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Sole Sagittario con Luna Pesci: Il poeta

Sun in Sagittarius with Moon in Pisces Personality Traits:There is a dreamy quality to the Sagittarius Sun Pisces Moon individual. Sometimes you seem to live on a faraway cloud. You are guided almost exclusively by your intuition, somehow knowing who is worthy of your trust and who is not. You also have a remarkable imagination […]

Sole Sagittario con Luna Pesci: Il poeta Leggi tutto "

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Sole Sagittario con Luna Acquario: L'apripista

Sole in Sagittario con Luna in Acquario Tratti della personalità: con un Sole Sagittario e una Luna Acquario, siete affascinanti, magnetici e congeniali, le persone vi cercano perché siete diversi. E se non aveste nient'altro al mondo, potreste almeno contare sulla vostra individualità. Vi piace essere coinvolti con le persone e

Sole Sagittario con Luna Acquario: L'apripista Leggi tutto "

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Sole Sagittario con Luna Capricorno: Il fumetto

Sole in Sagittario con Luna in Capricorno Tratti della personalità: con un Sole in Sagittario e una Luna in Capricorno, siete un Sagittario molto serio e concreto. All'apparenza, potete sembrare spensierati, ottimisti e leggeri, ma sotto questo carattere allegro c'è un individuo molto determinato, profondo e ambizioso. Sebbene siate accorti e pratici, tendete a pensare in modo

Sole Sagittario con Luna Capricorno: Il fumetto Leggi tutto "

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Sole Sagittario con Luna Sagittario: Il professore distratto

Sole in Sagittario con Luna in Sagittario Tratti della personalità: per l'individuo Sole Sagittario Luna Sagittario non esiste una soluzione semplice alla vita. Per voi, filosofi perenni, ogni aspetto dell'esistenza assume proporzioni cosmiche e astratte. La chiarezza di pensiero e l'ispirazione elevata vi elevano al di sopra delle masse e nel regno del re-filosofo.

Sole Sagittario con Luna Sagittario: Il professore distratto Leggi tutto "

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Sole Sagittario con Luna Scorpione: Il crociato

Sole in Sagittario con Luna in Scorpione Tratti della personalità: nella combinazione Sole Sagittario-Luna in Scorpione, l'idealismo, la visione elevata e la spiritualità del Sagittario sono rafforzati da una Luna in Scorpione intensa, determinata e ambiziosa. Avete forti impulsi artistici e di leadership, ma siete anche molto indipendenti e preferite tracciare la vostra strada speciale.

Sole Sagittario con Luna Scorpione: Il crociato Leggi tutto "

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Sole Sagittario con Luna Bilancia: Lo studioso

Sole in Sagittario con Luna in Bilancia Tratti della personalità: nella combinazione Sole Sagittario-Luna Bilancia, il Sagittario di larghe vedute e filosofico si unisce alla Bilancia orientata al sociale, sensibile e fantasiosa. La maggior parte delle persone ti conosce come un idealista gioviale, ottimista, affascinante e ingenuo. Ma c'è anche un lato molto serio nella vostra natura: quello dello studioso-filosofo che

Sole Sagittario con Luna Bilancia: Lo studioso Leggi tutto "

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Sagittarius Sun with Virgo Moon: The Worldly-Wise

Sun in Sagittarius with Moon in Virgo Personality Traits:With a Sagittarius Sun Virgo Moon, there is nothing flip or carefree about you. Much more reserved and down-to-earth than your fellow Sagittarians, you prefer to look before you leap. Your Virgo inner nature gives you an ingrained sense of obligation. You probably had to assume a

Sagittarius Sun with Virgo Moon: The Worldly-Wise Leggi tutto "

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Sagittarius Sun with Leo Moon: The Show-Off

Sun in Sagittarius with Moon in Leo Personality Traits:With a Sagittarius Sun Leo Moon, a Leo Moon stabilizes Sagittarian flightiness and inconsistency. Your enthusiasm is directed to the pursuit of status and leadership, and you set high, far-reaching goals for yourself. You probably feel you are cut out to be a leader, for you knew

Sagittarius Sun with Leo Moon: The Show-Off Leggi tutto "

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Sagittarius Sun with Cancer Moon: The Deep Thinker

Sun in Sagittarius with Moon in Cancer Personality Traits:In the Sagittarius Sun Cancer Moon combination, the adventurous, optimistic, and freedom-loving Sagittarius is joined with the cautious, shrew, and imaginative Cancer Moon. Assured, calm, and sympathetic, you have great depth and perception. Unlike your fellow Sagittarians, you prefer to look before you leap; caution always holds

Sagittarius Sun with Cancer Moon: The Deep Thinker Leggi tutto "

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Sagittarius Sun with Gemini Moon: The Blythe Spirit

Sun in Sagittarius with Moon in Gemini Personality Traits:With a Sagittarius Sun Gemini Moon, no matter how restless, impulsive, adventuresome, and extravagant you may be, somehow you always manage to get by. Cleverness and luck follow you wherever you go, shielding you from perils that anyone else of your capricious nature would helplessly suffer.Having a

Sagittarius Sun with Gemini Moon: The Blythe Spirit Leggi tutto "

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Sagittarius Sun with Taurus Moon: The Guilty Conscience

Sun in Sagittarius with Moon in Taurus Personality Traits:The Sagittarius Sun Taurus Moon combination combines the spiritual and visionary qualities of Sagittarius with the worldly wisdom and practicality of Taurus. You are an individual of great insight and you think in broad, abstract terms. Drawn to the creative and the artistic, you are quite capable

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Sagittarius Sun with Aries Moon: The Tattler

Sun in Sagittarius with Moon in Aries Personality Traits:In “The Emperor’s New Clothes,” the child who pointed out that the Emperor was naked must have been a Sagittarius Sun Aries Moon. No other combination embodies such candid outspokenness. Dynamic, impulsive, and extremely independent, you lack inhibition and have the courage to say exactly what you

Sagittarius Sun with Aries Moon: The Tattler Leggi tutto "

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Scorpio Sun with Pisces Moon: The Sponge

Sun in Scorpio with Moon in Pisces Personality Traits:Having a Scorpio Sun Pisces Moon, you are sensitive, impressionable, and highly intuitive. You perceive things others never could. Conscientious to an extreme, no one ever has to tell you the difference between right or wrong: You know instinctively. Compassion rules your actions, and no matter how

Scorpio Sun with Pisces Moon: The Sponge Leggi tutto "

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Scorpio Sun with Aquarius Moon: The Guru

Sun in Scorpio with Moon in Aquarius Personality Traits:With a Scorpio Sun Aquarius Moon, you are shrewd, charming, and congenial. You know how to cajole, befriend, and manipulate. You have an intuitive understanding and awareness of others which assist you in your material aspirations. People are attracted to your nonchalant, somewhat offbeat, and irreverent manner.

Scorpio Sun with Aquarius Moon: The Guru Leggi tutto "

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Sole Scorpione con Luna Capricorno: Il cercatore di potere

Sun in Scorpio with Moon in Capricorn Personality Traits:Having a Scorpio Sun Capricorn Moon, there is something of the devil in your soul. Shrewd, calculating, intense (and somewhat manipulative), you take yourself and your actions very seriously. No matter how charming and warmhearted you seem on the surface, you basically have only one aim in

Sole Scorpione con Luna Capricorno: Il cercatore di potere Leggi tutto "

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