Chirone in Cancro - Una ferita profonda di abbandono

La ferita di Chirone in Cancro si è verificata durante l'infanzia nel vostro sistema di relazioni familiari.

Chirone in Cancro
Chirone in Cancro

Se siete un individuo con Chirone in Cancro, la vostra ferita principale si è verificata durante l'infanzia, quando un ambiente familiare minaccioso, insicuro o scomodo vi ha fatto sentire abbandonati e rifiutati.

Con Chirone in Cancro, queste esperienze hanno creato un cambiamento interiore per voi, la casa non si sentiva sicura o protetta.

As an adult, these insecurities cause you to struggle to find where you belong, where to create a home and plant roots. Being unsure of where you belong leads to feeling disconnected from your intuition and instincts.

Per compensare, potreste sacrificare le vostre esigenze personali per far parte di un'organizzazione, relazione, or community. Your deep wound from Chiron in Cancer of abandonment is healed by creating and connecting to the soul of a mother who loves you. The loving mother is in you and accepts the reality of your inherent loveability.

By planting nourishing deep roots of love in your home environment (by knowing love is found within the home and where you rest) you can build a deeper connection to your home as a safe place. The concept of home as a secure and safe place is the foundation that we use to launch ourselves out into the world and return for nourishment, replenishment, and relaxation.

La guarigione della ferita centrale di Chirone in Cancro passa attraverso il recupero del dolore e della perdita.

Forse dovete considerare la perdita di qualcosa che, da neonati, inizialmente non c'era, motivo per cui non l'avete avuta.

Altri requisiti non soddisfatti con Chirone in Cancro might be the security you desired, the love you sought, or the peace you longed for, were never attained. These are only some of the types of loss that you can now take the time to mourn and heal.

With Chiron in Cancer, it is crucial to feel compassion for yourself and the adolescent and child you once were who might have dealt with events and circumstances that were beyond the capacity of your development to handle. You are worthy of being loved and, therefore, you should create a support system right now.

Il lato ombra di Chirone in Cancro può essere nascosto attraverso schemi inconsci e manifestarsi come azioni che scatenano il giudizio sgradito degli altri invece di creare il tipo di vicinanza e comprensione che vorreste ricevere.

Per l'individuo Chirone in Cancro, gli altri potrebbero considerarvi lunatici perché potreste interiorizzare i vostri sentimenti di paura o di incertezza invece di esprimerli.

You may also shut yourself off completely from the world and isolate yourself. You may be overly self-protective or sensitive to life. You may feel completely alone and insignificant.

With Chiron in Cancer, it’s a good idea not to be a hoarder… sell or give away things you don’t want or use any longer. Make your home into a sanctuary. To the extent that you can, make your home a place of relaxation that is reflective of your personal style. Re-visit this process of decluttering every year or more often, for instance during the change of the seasons. The flow of energy is more fluid in spaces that are able to accommodate the flow of energy. Emotions that are depleting hang around areas that are crowded and stagnant. Request assistance from family members as well as friends or even hire an expert housekeeper to help you. Cleaning your home will make you feel more connected to it in a positive way, and can boost your energy.

To start blending great memories with your home, invite guests to come over every month. You can host a potluck or play games, watch films, or even host a book club. A house is a home once it is filled with laughter and love. Hosting friends and family members also helps you keep track and stay accountable for maintaining the cleanliness and order in your home. Join a team, group, or club; create your own group; or go online for ways to meet others. One website I enjoy and frequently use is Explore community message boards at coffee shops or in churches. You can also ask around about ways to meet others with a shared interest or hobby.
