
Your Strengths and Weaknesses with a Taurus Sun and Libra Moon

The combination of your Sun sign and your Moon sign produces one of the most likable personalities in the Zodiac. Others may have more wit, ambition, or intellect, but none equal the charm and appeal of this combination. A nice home and a close family are your first loves, social contact and involvement, a close […]

Your Strengths and Weaknesses with a Taurus Sun and Libra Moon 続きを読む "

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Your Strengths and Weaknesses with a Taurus Sun and Scorpio Moon

The combinatin of your Sun sign and your Moon sign produces a personality possessing a good deal more emotional intensity than is normally observed in the very stable Taurus Sun sign native. A very attractive cover hides the emotionally temperamental side of your nature. There is a very “definite” quality about you that insists black

Your Strengths and Weaknesses with a Taurus Sun and Scorpio Moon 続きを読む "

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Your Strengths and Weaknesses with a Taurus Sun and Sagittarius Moon

The combination of your Sun sign and Moon sign blend two signs that are both extroverted and sociable, and enjoy having a good time. Your sense of what constitutes a good time is variable, sometimes simple and earthy, and other times much more venturesome. Your highly developed social sense suggests that you like people, but

Your Strengths and Weaknesses with a Taurus Sun and Sagittarius Moon 続きを読む "

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Your Strengths and Weaknesses with a Taurus Sun and Capricorn Moon

The combination of your Sun and Moon signs produces a personality that is gentle and easygoing, unless in some way provoked. When you are asked to do something against your will, the nature of both signs is to resist with a great stubbornness. Your makeup is very strong and durable emotionally. You can handle much

Your Strengths and Weaknesses with a Taurus Sun and Capricorn Moon 続きを読む "

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牡牛座太陽と水瓶座月によるあなたの長所と短所 続きを読む "

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Your Strengths and Weaknesses with a Taurus Sun and Pisces Moon

The combination of your Sun sign and your Moon sign produces much creativity and imagination, but at the same time, it creates a somewhat private dream life that may not have a firm grip on reality. Taurus gives you a restful or stable internal nature, but the Moon gives a rather changeable personality. Despite a

Your Strengths and Weaknesses with a Taurus Sun and Pisces Moon 続きを読む "

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Taurus Sun with Pisces Moon: The Shrinking Violet

Sun in Taurus with Moon in Pisces Personality Traits:Your Pisces Moon makes you a very sensitive Taurus. People admire your quiet charm, perceiving great depth and understanding behind your gentle manner. Of all the Taurus combinations, the Taurus Sun Pisces Moon combination is the most imaginative, artistic, and spiritual.You possess the worldliness and common sense

Taurus Sun with Pisces Moon: The Shrinking Violet 続きを読む "

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Taurus Sun with Aquarius Moon: The Reformer

Sun in Taurus with Moon in Aquarius Personality Traits:With a Taurus Sun Aquarius Moon, you may look like the typical Taurean—rugged and responsible, or sensual and voluptuous—but your eyes have that far-away look, and something of the prophet within your soul sets you apart from other natives of your sign. The Taurus Sun Aquarius Moon

Taurus Sun with Aquarius Moon: The Reformer 続きを読む "

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Taurus Sun with Capricorn Moon: The Worrywart

Sun in Taurus with Moon in Capricorn Personality Traits:With a Taurus Sun Capricorn Moon, you are calm, sympathetic, sensual, and fun-loving. But beneath your magnetic charm lies a hard core of determination and inner strength. Humor is one of your greatest gifts and you can brighten any conversation with your quick, incisive wit. But for

Taurus Sun with Capricorn Moon: The Worrywart 続きを読む "

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Taurus Sun with Sagittarius Moon: The Big Spender

Sun in Taurus with Moon in Sagittarius Personality Traits:The combination of Taurus Sun and Sagittarius Moon combines the common sense and worldly wisdom of Taurus with the spiritual understanding, imagination, and philosophical nature of Sagittarius.With a Taurus Sun Sagittarius Moon, you are idealistic and practical, possessing the resolve and determination to see your many dreams

Taurus Sun with Sagittarius Moon: The Big Spender 続きを読む "

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Taurus Sun with Scorpio Moon: The Pessimist

Sun in Taurus with Moon in Scorpio Personality Traits:Having a Taurus Sun Scorpio Moon, you are a very intense Taurus, and you take yourself and the world around you with utmost seriousness. Suspicious and secretive, you prefer to be left alone and do not let many people get close to you. Somewhat paranoid, you are

Taurus Sun with Scorpio Moon: The Pessimist 続きを読む "

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Taurus Sun with Libra Moon: Mr. Nice Guy

Sun in Taurus with Moon in Libra Personality Traits:Venus rules both signs of the Taurus Sun Libra Moon combination, giving you an enchanting personality and a remarkable even disposition. Your bearing suggests tranquility and inner calm.With a Taurus Sun Libra Moon, you are graceful and outgoing, to others you seem almost immune to tension and

Taurus Sun with Libra Moon: Mr. Nice Guy 続きを読む "

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Taurus Sun with Virgo Moon: The Voice of Experience

Sun in Taurus with Moon in Virgo Personality Traits:With a Taurus Sun Virgo Moon, you are calm, even-tempered, and self-assured; others admire your character, resourcefulness, and dedication. Yours is a harmonious combination and that inner stability, confidence, and practicality combine to make your progress in life very smooth.As an individual with a Taurus Sun Virgo

Taurus Sun with Virgo Moon: The Voice of Experience 続きを読む "

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Taurus Sun with Leo Moon: The Entertainer

Sun in Taurus with Moon in Leo Personality Traits:With a Taurus Sun Leo Moon, there is probably no one else in your social sphere that has your forcefulness, drama, and extroverted nature. You consider others fortunate to be in your presence, to share in your activities and to applaud your every step. And most people

Taurus Sun with Leo Moon: The Entertainer 続きを読む "

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Taurus Sun with Cancer Moon: The Accommodator

Sun in Taurus with Moon in Cancer Personality Traits:As an individual with a Taurus Sun Cancer Moon, you are tranquil and self-controlled. You project an image of security, stability, and confidence. Your Taurus personality is sensual, determined, and industrious; your Cancer inner nature is sensitive and imaginative, but also somewhat hesitant and insecure. So, despite

Taurus Sun with Cancer Moon: The Accommodator 続きを読む "

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