
If you have a Midheaven in Virgo, careers that offer stability and practicality are a priority.


Creating Success

Virgo Midheaven individuals achieve successful outcomes when they focus on their intended goal and carefully plan how they will get there. Analyzing the details of a situation, making a realistic time schedule, and sticking to their routine no matter what – these are their keys to manifesting their goals and feeling in charge of their life. Routines are vital for a Virgo Midheaven, and so is writing out a list of what they intend to accomplish each day. These essential tools will help them stay focused and on course.

It can be scary at first since Virgo Midheaven individuals are so sensitive and attuned to helping other people with their troubles. They tend to equate their basic safety with their ability to go with the flow of life and events. But by making a plan and sticking to it no matter what, they rise above any feelings of helplessness.

Empowered with a sense of creating their own destiny, the Virgo Midheaven individual can enter into 人間関係 with confidence, ready to make a plan that serves both parties. As long as they fulfill their part of the plan, a person in accord will keep up his or her commitment. Anyone not in harmony with the plan had best be on their way so someone more dependable can enter their life.

Their Achilles Heel

Virgo Midheaven people fear losing the safety of their role as a tender, compassionate victim, in contact with the “cosmic whole” yet unable to organize themselves here on Earth. This stance is a survival tool they developed in childhood that no longer serves them in adult life. For the Virgo Midheaven, refusing to focus or define their direction, they become less visible to others; they experience the unhappiness of nobody really noticing their plight or benefiting from their spiritual vision.

The Virgo Midheaven individual may seek sympathy from others, hoping they will recognize their basic goodness and accept and love them unconditionally. In reality, this approach leads to disappointment, as people are not inspired to relate to them deeply. Isolated through the helplessness of their basic outlook, Virgo Midheaven individuals feel misunderstood – a martyr. They may also isolate themselves from true intimacy through an unwillingness to see their ideals of love take any physical form. As a consequence, they may find themselves dissatisfied, unhappy, and disillusioned with life.


Happiness enters into the Virgo Midheaven individuals life when a stance of “cosmic helplessness” is replaced with an attitude of down-to-earth helpfulness in the lives of others. By releasing utopian fantasies, they free themselves to envision a new ideal of service, one based upon their ability to practically apply it. They can then experience the unparalleled joy that accompanies being an active participant in bringing their spiritual vision alive in the here and now!

When Virgo Midheaven people focus and begin to act – doing the small services that they see are needful and within their reach, no matter how mundane – they experience the joy of materially acting upon their vision. As a natural byproduct of this practical service, those whom they serve on any level also get a sense of the wholeness of their vision; they are no longer afraid of being pulled into a bottomless void. Thus, through the Virgo Midheaven’s willingness to rise up and take an active part in putting into practice their spiritual ideals, they create room in their life for others to relate to them on an intimate, highly personal, satisfying level.

Happiness comes into any area of the Virgo Midheaven’s life where they are willing to see their ideals manifested in physical form and do their part to bring their ideal of cosmic love into a practical, material application. Having a routine, a schedule of how they use their time, and adopting other helpful habits gives the Virgo Midheaven the structure and the confidence they need to vigorously approach their goals, and the satisfaction that comes from reaching them.

Their ‘Home Base’

For the Virgo Midheaven, their early environmental conditioning was in many ways very confusing and disorienting. Chaos was part of the picture. To ensure their personal survival it was necessary to simply go along with whatever was happening. In many ways, their capacity to create order was undermined through lack of encouragement. Deep feelings of helplessness may have resulted.

Consequently, the survival tools of the Virgo Midheaven included developing the ability to be very understanding and forgiving of other people’s shortcomings, which may be expressed in their adult life as a lack of discrimination. The Virgo Midheaven individual may also have a tendency to give up too easily or to allow a myriad of outside influences to distract them from their own path. They can become so adaptable to constantly changing outer circumstances that they simply flow along, doing what they can to smooth away distracting influences.

Good Career Choices

Virgo Midheaven individuals are happiest in a profession where they feel they are being of real service to others. A healing profession would be ideal, such as a physician, nurse, holistic practitioner, dentist, or spiritual advisor. They would also be content in a field that utilizes their ability for organization.

The calling of the Virgo Midheaven is to bring order out of chaos. They are very gifted at detailed work. A career that involves careful handling and study would stimulate their feelings of competency and satisfaction. Their best career choice would also involve their ability for analysis and practical planning, a talent that brings clarity to one and all.

Self-contentment for the Virgo Midheaven is assured through allowing the world to see them as effective, attentive to detail, realistic, hard-working, diligent, and practical in implementing their spiritual ideals.

出生図の叡智を通して、あなたの真の人生の道を発見してください。あなたが成就するために生まれてきた目的をより深く洞察し、明晰さ、自信、そして意味を持ってあなたの旅をナビゲートします。 詳細な出生図分析.
