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Sole Leone con Luna Toro e ascendente Gemelli

Sun in Leo with Moon in Taurus and Gemini Rising Personality Traits:With a Leo Sun Taurus Moon, you are stubborn, willful, bold, and determined, you take yourself and your actions very seriously. Normally, you are self-controlled, calm, and sympathetic: in short, a stronghold of common sense and worldly wisdom. But when you are in a […]

Sole Leone con Luna Toro e ascendente Gemelli Leggi tutto "


Sole Leone con Luna Toro e ascendente Toro

Sole in Leone con Luna in Toro e Toro ascendente Tratti della personalità: con un Sole in Leone e una Luna in Toro, siete testardi, volitivi, audaci e determinati, prendete molto sul serio voi stessi e le vostre azioni. Normalmente, siete autocontrollati, calmi e comprensivi: in breve, siete una roccaforte del buon senso e della saggezza del mondo. Ma quando vi trovate in una situazione

Sole Leone con Luna Toro e ascendente Toro Leggi tutto "


Sole in Leone con Luna in Toro e ascendente in Ariete

Sole in Leone con Luna in Toro e Ariete ascendente Tratti della personalità: con un Sole in Leone e una Luna in Toro, siete testardi, volitivi, audaci e determinati, prendete molto sul serio voi stessi e le vostre azioni. Normalmente, siete autocontrollati, calmi e comprensivi: in breve, siete una roccaforte del buon senso e della saggezza del mondo. Ma quando vi trovate in una situazione

Sole in Leone con Luna in Toro e ascendente in Ariete Leggi tutto "


Leo Sun with Aries Moon and Aquarius Rising

Sun in Leo with Moon in Aries and Aquarius Rising Personality Traits:If you have a Leo Sun Aries Moon, when you talk, people usually listen. Confident and aggressive, one of your greatest assets in life is courage: courage to take risks and courage to express your thoughts and feelings honestly and without inhibition.With Leo Sun

Leo Sun with Aries Moon and Aquarius Rising Leggi tutto "


Leo Sun with Aries Moon and Capricorn Rising

Sun in Leo with Moon in Aries and Capricorn Rising Personality Traits:If you have a Leo Sun Aries Moon, when you talk, people usually listen. Confident and aggressive, one of your greatest assets in life is courage: courage to take risks and courage to express your thoughts and feelings honestly and without inhibition.With Leo Sun

Leo Sun with Aries Moon and Capricorn Rising Leggi tutto "


Leo Sun with Aries Moon and Sagittarius Rising

Sun in Leo with Moon in Aries and Sagittarius Rising Personality Traits:If you have a Leo Sun Aries Moon, when you talk, people usually listen. Confident and aggressive, one of your greatest assets in life is courage: courage to take risks and courage to express your thoughts and feelings honestly and without inhibition.With Leo Sun

Leo Sun with Aries Moon and Sagittarius Rising Leggi tutto "


Leo Sun with Aries Moon and Scorpio Rising

Sun in Leo with Moon in Aries and Scorpio Rising Personality Traits:If you have a Leo Sun Aries Moon, when you talk, people usually listen. Confident and aggressive, one of your greatest assets in life is courage: courage to take risks and courage to express your thoughts and feelings honestly and without inhibition.With Leo Sun

Leo Sun with Aries Moon and Scorpio Rising Leggi tutto "
