Aries in the Houses

The house where Ariete falls in your natal chart brings deeper insights into those areas of life where you take initiative and action. This is where you naturally lead and take aligned action but also where you may express anger. Bring your awareness to how you might be controlling and/or unaware of other people’s views and actions in this area of life.

Aries in the 1st House

If you have Aries in or on the cusp of the first house, you are a human doing, always on the go, very physical, and highly self-oriented. You always have to be first, and you are or will be a great leader. The evolutionary challenge of this placement is to learn collaboration and cooperation with others, which doesn’t come naturally here (unless other chart placements show that it does), and to lead by example.

Aries in the 2nd House

Aries in or on the cusp of the second house gives you the ability to embody high self-worth and self-esteem. Sometimes this is through the lens of generating wealth and material items that prove your worth to the world. The evolutionary, or growth, impulse here is to realize that true self-worth comes from within by embodying leadership and inner strength of character.

Aries in the 3rd House

If you have Aries in or on the cusp of the third house, you are a clear and concise communicator and a fast learner. You make an excellent teacher if you can resist the temptation to be impatient, as well as the urge to do things for others rather than let them take in information and act at their own pace.

Ariete in 4a Casa

 If you have Aries in or on the cusp of the fourth house, you will likely have created an identity separate from the home at a young age. You will separate from family conditioning at an earlier age than any other sign in the fourth house. You are very much your own person. You are at your happiest taking control and doing things around the home, and the temptation will be to push others to do the same or to do everything for them rather than allowing them to develop at their own pace. As the fourth house also represents your inner self, you are likely to be very self-demanding. Allow others to do things to lighten the load and in their own way. Keep in mind the image of a benevolent leader in the home.

Ariete in 5a Casa

Aries in or on the cusp of the fifth house enjoys physical activity and active play and creativity. You are likely to be the leader at the party and in love affairs, lots of fun, and full of life force. If you have children, you are likely to be somewhat demanding, which may not be a good fit for all children, or your own children will be strong-willed. Overall, this is a Fire sign in a fiery house, so everything is infused with passion.

Aries in the 6th House

If you have Aries in or on the cusp of the sixth house, you are likely to be driven in your daily and work routines—the kind of person who is highly organized and on the go at all times. As this is also the house of service and mentorship, you will make an excellent leader in these areas. It’s important, however, not to make your service all about you; make it about the service instead. It’s also important to learn to delegate successfully as you are susceptible to burnout and health problems if you try to do everything yourself.

Aries in the 7th House

Aries in or on the cusp of the seventh house indicates that you are very direct in your significant relazioni. You are attracted to those who are independent and active, or you will seek to control and take over others in your significant relationships. Your relationships are likely to be passionate and fiery, which can also lead to the Ram-like locking of horns at times. The image of people standing side by side and supporting each other fully, neither dominating the other, is a good one to hold.

Aries in the 8th House

If you have Aries in or on the cusp of the eighth house, you have the potential to benefit from the actions of those you are in closely bonded relationships with. Abundance may come through other people’s actions, and that can affect the Aries sense of self, as Aries likes to do everything themselves. On the other hand, you may become a leader in the metaphysical world, fearlessly delving into the deepest of places and leading others into those magical places.

Aries in the 9th House

If you have Aries in or on the cusp of the ninth house, you are a leader in concepts of the higher mind, philosophy, truth, and freedom. Aries is such an enthusiastic energy, however, there is a tendency to get dogmatic around those beliefs and to teach that yours is the only way or truth. Ideally this energy would be turned to the higher self and helping others explore their own higher self through teaching different philosophies.

Ariete nella 10a Casa

If you have Aries in or on the cusp of the tenth house, your self-concept is tied up with your career and/or mission in life. You are likely to be driven by public and professional recognition, and others will be measuring you by your public actions and roles. With both the tenth house and Aries being about the “I am” concept (both one-on-one and publicly with regard to leadership), you may be an autocratic leader unless you temper your actions to consider others.

Aries in the 11th House

If you have Aries in or on the cusp of the eleventh house, you are inspired to action by groups and humanitarian causes or to lead others. You are very sociable and have large groups of friends and love spending time with them, usually leading activities and groups. These bonds are unlikely to be lasting, as Aries has trouble finding groups that can keep up with the constant seeking of new experiences—or there may be clashes with others who also want to take the lead. Heart-opening meditations can help slow you down and deepen your connection with others.

Aries in the 12th House

As Aries is all about self-concept and identity, you can get a little lost in or on the cusp of the twelfth house, which represents the collective unconscious and connection to the muse and mystery. Here, Aries energy can be squelched or dampened by others. There may be an inability to take action for yourself or on behalf of others. Growth will come from the realization that the “I” is, in fact, connected to all that is, and therefore, that identification with the collective helps you see yourself in that collective, allowing you to serve selflessly without losing your sense of self.