tema natale

north node in cancer in the 4th house and south node capricorn in the 10th house

Nodo Nord in Cancro in 4a Casa e Nodo Sud in Capricorno in 10a Casa

Esplorate l'equilibrio tra la vita domestica e le ambizioni di carriera con approfondimenti sul Nodo Nord in Cancro in 4a casa e sul Nodo Sud in Capricorno in 10a casa.

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I vostri "3 grandi" segni in astrologia

Your sun, moon, and rising signs are known as your “big three” signs in astrology — think of them as your most significant astrological stats.These Big 3 Astrology signs are super important in your birth chart, and each rules over its own part of your personality and overall self. While the sun represents the core

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Il vostro segno del Medio Cielo - La vostra carriera ideale

The Midheaven is the entrance to the tenth house and relates to your career, reputation, and social standing. These are your most visible achievements in the eyes of the world.Your Midheaven Sign is the Zodiac Sign that was at the southern highest point above the horizon at the moment you were born. This southern highest

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12 idee per feste divertenti basate su ogni segno zodiacale

Your birthday is a time to celebrate you. At this special time of year, it’s an opportunity to explore what makes you unique and honor the things about you that everyone loves.The Zodiac signs are a powerful way to understand the inner workings of who you are and create a life that reflects those deep,

12 idee per feste divertenti basate su ogni segno zodiacale Leggi tutto "


Nodi lunari e percorso di vita

What’s your life purpose? In your birth chart, the lunar nodes—known as the north node and south node—hold the keys to your destiny and ultimate life lessons.Your life purpose is encoded in the north node and south node of the moon. The lunar nodes are directly opposite each other in the chart. They aren’t planets, but

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Tratti del vostro segno ascendente

Il vostro segno zodiacale è importantissimo per la vostra Astrologia personale! Non solo influenza il modo in cui vi presentate al mondo, ma il vostro intero tema natale si basa proprio sul vostro segno zodiacale (chiamato anche "Ascendente"). Imparare a conoscere il vostro segno zodiacale può aiutarvi a spiegare le sfaccettature della vostra personalità e a rendervi consapevoli di come

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Guarire il proprio segno lunare

Astrologically speaking, Moon signs can be much more interesting than Sun signs.Sun signs deal more with the external identity of a person, the energy they radiate to the world around them.  Moon signs deal with emotional identity; emotions dictate what you manifest in your life. Moon signs show the energy that you pull in from

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Esplorare e comprendere il proprio tema natale (nascita)

“We are born at a given moment, in a given place and, like vintage years of wine, we have the qualities of the year and of the season of which we are born.”— Carl JungWhat is an Astrology Birth Chart?An astrology birth chart—also called an astrology natal chart—is a map of where all the planets

Esplorare e comprendere il proprio tema natale (nascita) Leggi tutto "


Svelare i misteri dei 3 grandi segni zodiacali: Guida ai segni del Sole, della Luna e dell'Ascendente

In the enchanting realm of astrology, understanding the “Big 3” zodiac signs – your Sun, Moon, and Rising (Ascendant) signs – is akin to holding a celestial map to your inner self. These three astrological components offer a profound glimpse into your personality, emotional inner world, and how you present yourself to the world. Whether

Svelare i misteri dei 3 grandi segni zodiacali: Guida ai segni del Sole, della Luna e dell'Ascendente Leggi tutto "

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Tarocchi e astrologia: Capire la connessione

I tarocchi e l'astrologia sono due strumenti di divinazione utilizzati per conoscere la propria vita e il proprio futuro. I tarocchi sono costituiti da un mazzo di 78 carte, ognuna con un proprio simbolismo e significato. L'astrologia, invece, è lo studio dei movimenti e delle posizioni relative dei corpi celesti e della loro influenza sul futuro.

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North Nodes in Astrology: What Happens if You Don’t Fulfill Your Destiny in Old Age?

Throughout history, people have wondered if their path in life has been predetermined or if they are just going through life one random step at a time. In astrology, the north and south nodes refer to your destinies — one that you have already lived and one that you have yet to live. The nodes

North Nodes in Astrology: What Happens if You Don’t Fulfill Your Destiny in Old Age? Leggi tutto "


Vesta for Creativity and Cause

Writers Bio: Lizzie Burgess, a secular divination Bosswitch, runs BackyardBanshee.com where you can learn more about divination methods, rituals and resources that help you with your growth spiritually and professionally. Lizzie is currently finishing the upcoming book “An A to Z of Modern Divination”, where they upcycle and modernize ancient divination methods for a more

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Can Jupiter Transits Cause Weight Gain?

Jupiter’s transits are one of the most exciting events in astrology. The planet completes its revolution every 12 years, which is why it shifts to a different astrological sign each year.As the Greater Benefic, the planet can bless people with luck, prosperity, optimism, happiness, and faith, especially if it falls in a sign and a house that

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