Il Sentiero della Vita numero 7 è il sentiero della Saggezza e della Verità.
With a Percorso di vita Number 7, your path takes you on an extraordinary journey in which your quest for wisdom is the main factor behind everything you do and everything that happens to you.
Having a Life Path Number 7, you are the reality-seeker who will accept nothing but the truth. But until you recognize and accept that the attainment of wisdom is your very purpose in life, you may be left confused about life itself and frustrated by the actions and attitudes of other people. Life Path 7 individuals are seeking perfection. But, in this imperfect world, you can only aspire to what is perfect for you and, even when you have found what you believe is perfection, you will soon discover its flaws and become dissatisfied again. Even if you cannot, at first, recognize this trait in yourself, just study your own actions and needs for a while, or ask someone who knows you well. You will soon realize that you are, indeed, an exacting soul whose standards are often too high for others, and even you, to keep up with.
Life Path Number 7 individuals question authority and can make valid and moving arguments as to why the status quo is unacceptable. They often remove themselves from the frays of the “common man” to maintain their dignity and privacy. To others, your need for privacy can appear to be secrecy or aloofness, and this misunderstanding can make you difficult to get to know or even approach at times. There is a “differentness” about you which others can find unnerving and intimidating. But once you, yourself, become more comfortable with your “differentness”, others will soon realize that this is actually your uniqueness – your inner beauty – the very thing that enables you to stand out from the crowd and be remembered. This precious gift of the Life Path 7 brings “mystique” to your personality.
Con un Sentiero della Vita numero 7, siete intriganti per molte persone. Gli enigmi vi appassionano, soprattutto perché voi stessi siete un enigma, un enigma affascinante e talvolta confuso. E svelare il vostro enigma è una parte importante del vostro viaggio.
Gli individui del Sentiero della Vita numero 7 vivono nella loro mente, andando costantemente all'interno per trovare risposte alle loro continue e diverse domande; sempre alla ricerca della verità che potrebbe portare ai cambiamenti che visualizzano. Come individuo del Sentiero Vitale 7, probabilmente avete convinzioni profonde e sentimenti forti su molti aspetti della vita, e il vostro intelletto è così attivo che spesso stupite gli altri con le vostre prospettive e intuizioni insolite. Ma siete anche soggetti a grande stress e preoccupazione quando le cose sembrano andare oltre la vostra comprensione. Non è raro che un numero 7 del Sentiero della Vita soffra di mal di testa lancinanti, che sono il risultato della pressione che deriva dal pensare così intensamente a questioni per le quali non sembrano esserci risposte accettabili, o dal dover sopportare ambienti, persone o situazioni che vanno contro la propria dignità.
Per il Sentiero della vita numero 7, spesso la ricerca di risposte sembra produrre solo altre domande.
But isn’t that the basis of higher intelligence? Answering questions with questions until the truth is uncovered? Just as the physical Life Path 5 often places great stress on the body, the intellectual Life Path 7 stresses the mind beyond what it believes is its capacity. This will continue until you learn what needs to be learned about your particular mind. Your Life Path 7 mind must allow itself to expand so that it becomes so capacious – so open – that its boundaries do not press down on you and create physical pain. This state of ease can only come when you learn to accept the reality of every experience you have. It comes when you accept the imperfections that are in you as well as in other people. It comes when you do your learning in private, when you release your emotions in private, and when you accept the fact that you are actually a very sensitive and emotional person. You, of all people, experience great pain, great embarrassment, if you think you are being scrutinized or criticized publicly. There is so much that others do, quite openly, that you must do behind closed doors. Life Path 7’s are not generally known for being open-minded and, yet, that is what you have come into this life to achieve.
Having a Life Path Number 7, others may see you as a serious individual. The truth is that the only serious thing about you is your desire for respect, dignity, and truth. You prefer the company of those who are refined, educated, and tasteful, and your need for high quality is probably one of your better known characteristics. Life Path 7’s possess a certain “flashiness” and panache which could never be mistaken for gaudiness.
With a Life Path Number 7, although you often place yourself in “conservative” environments, you, yourself, answer to no clique, philosophy, or law, unless it is your own. With even the most foolish or undignified behavior to your discredit – yes, this too can occur on the 7 Life Path – you instinctively know that you are a wise soul who must dance to the beat of your own drum, your own mind, your own wisdom. You are a deep thinker, an excessive worrier, a clever planner and orchestrator, a keen investigator, a creative analyst, and an impressive problem-solver. In order to expand these gifts to their full potential, you must learn to be at peace within your own thoughts and feelings. Indeed, you must learn to tell the difference between your thoughts and your feelings. Much of your inner turmoil is caused by listening only to the mind and ignoring your feelings. Balance is achieved when your thoughts and feelings align and agree with each other. At this point, inner harmony is reached and solutions are found.
Paranoia is not an uncommon condition for a Life Path Number 7, Usually, though, the “Big Brother” you sense is always watching you is nothing more than your own feeling of fear which you have been too afraid to admit to. And what are you afraid of? Poverty is one of the monsters under your bed, and the thought of having to endure scandal and indignity is another. However, your ability to forge master plans, with no detail left to chance, can provide the inner security you need.
However, if your plans become plots and schemes, you place yourself in the vulnerable position of possibly being “caught”. Then, the paranoia starts all over again. There is always some form of intrigue in the life of a Life Path Number 7 because 7 is the number of secrets, conspiracies, and behind-the-scenes activities.
As an individual with a Life Path Number 7, you were never meant to live on the “edge”.
Having a Life Path Number 7, you were never meant to become involved in fast, loud, or chaotic activities or underhanded complicity. Your true potential cannot be realized in cold environments in which others are consumed by envy, aggression, or self sabotage. You need quiet and elegant surroundings in which you can think without interruption, admire quality, and soak up beauty and tranquility. You need calm and quiet, and you need inner peace, so that your remarkable power of intuition can be developed and strengthened. Your intuitive skills give you the ability to “sense” or “feel” your way through any situation, with unexpectedly positive results. Unexpectedly for others, that is. When you learn to master your inner voice – the voice of your feelings – positive results will come as no surprise to you.
Mentre altri rimangono perplessi e confusi di fronte a un particolare problema, con un Sentiero della Vita numero 7 potete trovare la risposta giusta, come per magia, in un lampo intuitivo. Una volta ottenuta la soluzione, il vostro intuito vi condurrà all'interno e all'indietro per mostrarvi come ci siete arrivati. La vostra è la mente indagatrice dell'analista e dello scienziato che non si fermerà finché non avrà ottenuto una risposta esauriente a una domanda.
Having a Life Path Number 7, you are often afraid of your own thought process and of the depths to which you know your mind is capable of going. This means that you are afraid of your spiritualità. And what exactly is your spirit? Spirit is your mind. It is your consciousness. You can become a master of spirituality, if you care to expand upon this potential and incorporate your WILL – the power of your emotions – into your personal equation. 7 is the number of science. 7 Is the number of knowledge and intelligence. Those on the Life Path 7 must learn to accept their emotions as natural. They must move away from the cold detachment which their unaddressed fear creates.
Per alcuni individui con un Sentiero della Vita numero 7, la paura di ciò che potrebbero trovare ha dissuaso le menti più brillanti dal trovare le soluzioni che renderanno questo pianeta vivibile e sicuro. Questo rende l'emozione della paura una sfida che né loro né voi potete più permettervi di ignorare. Non abbiate paura di avere paura. Sentite le vostre paure. Allora sarete in grado di discernere le cose che devono essere temute da quelle che non lo sono. Senza questa comprensione, un Sentiero della Vita 7 può vivere un'intera vita in uno stato di preoccupazione, inquietudine o paranoia.
Come individuo con un Sentiero della Vita numero 7, potete pensare di non essere uno scienziato o di non essere un individuo spirituale, ma non potete negare che amate scavare nella vostra mente per vedere cosa sta cercando di mostrarvi. Ma, oh, quanto odiate e temete l'ordinario e il banale. A volte potete essere un critico crudele e potete danneggiare i sentimenti o persino perdere l'amore o l'amicizia degli altri con la vostra lingua tagliente.
Or, perhaps, you are one of those Life Path Number 7 individuals who does not confront others directly but waits until they are out of earshot before you tear them to shreds. Sorry, 7, but your tendency to criticize is one of your great imperfections. However, this can be rectified. First, you must acknowledge that you are, indeed, extremely critical of those you feel do not meet your high standards and tastes. Then you must realize that your standards and tastes, although perfectly natural for you, are not just higher than average; they are extraordinarily high, lavish, and uncompromising. There is no need to lower your standards because it is your nature to desire and seek perfection in all areas of your life. But you must realize that very few others will ever meet your high expectations, even if they desire to. An understanding of your “differentness” in this regard will help you to curb that critical tongue of yours. It will enable you to replace your inadvertent snobbery with a remarkable dignity and presence which exudes warmth, friendliness, serenity, confidence, intelligence, compassion, and poise. You are at your most beautiful and your most impressive when your knowledge is expressed with a little humility.
With a Life Path Number 7, you never truly understand how other people can accept less than the best, or how they “put up” with situations which, for you, would be intolerable.
Come individuo con un Sentiero della Vita numero 7, le vostre critiche agli altri non li aiuteranno, ma il vostro genuino desiderio di capirli vi farà guadagnare il loro rispetto che, a sua volta, potrebbe creare in loro il desiderio di capire se stessi. Non stupitevi se alcuni individui cercheranno di seguire il vostro esempio e di diventare più simili a voi. Potrà divertirvi o infastidirvi vedere altri che copiano il vostro stile di vita, il vostro aspetto, la vostra espressione o qualsiasi altra cosa che ammirano. Non dimenticate mai che l'imitazione è la più alta forma di adulazione. E potete essere certi che non riusciranno mai a farlo con la stessa misura di perfezione che avete voi, né saranno in grado di mantenere la loro facciata. E quando non riusciranno più a mantenere la finzione, probabilmente vi criticheranno perché siete pretenziosi.
For the Life Path Number 7, you are seeking wisdom on your path and one of the first great wisdoms that Life Path 7 has to offer is this: Do not shoot your mouth off if you are not sure of what you are about to say. Your careless use of words can create havoc in your life. You are extremely intelligent and to be labeled a “know-it-all” or an “ignoramus” would be a devastating affront to your dignity.
Individuals with a Life Path Number 7 enjoy intelligent discussion, but cannot bring themselves to partake of ignorant exchanges. This can leave you conspicuously silent at times, especially in debate or other forms of argument. 7s become introverted, shy, insecure, or boorishly loud and aggressive when they are unsure of themselves. Where there is heavy or unproductive argument, the most intelligent 7s leave it to others to do the shouting and convincing. They will sit quietly, looking very dignified, and appear to be listening. But what they are really doing is escaping from it all and venturing inward to the tranquility of their own minds. Or, they will get up and leave the scene entirely. There is always the element of “loner” in a Life Path Number 7. But when 7s really do know their stuff, not only are debates won, but also the respect of those with whom they were debating – because they have shared their wisdom instead of arguing their point. Yes, you are seeking wisdom on this elegant and slightly eccentric 7 Life Path of yours, but what is the point of amassing so much knowledge if it is not shared with those who need and want it?
With a Life Path Number 7, when you realize how blessed you are within the 7 energy, when you learn something profound from each of your experiences. When you find the courage to share your knowledge, and dreams with others, and when you realize that it’s o.k. to want to be alone and that aloneness does not require you to be lonely, your impressive contribution to life will be recognized by others. You will be sought out for your special knowledge and compensated accordingly. There will always be the mundane and the mediocre; the crude and the rough; the ignorant and the evil, but as long as you accept these “irritations” as part of your reality, without ever compromising your own position, the 7 Life Path can take you wherever you want to go.
Altri numeri del percorso di vita: