Jupiter in Aries in the 2nd House

Jupiter in Aries in the Second House

Jupiter in Aries in 2nd House
Jupiter in Aries in 2nd House

Il posizionamento di Giove in Ariete indica che siete inclini a un modo assertivo di espansività. Questo può manifestarsi come una tendenza ad andare avanti con entusiasmo. Gran parte del comportamento e molte delle caratteristiche della personalità associate a Giove in Ariete sono il risultato del vostro bisogno di agire e di affermarvi per realizzare le vostre energie espansive.

Avendo Giove in Ariete, tendete a comprendere il mondo e il posto dell'umanità in esso in termini di azione e, in particolare, dell'azione che voi stessi intraprendete. La percezione di un mondo dominato dall'azione vi spinge generalmente a muovervi in avanti e verso l'esterno per esplorare il mondo e trarne ciò che potete. Come individui con Giove in Ariete, agendo e affermando voi stessi, formate i vostri concetti e costruite una visione del mondo per voi stessi.

Il posizionamento di Giove in Ariete è solitamente armonioso. Questo è simboleggiato dal trino naturale tra l'Ariete e il Sagittario, governato da Giove. L'Ariete è il segno cardinale di fuoco. Il fuoco attivo dell'Ariete dà simbolicamente un impulso costante alle energie espansive associate a Giove. Queste energie vengono così alimentate e indirizzate, con l'unico pericolo che le funzioni e le energie associate a Giove ricevano uno stimolo eccessivo dal fuoco dell'Ariete.


Con Giove in Ariete, potreste sentire una costante richiesta di iniziare qualcosa di nuovo e un eccessivo bisogno di convalidare la vostra autostima. L'energia espansiva rappresentata da Giove amplifica simbolicamente le insicurezze esistenziali associate all'Ariete. In realtà, vi viene chiesto di affrontare le vostre insicurezze ma, invece, vorreste distrarvi dall'affrontarle attraverso l'azione e il perseguimento della "bella vita". Avendo Giove in Ariete, non siete disposti ad aspettare l'arrivo naturale delle cose, temendo nella vostra insicurezza che le cose buone non arriveranno mai a voi se non le prendete. Potreste anche avere la sensazione di perdere l'opportunità se qualcosa non viene avuto o sperimentato immediatamente. Questo bisogno di gratificazione o godimento immediato nasce dal bisogno di sentire che tutto va sempre bene.

Jupiter in the 2nd House:

For those who place a high value on material possessions, Jupiter in the 2nd House is often interpreted as a fortunate placement. Jupiter in the 2nd House may indicate that you enjoy an abundance of possessions and resources and this contributes to your sense of physical security. You may perceive your physical and material needs as extensive. Given this, you may focus on accumulating wealth and possessions and, therefore, possess material comfort in abundance. Or, you may assume, optimistically, that your material needs will be met and this positive attitude naturally leads you to accumulate material abundance. It may also be the case that you are, in-deed, blessed with an abundance of resources that, upon being properly used and managed, result in material comfort.

Having Jupiter in the 2nd House, there is, of course, the karmic possibility that you will not enjoy material abundance in your life. In this case, you may have several possible reactions. You can become extremely dissatisfied and frustrated, yearning constantly for more than you have and bending your energies to accumulate the wealth of the material world. With Jupiter in the 2nd House, a more positive alternative is that you become content with what you have.  Even if you are not wealthy by society’s standards, you feel that you have all that you need, that you are materially secure and comfortable and could want nothing more. You are happy in your material circumstance.

As an individual with Jupiter in the 2nd House, this quality of enjoying your resources and possessions, particularly at the material level, may be exhibited by you no matter how much wealth and possessions you actually have. Thus, you may focus on sensuality and enjoying the “good life.” Your interpretation of the “good life” will depend on your circumstances and values.

There is a third option suggested by Jupiter in the 2nd House. This is for you to transform your focus from material to other, less tangible, values. You may find, by refocusing your values, that you are wealthy in ways other than materially.

Focus di crescita ed espansione

With Jupiter in the 2nd House, you tend to focus your desire to expand your world on enlarging your wealth and possessions. You will likely place your energy into the growth and expansion of the material sphere of life. This is what society generally conditions people to do. However, you may see your opportunities for growth almost exclusively in the physical/material dimension, even more so than most.

However, having Jupiter in the 2nd House, you may feel a need for growth to occur in and through your values. If this is true, your focus is likely to swing away from, or at least not be directly occupied with, the material. Either you see your security and comfort being achieved through the practice of wholesome values or you begin to examine your values in order to achieve personal growth and development through the exploration and expansion of your value system.

Focus del benessere

As an individual with Jupiter in the 2nd House, your social conditioning is likely to promote finding your well-being through material security and comfort. To the extent that you feel wealthy or materially comfortable, you feel an abundance of well-being. If you face poverty or material hardship, your sense of well-being is likely to be threatened or difficult to maintain. Society ingrains this attitude and value set so effectively, that it may be difficult to see this as a Jupiter in the 2nd House trait, unless it is by a matter of degree.

With Jupiter in the 2nd House, if you can separate yourself from society’s conditioning, may find a sense of well-being through adherence to certain values that you hold to be good and true.  If you adopt this approach, well-being itself may become a possession, a resource that you “own.” This may be the case particularly if you externalize your sense of optimism and good-will so that you see the basic goodness of the world in which you live all around you.

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