Donna Capricorno

The terrestrial goat or the mountain goat is the animal that represents the tenth sign of the zodiac. A Capricorn woman may be working at an office today or partying at a disco tonight but will still give it her all tomorrow. This person likes to climb upwards and has high ambition in life, but is needing of self-esteem and love as well as security in life. She has a lot of patience and is responsible socially and is a caring person towards other people.

This woman will be supportive, loving and caring towards friends and will help them if they reach a difficult part in their lives; she makes for an excellent friend. This woman takes time to fall in love, but she is understanding and caring towards her partner. She will stay in the relazione until the end once she does fall in love. The Capricorn woman may be dominating in any romantic relationship she has and she likes to be the decision maker in the partnership. She makes decisions in life and love that may not be agreed with by her other half.

She takes full responsibility for all areas of her own life and she can finish tasks efficiently and on time. She will try to reach the highest levels of success and takes work as a serious matter. Her professional life can bring harm to her private life as she may press too hard at work. She doesn’t do as well as others in groups or a team. The Capricorn woman can be hard to approach and will seem aloof. She can also brood for days due to her mood fluctuations. She is reserved so she will keep few close friends and she doesn’t want to talk with people she doesn’t know. Others will see this woman as one that they can’t approach or love with ease.

Though she may not show it, this woman cares a great deal about love. Deep in her inner core, she is an extravagant romantic, but she is very private, restrained, and aloof. Some women are content to leave love to fate, but Capricorn woman takes a hand in determining her own fate. She is discriminating in her choice of men, the least likely of the zodiac signs to fall in love at first sight. She has no time to waste in silly flirtation; love is a serious matter to her. If a man doesn’t measure up, she wants him out of her way. If a man does interest her, she will watch him from an emotional distance before moving closer. She takes the time to get to know him and considers carefully the consequences of her involvement. Like all earth signs (Toro, Virgo, Capricorn), she has a deep-rooted sensuality that flowers only when she feels safe and secure.

To a Capricorn woman, happiness in love is crucial. She wants someone who will cherish and understand her, who will not rob her of her self-sufficiency or ask her to relinquish control of her life and goals. But she is a realist and knows how hard he is to find. She will not put her neck into any man’s yoke. A Capricorn woman may appear shy or submissive, but she is like a rubber ball: You can push a dent into it, but the ball always springs back to its original shape. She is self-disciplined; she has a clear mind, a common sense approach. She is a most womanly woman, a lady with “class.” Typical examples of Capricorn females are Marlene Dietrich, Maggie Smith, Ava Gardner, Faye Dunaway, Mary Tyler Moore—all intensely feminine, yet with a reserve of inner strength.

If you have your mind set on winning a Capricorn beauty, you’d better prepare for a long siege. She is not easy to win. She expects to be pursued, wooed, and put into the mood. No Don Juan can leap into her bed and leap out again. If a man lets the issue of sex become a contest of wills, he is a good bet to lose. In a head-to-head contest this woman could wear down a glacier. She sometimes becomes involved with men who are younger than she is. One reason is that she wants to dominate in the male-female relationship. On a date, she will often try to dictate the terms. She’ll pick the restaurant and the kind of entertainment and arrange for tickets. If you begin living together, she will handle the division of household chores.

Capricorn women are not particularly lucky in love. Perhaps they demand too much, perhaps they’re too involved with a career to inspire the kind of love and devotion they want, or perhaps the men they choose tend to be too inexperienced or naive. Whatever the reason, it’s too bad because Capricorn women, in addition to their sexuality, have many practical virtues. They are loyal, dependable, excellent at handling money, canny about people. They are very helpful to a mate and will stand by him when the going is toughest. All a Capricorn woman asks in return is to share in the spoils when the battle is won. Her passions run deep, and so does her impact.

Long after transitory affairs have run their courses, this smoldering siren will hold her place in a man’s affections. Cherish her, honor her, love her, and respect her. She’ll pay you back in the richest coin of the realm, the kind of loving relationship that lasts.