Sun in Libra in the Third House
With your Sun in Libra, you are easy to like, for you have a captivating charm, possess elegant taste, and are usually beautiful to look at. In addition, you have the gift of making others feel important, for you are a superb listener and instinctively know how to draw out another person. You’re a born charmer. Your home will always have a touch of elegance, and you love to entertain in style.
Libra is the zodiacal sign of Partnerships—in psychological terms the sign is outer-directed. With your Sun in Libra, your energies are focused on melding and combining with other people; you are at your best in personal relationships. Your real energy, however, goes into people. Whether they be partners, lovers, mates, family, friends, business associates, or even guests at your party. You’re simply not a loner. Instinctively, you try to magnetize and pull others toward you. However, having your Sun in Libra, your main interest is on yourself within the relazione. You deal intuitively with other people’s emotions, and no one is better at understanding and taking into consideration another person’s point of view. Yet all too soon that outside viewpoint will be lost or subsumed within your own subtly self-centered concerns.
Come individui con il Sole in Bilancia, cercate l'equilibrio e l'armonia e siete più felici quando il vostro ambiente è ordinato e sereno. La pace per voi vale qualsiasi prezzo e di solito fate di tutto per evitare attriti e dissensi. Poiché vedete chiaramente ogni lato di una discussione, ogni possibilità di un determinato corso, avete il tatto e la capacità di appianare le controversie. Siete dei diplomatici nati. Per evitare una scena spiacevole, soffocherete persino i vostri veri sentimenti. Anzi, troppo spesso non siete sicuri di quali siano i vostri veri sentimenti. Poiché cercate di essere tutto per tutti, l'impressione generale è che siate indecisi.
Having your Sun in Libra, although you have superb instincts, you don’t trust them enough. You are likely to be an underachiever because of your easygoing attitude. For the most part, you don’t want anything badly enough to fight for it. The exception is when you’re denied a privilege to which you feel entitled. That ruffles your fur. Libras have a reputation for stubbornness, but that’s because you are sticklers for fairness. You resent being treated unfairly and become upset at inequity in the world at large. In general, it seems your strength is only brought out by crisis. This is when you’re at your most courageous.
L'io interiore con il Sole in Bilancia
Having your Sun in Libra, you work hard trying to please others and as a result, they find you captivating. However, beneath your friendly exterior, you desperately long for love and approval. You have trouble saying no to others’ requests and you take on too many jobs or commitments—and then to prove how nice you are, you keep smiling through the strain while you hide a lot of resentment. It might be more useful to spend time building up your self-esteem rather than looking to others to give it to you. Basically, you give away your power. You hate anything unpleasant and avoid conflict, vulgarity, or strife. If life were a play, you’d always insist on a happy ending. The problem with trying to have constant peace and harmony is that you have trouble making decisions. At times you fear that any move you make will bring something terrible crashing down around you. If you could just lighten up and not be so hard on yourself, you’d be much more satisfied with what you do achieve. You have every ingredient for happiness!
La posizione del segno del Sole indica il modo in cui cerchiamo di esprimerci, svilupparci, realizzarci e affermare la nostra volontà e il nostro potere di plasmare il nostro ambiente. La posizione della casa indica l'area della vita in cui scegliamo di concentrare l'energia del nostro segno solare e di realizzare lo scopo che esso rappresenta.
Sun in the 3rd House
When your Sun is in the 3rd House, it is an extroverted placement for the Sun, but your energy tends to be limited to the immediate and the here-and-now. Your focus is usually on the environment that you can physically sense and on those relazioni that are close at hand. You may wish to explore, discover and utilize your environment, however, there is so much to be seen and experienced right around you that you almost never have to go very far afield, emotionally or mentally, in order to become absorbed in what is going on around you.
With the Sun in the 3rd House, your awareness and self-awareness shines brightly and directly so that you see and experience the world in all its detail. The task before you, therefore – the task in which your Being is absorbed – is to know your world through your experiencing it. Knowing it, you begin to take control of it and having taken control of it, it becomes benign and useful. All the while, your concern is with what is immediately present.
Having your Sun in the 3rd House, if you are insecure within yourself, you are often faced with the immediacy of your environment and you are overwhelmed and threatened by it. The existence that surrounds you is too much for you to comprehend. You, therefore, set boundaries, develop categories and constructs, and define a world for yourself that is safe and manageable. You simply live in this world of forms and roles that you have devised to protect yourself against the rawness of Existence.
With your Sun in the 3rd House, if you are challenged by the complexities of life, you react negatively. You cannot handle challenges to your simple, direct world. You may deny complexity, or you may try to fit it into your simplified vision of the world. You may try to control it by categorizing it. Whatever your response, you do not let yourself experience any threatening complexity. For you, the world exists as surface and if you admitted its depth, it would swallow you up.
Focus dell'identità di sé
As an individual with your Sun in the 3rd House, you tend to identify with your immediate surroundings. You may do this actively or passively. Passively, you take your identity from the circumstances in which you find yourself. You are defined by the place you live, the friends and family with whom you interact, the facts you know, your memories and what you have experienced. If your circumstances change, if you must deal with a totally new environment, your identity may change as well. Thus, your identity may be transient and changeable, dependent as it is on your environment. Having your Sun in the 3rd House, if you identify actively with your surroundings, you tend to see yourself as the one who interacts with your environment—the one who discovers, the one who tames the world, the one who collects knowledge, the one who categorizes, etc. In this case, you are likely to see yourself as active and dominating, free and self-determining. You are the one who enters into your environment and takes control of it.
Scoprite la vostra personalità, le vostre motivazioni e i vostri desideri con un'analisi della vostra personalità e dei vostri desideri. Analisi astrologica e numerologica approfondita del tema natale.
Articolo tratto da:
Gargatholil, Astrologia profonda: Un manuale astrologico - Volume 2: I pianeti nei segni
Gargatholil, Astrologia profonda: Un manuale astrologico - Volume 3: I pianeti nelle case
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