Sun in Pisces in the Seventh House
Con il vostro Sole in Pesci, come i nativi degli altri segni d'acqua (Cancro e Scorpione), avete la capacità di vedere in profondità nella psiche umana. Sentite le cose prima di conoscerle e le vostre sensazioni sono raramente sbagliate. Se avete un'intuizione, gli altri farebbero bene a prestare attenzione. Parte della vostra chiaroveggenza deriva dal fatto che capite prima con il cuore e solo dopo razionalizzate ciò che sapete intuitivamente.
As an individual with your Sun in Pisces, you possess superb intuition and a seemingly bottomless understanding of other people, yet your extraordinary sensitivity can be your most vulnerable point. You are too impressionable to each passing influence, too susceptible to someone else’s hard-luck story or plea for help. For you, learning to say no can be a lifetime project and you may never learn how to do it at all.
A fatal flaw in the Sun in Pisces individual is the tendency to flee from what you don’t want to deal with, and this can lead you into a world of addictive behavior. At times, your life may become so punctuated with trouble and heartache that you try desperately to escape. Having your Sun in Pisces, you must fight hard for stability, for the strength of purpose and balance needed to combat the negativity of laziness, carelessness, and emotional confusion. You need to develop a positive self-image, play on your strengths and ability to take responsibility, not let yourself fall victim to bad choices and your predilection for self-undoing. For the Sun in Pisces, your life lesson is to learn self-doing.
Con il vostro Sole in Pesci, siete capaci di grandi sacrifici e di duro lavoro al servizio di una causa o di un ideale. Intellettualmente siete curiosi e vi piace esplorare l'insolito e il nascosto. Sebbene possiate essere poco pratici, persino pigri, siete anche capaci di un lavoro prodigioso quando siete coinvolti in un progetto a cui tenete veramente. Il fatto è che, nonostante lavoriate in modo disinteressato per gli altri, avete difficoltà a essere rigorosi e disciplinati con voi stessi.
Avendo il vostro Sole in Pesci, poiché mescolate compassione e comprensione con una grande verve, esercitate un potere unico sulle persone la cui vita tocca la vostra. Potreste pensare di non avere la fiducia in voi stessi per essere un leader, ma siete sicuramente una guida, un insegnante e un modello per molti. Siete anche un'ammaliatrice e una spiritosa maliziosa che ama ridere. Tuttavia, poiché siete fondamentalmente insicuri di voi stessi, preferite lavorare da soli piuttosto che con le persone. Avete l'istinto di trovare quella che sembra essere la via d'uscita più facile e di naufragare nelle secche della minima resistenza. Questo è il motivo per cui molti individui di talento, fascino e superiorità con il Sole in Pesci non raggiungono mai la posizione nella vita a cui i loro doni danno diritto.
L'io interiore con il Sole in Pesci
As an individual with your Sun in Pisces, you absorb impressions, images, and emotions from everything around you, and then filter them through your rose-colored view of how you’d like things to be. This is not to say you cannot deal with reality – it’s just that you like to think of life as an ultra-romantic movie filled with happy endings and where everyone has the best possible motives. You’re a big bundle of feelings. You feel intense joy and happiness when you’re involved in a creative project or a loving relazione. The opposite is also true: you can suffer greater depths of sadness than most. Yet you’re tougher than most people think. Push you down and you keep bouncing back like a rubber bathtub toy. You’re charged with energy and get caught up in what’s going on around you. Your greatest strength is in giving to others; you’re always ready to help whoever needs you.
La posizione del segno del Sole indica il modo in cui cerchiamo di esprimerci, svilupparci, realizzarci e affermare la nostra volontà e il nostro potere di plasmare il nostro ambiente. La posizione della casa indica l'area della vita in cui scegliamo di concentrare l'energia del nostro segno solare e di realizzare lo scopo che esso rappresenta.
Sun in the 7th House
A Sun in the 7th House position suggests duality and opposition, since the Sun (self) is primarily concerned with the other in this house placement. This is not a strong placement for expressing your personality individually, however, your personality can shine when engaging in one-on-one relazioni. Potentially, having your Sun in the 7th House, you can feel conflicted about yourself or you may take your self-worth and self-identity too much from other people. The issue you have to face, therefore, is to develop a strong sense of being, independent from others.
As an individual with your Sun in the 7th House, in order to be real in a meaningful relationship, you must be present to yourself. If you develop this strong sense of self, then you can more fully develop that self by engaging in relationships. Whether from a position of strength or a position of dependency, you are likely to spend much energy and attention on relationships with others. Prime relationships (marriage or business partnerships) will be very important in your life but you will tend to see all spheres of life as opportunities to meet and get to know other people.
Having your Sun in the 7th House, you will tend to be concerned with issues involving balance, fairness, and harmony – all important in the conduct of healthy relationships. You may be especially concerned with keeping the proper balance between the needs of yourself and the demands of others. The existence and the quality of your relationships are generally quite important to you. They often become a vehicle through which you can feel alive in your own being.
With your Sun in the 7th House, if you are inwardly insecure, you will likely feel that you have no identity outside of a relationship. You, therefore, place undo importance on this area of your life. You are prone to developing low self-esteem and to seeing your identity merely as a reflection of your partner. Taking your identity from your relationships, you have a tendency to form dependencies on others. This further debilitates your self-esteem, especially if the relationship is not a positive one.
Focus dell'identità di sé
Having your Sun in the 7th House, you tend to identify yourself in terms of the interpersonal relationships in which you are involved. Your constant involvement with other people generally marks you as a “people person.” It may be difficult for you to see yourself apart from your relationships with others. Without people to relate to, you may feel cast adrift, without a reference point or even worthless. The great danger with having your Sun in the 7th House, is that, rather than identifying yourself as a person who has relationships, you identify yourself merely as the partner in a relationship, becoming an appendage or reflection of your partner. You may have to strive to create and maintain your own separate identity. Nevertheless, being in a relationship is generally important in order for you to be able to define yourself and in order for you to feel yourself as who you are. You are likely to feel most like yourself when engaged in interpersonal, one-on-one relationships. Thus, you put much energy into the development of relationships.
Scoprite la vostra personalità, le vostre motivazioni e i vostri desideri con un'analisi della vostra personalità e dei vostri desideri. Analisi astrologica e numerologica approfondita del tema natale.
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Gargatholil, Astrologia profonda: Un manuale astrologico - Volume 2: I pianeti nei segni
Gargatholil, Astrologia profonda: Un manuale astrologico - Volume 3: I pianeti nelle case
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