the 6th House:

Having Venus in the 6th House suggests that you may experience heightened insecurity in your relationships and, also, when evaluating your position within your environment. This is because the cusp of the 6th and the 7th Houses  (with the 7th House ruled by Venus) represents a major transition in personal development – the point at which the “person” is complete and is ready to begin their social development. Making this transition, as an individual with Venus in the 6th House, you may have doubts about your worthiness to present yourself in a relationship with another person. If this is the case, you probably do not feel perfect enough.

The placement of Venus in the 6th House resonates with this 6th-7th House transition. This tension is compounded by the “weak,” passive nature of the 6th House. Thus, with Venus in the 6th House, you may approach relationships from a dependent perspective. On the other hand, the self-analysis, striving for perfection, and humble attitude that are associated with the 6th House can create in you an ability to relate sensitively to others and also to develop a discriminating sense of values, including a more positive appreciation of your self-worth.


As an individual with Venus in the 6th House, if you are inwardly insecure, you will lack a sure sense of your own identity.  Thus, you will allow yourself to be dominated by others in relationships. You will routinely adopt a servile, dependent posture when dealing with others. This may invite exploitation and being used by others. With Venus in the 6th House, you may be too exacting in your expectations of yourself in a relationship, thus producing feelings of guilt. Or, you may apply those exacting standards to actual or potential partners, thereby shutting yourself off from meaningful interaction.

For the individual with Venus in the 6th House, focusing on your own inadequacies, compared to your ideal of self-perfection, may cause you to be overly demanding in how you judge your environment. Nothing will measure up, and you will be in a constant state of dissatisfaction. Your evaluation and tastes may, in the end, be based on petty considerations which, nevertheless, seem important to you.


With Venus in the 6th House, your evaluative faculty is focused on areas involving self-refinement and service. You may have strong preferences with respect to your work environment, health matters, moral or cultural standards, or modes of serving others. You may be a harsh judge of yourself, evaluating your thoughts, motives and actions critically. These judgments are more likely to be expressed as feelings rather than thoughts, and they may also be projected onto others. Having Venus in the 6th House, the judgments that you make are likely to be influenced by codes and standards, by your work or health environment, and by consideration for the welfare of others.

あなたの性格、動機、願望について、より深い洞察を得る。 徹底的な占星術と数秘術による出生チャート分析.


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自己認識が人生を変えるほどのインパクトを持つことを、「自己理解」を通じて発見しよう。 詳細な出生図分析.自分の本質をより深く理解し、人生を明晰に、目的を持って、自信を持って航海する方法を学ぶ。