Punti di forza e di debolezza con Sole Toro e Luna Ariete

The combination of your Sun sign and your Moon sign shows you to be a strong individual with an even stronger and more determined drive to achieve your ends. You can be very dedicated in your efforts to further important personal ambitions. The congenial, peaceable, and placid attributes of the bull (Taurus) are sure to […]

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Your Strengths and Weaknesses with a Gemini Sun and Aries Moon

The combination of your Sun and Moon signs makes you mentally “quick as a cat,” witty, versatile, and mobile, both in mind and body. You are naturally alert, active, and aggressive. At your best, you have a very ambitious nature, asserting yourself in a positive and confident manner in whatever direction you decide to go.

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Punti di forza e di debolezza con Sole in Cancro e Luna in Ariete

La combinazione dei segni Sole e Luna vi conferisce una mente veloce e una memoria notevole. Siete una persona con molto rispetto di sé e determinazione. Tuttavia, questo non sembra mai rendervi egocentrici o insensibili agli altri. Anzi, siete molto sensibili nei confronti di tutti e vivete secondo il codice "Do

Punti di forza e di debolezza con Sole in Cancro e Luna in Ariete Leggi tutto "

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Your Strengths and Weaknesses with a Leo Sun and Aries Moon

The combination of your Sun sign and your Moon sign produces intense emotions and a strong personal drive. You may display exceptional courage because there is little that you are afraid of and few challenges you are hesitant to undertake. You throw yourself into every project with total commitment. You have a quick temper and

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Punti di forza e di debolezza con Sole in Vergine e Luna in Ariete

The combination of your Sun sign and your Moon sign produces some degree of conflict in your nature because of the vast differences between these signs. The common qualities are hardness and a true strength of purpose. Real emotions are not likely to be common to your nature. The variance of these two signs suggests

Punti di forza e di debolezza con Sole in Vergine e Luna in Ariete Leggi tutto "

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Punti di forza e di debolezza con Sole Bilancia e Luna Ariete

La combinazione del vostro segno solare e del vostro segno lunare produce una personalità che non si lascia legare facilmente, che non ama gli obblighi, i doveri e la possessività. La routine, le responsabilità e i dettagli vi deprimono. Vi piace fare scherzi e prendere le persone alla sprovvista. Irregolari e impulsivi, vi piace di più la vita quando è eccitante e

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Your Strengths and Weaknesses with a Scorpio Sun and Aries Moon

The combination of your Sun sign and your Moon sign produces a realist with little interest in generalizations or abstractions. Your focus is definite and highly personal. Ambition is strongly marked in your nature. You have little feeling for right, wrong, justice, philosophy, or other intangibles unless they touch you, or someone you are interested

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Your Strengths and Weaknesses with a Sagittarius Sun and Aries Moon

The combination of your Sun sign and your Moon sign produces the ultimate in energy and pioneering spirit. You are apt to work hard for the common good so long as it advances your own personal ambitions and satisfies your desire to be at the forefront of the action. You are defiant and extremely self-confident.

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Your Strengths and Weaknesses with a Capricorn Sun and Aries Moon

The combination of your Sun and Moon signs produces a very forceful and purposeful personality. You have a strong drive to succeed, and you’re willing to work very hard to insure that this becomes a reality. Prestige is vital to your happiness. You know how to impress people, but you steadfastly refuse to give any

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Your Strengths and Weaknesses with a Aquarius Sun and Aries Moon

The combination of your Sun sign and your Moon sign produces a quick aggressive mind, a keen sense of your own intelligence, and a sort of judicial attitude toward the rest of the world. You have to look out for smugness and self-satisfaction for you are somewhat prone to have a bit of a superiority

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Your Strengths and Weaknesses with a Pisces Sun and Aries Moon

The combination of your Sun sign and your Moon sign produces an inner nature that differs greatly from the outer or projected personality. It’s hard to strike a balance between a sense of inward peace, and reactions that are quite impulsive, active and even aggressive. There is a blending of emotional sensitivity, adaptability and understanding

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Pisces Sun with Aries Moon

Sun in Pisces with Moon in Aries Personality Traits:Having a Pisces Sun Aries Moon, are you a sensitive, introverted poet, or a confident explorer and crusader for the truth as you see it? Sometimes you feel passive, dreamy, private and emotional, preferring to observe the world around you from your inner sanctum whilst you let

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Aquarius Sun with Aries Moon: Personality Traits

With an Aquarius Sun Aries Moon, are you a great observer of humanity but too much of a snob to really join in?Do you speak your own mind courageously and convincingly, and then wonder why others do not always warm to you and your causes? Talkative and energetic, you are often wrapped up in your

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Sole Capricorno con Luna Ariete: Il castoro indaffarato

Sole in Capricorno con Luna in Ariete Tratti della personalità:Una cosa che riguarda un individuo con Sole in Capricorno e Luna in Ariete: Camminano così velocemente che può essere faticoso stargli dietro. Un fascio di energia, siete sempre in movimento e vi occupate delle questioni in modo rapido ed efficiente. Questo vi dà un'aria di impazienza

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Sagittarius Sun with Aries Moon: The Tattler

Sun in Sagittarius with Moon in Aries Personality Traits:In “The Emperor’s New Clothes,” the child who pointed out that the Emperor was naked must have been a Sagittarius Sun Aries Moon. No other combination embodies such candid outspokenness. Dynamic, impulsive, and extremely independent, you lack inhibition and have the courage to say exactly what you

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