Sagittarius Moon in the 1st House

Moon in Sagittarius in the First House

Moon in Sagittarius in 1st House
Moon in Sagittarius in 1st House

With the Moon in Sagittarius, the Moon takes on a sparkle and brightness that it does not have in other sign. Sagittarius is the astrological sign of higher learning and breadth of vision. Here the Moon’s influence loses its passivity. If you have your Moon in Sagittarius you are noted for your quick, sharp mind, extraordinary insights, and an ability to get things done in a flash. Your clear-thinking intelligence sifts through sensory impressions swiftly and with startling lucidity.

Having your Moon in Sagittarius, you are the kind of person who envisions great goals and then, undaunted by possible failure, sets about achieving them. You rarely listen to advice about pitfalls and drawbacks, nor do you wait to find out if a plan is impractical or unworkable. With energy and enthusiasm you rush in and usually accomplish what you set out to do. One reason for your success is your keen judgment. With your Moon in Sagittarius, you have a way of seeing farther than people with their Moon in other signs.

As a Moon in Sagittarius individual you are fond of open spaces, travel, new people, and different surroundings. Among your most winning traits is adaptability—to different kinds of personalities and to foreign and strange places. Your immediate reaction to a new experience is to explore and learn more. With your Moon in Sagittarius, a chance to expand your horizons is always welcome, and you are not exclusively interested in making a profit. Money, in fact, does not stay long in your pocket or checking account. You feel that the whole purpose of money is to buy pleasure. You want to enjoy life.

As an individual with your Moon in Sagittarius, at times you can be quite careless and reckless. Since you believe in your luck, you tend to abandon yourself to whatever fate has in store. You operate on the theory of optimistic fatalism. The danger is that you may push your luck too far. However, a setback does not keep you down for long.

Having your Moon in Sagittarius, with renewed high spirits and a fresh outlook, you hitch up your wagon once more to the stars. Because of your charm and geniality, you have a knack for making friends. You also have a witty way with words and a buoyant sense of humor. Your social gaiety sweeps others along on a tidal wave of goodwill. With your Moon in Sagittarius, one of your most endearing qualities is your ability to perceive the best in people.

For the Moon in Sagittarius, when you criticize, you do so with such openness and candor that it is comparatively easy to take. Unlike the other fire Moons (Moon-Aries and Moon-Leo), Moon in Sagittarius individuals are not highly sexed and passionate. You look on love more as an adventure. You enjoy the thrill of discovery, the stimulating high of being in love, but you are unwilling to immerse yourself in deep emotional intensity. After a while your lovers may complain of your detachment or un-reachableness. Having your Moon in Sagittarius, a perfect soul-mate for you is someone who looks more outward than inward, and in time your love affairs become more like friendships. You are also noted for a roving eye and a refusal to be tied down to one person or one place. You need a lot of personal space and independence. This does not necessarily make you a bad marriage partner – you are a marvelous companion – it is just that you do have a certain lightheartedness about love and fidelity. Life to you, with a Moon in Sagittarius, means change and variety, and this attitude has a way of also applying to love.

La posizione del segno della Luna descrive il modo in cui rispondiamo abitualmente alle altre persone e alle circostanze della nostra vita, nonché il modo in cui viviamo le nostre emozioni e cerchiamo la realizzazione emotiva. La posizione della sua casa corrisponde all'area della vita in cui operiamo più inconsciamente, secondo schemi passati e risposte istintive.

Moon in the 1st House:

The 1st House squares the 4th House, which is ruled by the Moon and is its natural placement. Thus, there are some challenges inherent Moon in the 1st House placement. These challenges may result in a weakened self-identity. However, the Moon in the 1st House also suggests the presence of compensating positive elements that play a role in the development of your selfhood and personality.

The chief problematic areas with Moon in the 1st House have to do with the Moon’s association with behavioral conditioning, influences of the family (especially the mother), and a paradigm characterized by reflectivity, reaction and dependency. These constructs tend to obstruct the development of a fully individualized self. With your Moon in the 1st House, you may find yourself working to extract yourself from these influences in order to claim your own selfhood.

On the positive side, having your Moon in the 1st House, the Moon brings to the forefront qualities of sensitivity, caring, openness and being in touch with your emotions. These qualities are then incorporated into who you feel that you are. Particularly if you are male, this may enable you to attain more of a balance between the Yin and Yang energies in your consciousness. Having the Moon in the 1st House may also predispose you to be open to psychic, subconscious or extra-conscious experiences.


Having your Moon in the 1st House, if you are inwardly insecure, deep down you will feel that your persona is not your own. Being nothing more than a reflection of other people’s will, you feel a lack of inner substance and you are plagued with a feeling of vulnerability. The emotional sensitivity that you are likely to have with Moon in the 1st House only amplifies this feeling of vulnerability. Your resulting behavior is reactive, overly sensitive and over-protective.

Focus dello sviluppo emotivo

As an individual with your Moon in the 1st House, you feel your emotions quite personally and they play a major role in the formation and expression of your personality and sense of self. Unless you have suppressed your emotions to avoid the challenges they present, you are always aware of your emotional state and “working on your emotions” is likely to be a primary method for you to further develop your personality and selfhood.

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