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Sun-Uranus Aspects in Synastry: An Electrifying Connection

Have you ever felt an instant spark with someone new? That magnetic pull towards them that feels both exciting and destabilizing at the same time? If so, you’ve likely experienced the effects of a Sun-Uranus aspect in synastry.Sun-Uranus connections in synastry represent a relationship that awakens, surprises, and challenges us. These aspects inject an air

Sun-Uranus Aspects in Synastry: An Electrifying Connection 続きを読む "

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Sun-Venus Aspects in Synastry: Resonating on a Soulful Frequency

When it comes to relationships, there are few things that are more important than the spark of attraction and romance between two people.This magical connection is often revealed in the synastry between one person’s Sun and the other’s Venus. These aspects show how you express love (Venus) to your partner’s core self and identity (Sun).Indeed,

Sun-Venus Aspects in Synastry: Resonating on a Soulful Frequency 続きを読む "

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Sun-Saturn Aspects in Synastry: Lessons in the Light

Hello there! Have you ever had a thought about the meaning of your Sun making an aspect to anothe­r’s Saturn in your synastry chart?Good, you’re in the perfe­ct spot!Sun-Saturn aspects in synastry can disclose much about the inte­raction and karmic lessons shared betwe­en two individuals.In this article, we­ will delve into the 5 primary aspects

Sun-Saturn Aspects in Synastry: Lessons in the Light 続きを読む "

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Sun-Mercury Aspects in Synastry: Connecting Head to Heart

When it comes to relationships, astrology can give us some fascinating insights into how two people interact.One area we look at is called synastry, which involves comparing the natal charts of two individuals to see how their planetary energies play off one another.In this post, I want to explore one specific synastry connection – between

Sun-Mercury Aspects in Synastry: Connecting Head to Heart 続きを読む "

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Sun-Mars Aspects in Synastry: Solar Light on Mars

You’re here because you want to learn more about Sun-Mars aspects in synastry, right? I’m so glad!Understanding how your Sun interacts with a partner’s Mars can reveal a lot about the energy and passion in your relationship.As we dive in, remember that no single synastry aspect can make or break a relationship. You’ve gotta look

Sun-Mars Aspects in Synastry: Solar Light on Mars 続きを読む "

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Sun-Jupiter Aspects in Synastry: When Worldviews Align

Hey there. I’m glad to have­ you on my blog about how Sun-Jupiter aspects influence relationships!Synastry? It’s the­ comparison of two people’s natal charts to evaluate­ their interactions. The Sun and Jupite­r? They’re major positive cosmic force­s!When they align in a specific way across charts, the­y form a lucky connection.In this article, we­’ll look at

Sun-Jupiter Aspects in Synastry: When Worldviews Align 続きを読む "

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Tarot cards and astrology are two divination tools used to gain insight into one’s life and future. Tarot cards consist of a deck of 78 cards, each with its own unique symbolism and meaning. Astrology, on the other hand, is the study of the movements and relative positions of celestial bodies and their influence on

タロットカードと占星術:つながりを理解する 続きを読む "


North Nodes in Astrology: What Happens if You Don’t Fulfill Your Destiny in Old Age?

Throughout history, people have wondered if their path in life has been predetermined or if they are just going through life one random step at a time. In astrology, the north and south nodes refer to your destinies — one that you have already lived and one that you have yet to live. The nodes

North Nodes in Astrology: What Happens if You Don’t Fulfill Your Destiny in Old Age? 続きを読む "


Vesta for Creativity and Cause

Writers Bio: Lizzie Burgess, a secular divination Bosswitch, runs BackyardBanshee.com where you can learn more about divination methods, rituals and resources that help you with your growth spiritually and professionally. Lizzie is currently finishing the upcoming book “An A to Z of Modern Divination”, where they upcycle and modernize ancient divination methods for a more

Vesta for Creativity and Cause 続きを読む "


Your Most Ideal Locations – Locational Astrology Explained

Locational Astrology or Astrocartography is the astrology of a place. It’s also called Relocation Astrology and Astro-locality.Have you ever felt drawn to live and vacation at a particular place? Was your experience all that you expected, or were you left wanting more from your travel or relocation? Locational astrology is an excellent tool that can

Your Most Ideal Locations – Locational Astrology Explained 続きを読む "

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Overcome Your Most Persistent Challenges with Astrological Remediation

Perhaps you’ve reached a stage in your journey to consider the recurring patterns in your life that don’t serve you. As a result, you may be aching to do some inner work that will manifest lasting change in the way you approach your life. If this is true, you may want to consider using astrological

Overcome Your Most Persistent Challenges with Astrological Remediation 続きを読む "


How To Make The Most Of Your Astrological ‘Dark Night Of The Soul’

Many of us have heard the term “Dark Night of the Soul” and wondered at its meaning. It might bring to mind a time that you or another struggled with making good choices over poor choices.Maybe it reminds you of a time when your life hit rock bottom and everything really needed to change.Dark nights

How To Make The Most Of Your Astrological ‘Dark Night Of The Soul’ 続きを読む "
